The Inbox: Morphic-ct.1773.mcz

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The Inbox: Morphic-ct.1773.mcz

A new version of Morphic was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Morphic-ct.1773
Author: ct
Time: 15 June 2021, 4:00:56.918222 pm
UUID: ba7ea6ab-c067-de4a-8f66-ce6a218d4ae5
Ancestors: Morphic-mt.1771

Complements System-ct.1236.

=============== Diff against Morphic-mt.1771 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SystemWindow class>>windowsIn:satisfying: (in category 'top window') -----
+ windowsIn: aWorldOrNil satisfying: windowBlock
- windowsIn: aWorld satisfying: windowBlock
  | windows |
  windows := OrderedCollection new.
+ aWorldOrNil ifNil: [^windows]. "opening MVC in Morphic - WOW!!"
+ aWorldOrNil submorphs do:
- aWorld ifNil: [^windows]. "opening MVC in Morphic - WOW!!"
- aWorld submorphs do:
  [:m | | s |
  ((m isSystemWindow) and: [windowBlock value: m])
  ifTrue: [windows addLast: m]
  ifFalse: [((m isKindOf: TransformationMorph) and: [m submorphs size = 1])
  ifTrue: [s := m firstSubmorph.
  ((s isSystemWindow) and: [windowBlock value: s])
  ifTrue: [windows addLast: s]]]].
  ^ windows!