The Inbox: Multilingual-ul.209.mcz

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The Inbox: Multilingual-ul.209.mcz

A new version of Multilingual was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Multilingual-ul.209
Author: ul
Time: 1 May 2015, 7:48:22.654 pm
UUID: 966caead-fd54-4687-9369-3580c258e5db
Ancestors: Multilingual-ul.208

Refactored unicode data parsing.
Case conversion (ToUpper and ToLower) is parsed from UnicodeData.txt instead of CaseFolding.txt.
Reinitialize both CaseFolding and CompositionMapping in the postscript.

=============== Diff against Multilingual-ul.206 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Unicode class>>caseFoldingData (in category 'casing') -----
+ caseFoldingData
+ UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
+ | stream |
+ bar value: 'Downloading CaseFolding Unicode data'.
+ stream := HTTPClient httpGet: ''.
+ (stream isKindOf: RWBinaryOrTextStream) ifFalse: [
+ ^self error: 'Download failed' ].
+ ^stream reset; contents ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Unicode class>>initializeCaseFolding (in category 'casing') -----
+ initializeCaseFolding
+ " self initializeCaseFolding "
+ self parseCaseFoldingFrom: self caseFoldingData!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Unicode class>>initializeCaseMappings (in category 'casing') -----
- initializeCaseMappings
- "Unicode initializeCaseMappings"
- ToCasefold := IdentityDictionary new.
- ToUpper := IdentityDictionary new.
- ToLower := IdentityDictionary new.
- UIManager default informUserDuring: [:bar|
- | stream |
- bar value: 'Downloading Unicode data'.
- stream := HTTPClient httpGet: ''.
- (stream isKindOf: RWBinaryOrTextStream) ifFalse:[^self error: 'Download failed'].
- stream reset.
- bar value: 'Updating Case Mappings'.
- self parseCaseMappingFrom: stream.
- ].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Unicode class>>initializeCompositionMappings (in category 'composing') -----
+ " self initializeCompositionMappings "
+ self parseCompositionMappingFrom: self unicodeData!
- "Unicode initializeCompositionMappings"
- Compositions := IdentityDictionary new.
- Decompositions := IdentityDictionary new.
- UIManager default informUserDuring:[:bar|
- | stream |
- bar value: 'Downloading Unicode data'.
- stream := HTTPClient httpGet: ''.
- (stream isKindOf: RWBinaryOrTextStream) ifFalse:[^self error: 'Download failed'].
- stream reset.
- bar value: 'Updating Composition Mappings'.
- self parseCompositionMappingFrom: stream.
- ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Unicode class>>parseCaseFoldingFrom: (in category 'casing') -----
+ parseCaseFoldingFrom: caseFoldingData
+ "Parse the Unicode casing mappings from the given string."
+ | newToCasefold |
+ newToCasefold := PluggableDictionary integerDictionary.
+ "Filter the mappings (Simple and Common) to newToCasefold."
+ caseFoldingData linesDo: [ :line |
+ | lineWithoutComment fields sourceCode destinationCode |
+ lineWithoutComment := line copyUpTo: $#.
+ fields := lineWithoutComment findTokens: '; '.
+ (fields size > 2 and: [ #('C' 'S') includes: (fields at: 2) ]) ifTrue: [
+ sourceCode := Integer readFrom: (fields at: 1) base: 16.
+ destinationCode := Integer readFrom: (fields at: 3) base: 16.
+ newToCasefold at: sourceCode put: destinationCode ] ].
+ "Compact and save."
+ ToCasefold := newToCasefold compact
+ !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Unicode class>>parseCaseMappingFrom: (in category 'casing') -----
- parseCaseMappingFrom: stream
- "Parse the Unicode casing mappings from the given stream.
- Handle only the simple mappings"
- "
- Unicode initializeCaseMappings.
- "
- ToCasefold := IdentityDictionary new: 2048.
- ToUpper := IdentityDictionary new: 2048.
- ToLower := IdentityDictionary new: 2048.
- [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
- | fields line srcCode dstCode |
- line := stream nextLine copyUpTo: $#.
- fields := line withBlanksTrimmed findTokens: $;.
- (fields size > 2 and: [#('C' 'S') includes: (fields at: 2) withBlanksTrimmed]) ifTrue:[
- srcCode := Integer readFrom: (fields at: 1) withBlanksTrimmed base: 16.
