The Inbox: MorphicExtras-ct.264.mcz

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The Inbox: MorphicExtras-ct.264.mcz

A new version of MorphicExtras was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: MorphicExtras-ct.264
Author: ct
Time: 21 September 2019, 4:29:30.797719 pm
UUID: 2cd520ce-9476-bb42-9bbb-7c4e0b62b361
Ancestors: MorphicExtras-mt.263

Update a comment in Flaps

=============== Diff against MorphicExtras-mt.263 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Flaps class>>newPaintingFlap (in category 'predefined flaps') -----
  "Add a flap with the paint palette in it"
  | aFlap aFlapTab  |
+ "Flaps reinstateDefaultFlaps. Flaps newPaintingFlap"
- "Flaps reinstateDefaultFlaps. Flaps addPaintingFlap"
  aFlap := PasteUpMorph new borderWidth: 0.
  aFlap color: Color transparent.
  aFlap layoutPolicy: TableLayout new.
  aFlap hResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  aFlap vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  aFlap cellPositioning: #topLeft.
  aFlap clipSubmorphs: false.
  aFlap beSticky. "really?!!"
  aFlap addMorphFront: PaintBoxMorph new.
  aFlap setProperty: #flap toValue: true.
  aFlap fullBounds. "force layout"
  aFlapTab := FlapTab new referent: aFlap.
  aFlapTab setNameTo: 'Painting' translated.
  aFlapTab setProperty: #priorWording toValue: 'Paint' translated.
  aFlapTab useGraphicalTab.
  aFlapTab removeAllMorphs.
  aFlapTab setProperty: #paintingFlap toValue: true.
  aFlapTab addMorphFront:
  "(SketchMorph withForm: (ScriptingSystem formAtKey: #PaintingFlapPic))"
  self paintFlapButton.
  aFlapTab cornerStyle: #rounded.
  aFlapTab edgeToAdhereTo: #right.
  aFlapTab setToPopOutOnDragOver: false.
  aFlapTab setToPopOutOnMouseOver: false.
  aFlapTab on: #mouseUp send: #startOrFinishDrawing: to: aFlapTab.
  aFlapTab setBalloonText:'Click here to start or finish painting.' translated.
  aFlapTab fullBounds. "force layout"
  aFlapTab position: (0@6).
  self currentWorld addMorphFront: aFlapTab.  
  ^ aFlapTab!