- dstCode := Integer readFrom: (fields at: 3) withBlanksTrimmed base: 16.
- ToCasefold at: srcCode put: dstCode.
- ].
- ].
- ToCasefold keysAndValuesDo:
- [:k :v |
- (self isUppercaseCode: k)
- ifTrue:
- ["In most cases, uppercase letter are folded to lower case"
- ToUpper at: v put: k.
- ToLower at: k put: v].
- (self isLowercaseCode: k)
- ifTrue:
- ["In a few cases, two upper case letters are folded to the same lower case.
- We must find an upper case letter folded to the same letter"
- | up |
- up := ToCasefold keys detect: [:e | (self isUppercaseCode: e) and: [(ToCasefold at: e) = v]] ifNone: [nil].
- up ifNotNil: [ToUpper at: k put: up]]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Unicode class>>parseCompositionMappingFrom: (in category 'composing') -----
+ parseCompositionMappingFrom: unicodeData
- parseCompositionMappingFrom: stream
  "Parse the Unicode composition mappings from the given stream"
  Unicode initializeCompositionMappings.
+ | newCompositions newDecompositions newToUpper newToLower toNumber |
- | toNumber fields codePoint decomposed baseChar compChar line |
  toNumber := [:quad | quad inject: 0 into:[:sum :ch| sum * 16 + ch digitValue]].
+ newCompositions := PluggableDictionary integerDictionary.
+ newDecompositions := PluggableDictionary integerDictionary.
+ newToUpper := PluggableDictionary integerDictionary.
+ newToLower := PluggableDictionary integerDictionary.
- Compositions := IdentityDictionary new: 2048.
- Decompositions := IdentityDictionary new: 2048.
+ unicodeData linesDo: [ :line |
+ | fields |
+ (fields := line splitBy: ';') size > 13 ifTrue: [
+ | codePoint lowercaseCodePoint uppercaseCodePoint decomposed baseChar compChar |
- [stream atEnd] whileFalse:[
- line := (stream nextLine copyUpTo: $#) withBlanksTrimmed readStream.
- fields := Array streamContents:[:s|[line atEnd] whileFalse:[s nextPut: (line upTo: $;)]].
- fields size > 6 ifTrue:[
  codePoint := toNumber value: (fields at: 1).
+ uppercaseCodePoint := (fields at: 13) ifEmpty: [ codePoint ] ifNotEmpty: toNumber.
+ codePoint = uppercaseCodePoint ifFalse: [ newToUpper at: codePoint put: uppercaseCodePoint ].
+ lowercaseCodePoint := (fields at: 14) ifEmpty: [ codePoint ] ifNotEmpty: toNumber.
+ codePoint = lowercaseCodePoint ifFalse: [ newToLower at: codePoint put: lowercaseCodePoint ].
  decomposed := (fields at: 6) findTokens: ' '.
  (decomposed size = 2 and:[decomposed first first ~= $<]) ifTrue:[
+ decomposed replace: toNumber.
- decomposed := decomposed collect: toNumber.
  baseChar := decomposed first. "base character"
  compChar := decomposed second. "composition character"
+ newDecompositions at: codePoint put: { baseChar. compChar }.
+ (newCompositions at: baseChar ifAbsentPut: [  PluggableDictionary integerDictionary ])
+ at: compChar put: codePoint ] ] ].
+ "Compact the new dictionaries."
+ newCompositions compact.
+ newCompositions valuesDo: [ :each | each compact ].
+ newDecompositions compact.
+ newToUpper compact.
+ newToLower compact.
+ "Save atomically."
+ Compositions := newCompositions.
+ Decompositions := newDecompositions.
+ ToUpper := newToUpper.
+ ToLower := newToLower.
- Decompositions at: codePoint put: (Array with: baseChar with: compChar).
- (Compositions at: baseChar ifAbsentPut:[IdentityDictionary new])
- at: compChar put: codePoint.
- ].
- ].
- ].

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Unicode class>>unicodeData (in category 'composing') -----
+ unicodeData
+ UIManager default informUserDuring: [ :bar |
+ | stream |
+ bar value: 'Downloading Unicode data'.
+ stream := HTTPClient httpGet: ''.
+ (stream isKindOf: RWBinaryOrTextStream) ifFalse: [
+ ^self error: 'Download failed' ].
+ ^stream reset; contents ]!

Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Multilingual') postscript: 'Unicode
+ initializeCaseFolding;
+ initializeCompositionMappings'!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Multilingual') postscript: '"Remove CrLfFileStream from the startupList"
- (Smalltalk classNamed: ''CrLfFileStream'') ifNotNil: [ :class |
- Smalltalk removeFromStartUpList: class ].
- "Ensure toLower et al work on WideStrings"
- Unicode
- initialize;
- initializeCaseMappings.
- '!