Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Regex-Tests-Core to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Regex-Tests-Core-ul.1.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Regex-Tests-Core-ul.1 Author: ul Time: 12 August 2015, 10:43:52.346 pm UUID: 2538aebb-3e78-4bb8-ad6f-2b0df63e564b Ancestors: - tests from Pharo ==================== Snapshot ==================== SystemOrganization addCategory: #'Regex-Tests-Core'! TestCase subclass: #RxMatcherTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Regex-Tests-Core'! !RxMatcherTest commentStamp: 'Tbn 11/12/2010 22:31' prior: 0! This class provides tests for the regular expression matcher.! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest class>>packageNamesUnderTest (in category 'accessing') ----- packageNamesUnderTest ^ #('VB-Regex')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>compileRegex: (in category 'utilties') ----- compileRegex: aString "Compile the regex and answer the matcher, or answer nil if compilation fails." | syntaxTree | syntaxTree := RxParser safelyParse: aString. ^ syntaxTree isNil ifFalse: [ self matcherClass for: syntaxTree ]! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>henryReadme (in category 'testing-henry') ----- henryReadme self error: 'The tests in this category are based on the ones in Henry Spencer''s regexp.c package.'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>matcherClass (in category 'accessing') ----- matcherClass ^ RxMatcher! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>runMatcher:with:expect:withSubexpressions: (in category 'utilties') ----- runMatcher: aMatcher with: aString expect: aBoolean withSubexpressions: anArray | copy got | copy := aMatcher copy: aString translatingMatchesUsing: [ :each | each ]. self assert: copy = aString description: 'Copying: expected ' , aString printString , ', but got ' , copy printString. got := aMatcher search: aString. self assert: got = aBoolean description: 'Searching: expected ' , aBoolean printString , ', but got ' , got printString. (anArray isNil or: [ aMatcher supportsSubexpressions not ]) ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. 1 to: anArray size by: 2 do: [ :index | | sub subExpect subGot | sub := anArray at: index. subExpect := anArray at: index + 1. subGot := aMatcher subexpression: sub. self assert: subExpect = subGot description: 'Subexpression ' , sub printString , ': expected ' , subExpect printString , ', but got ' , subGot printString ]! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>runRegex: (in category 'utilties') ----- runRegex: anArray "Run a clause anArray against a set of tests. Each clause is an array with a regex source string followed by sequence of 3-tuples. Each three-element group is one test to try against the regex, and includes: 1) test string; 2) expected result; 3) expected subexpression as an array of (index, substring), or nil." | source matcher | source := anArray first. matcher := self compileRegex: source. matcher isNil ifTrue: [ (anArray at: 2) isNil ifFalse: [ self signalFailure: 'Compilation failed, should have succeeded: ' , source printString ] ] ifFalse: [ (anArray at: 2) isNil ifTrue: [ self signalFailure: 'Compilation succeeded, should have failed: ' , source printString ] ifFalse: [ 2 to: anArray size by: 3 do: [ :index | self runMatcher: matcher with: (anArray at: index) expect: (anArray at: index + 1) withSubexpressions: (anArray at: index + 2) ] ] ]! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testCaseInsensitive (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testCaseInsensitive | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: 'the quick brown fox' ignoreCase: true. self assert: (matcher search: 'the quick brown fox'). self assert: (matcher search: 'The quick brown FOX'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about the quick brown fox?'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testCaseSensitive (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testCaseSensitive | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: 'the quick brown fox' ignoreCase: false. self assert: (matcher search: 'the quick brown fox'). self deny: (matcher search: 'The quick brown FOX'). self assert: (matcher search: 'What do you know about the quick brown fox?'). self deny: (matcher search: 'What do you know about THE QUICK BROWN FOX?')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testCopyReplacingMatches (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testCopyReplacingMatches "See that the match context is preserved while copying stuff between matches:" | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\<\d\D+'. self assert: (matcher copy: '9aaa1bbb 8ccc' replacingMatchesWith: 'foo') = 'foo1bbb foo'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testCopyTranslatingMatches (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testCopyTranslatingMatches | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'now is the time ' translatingMatchesUsing: [ :each | each reversed ]) = 'won si eht emit '! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfLine (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfLine | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '^'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo1 bar1' , String cr , 'foo2 bar2' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = ('*foo1 bar1' , String cr , '*foo2 bar2') description: 'An empty string at the beginning of a line'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfWord (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringAtBeginningOfWord | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\<'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = '*foo *bar' description: 'An empty string at the beginning of a word'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringAtEndOfLine (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringAtEndOfLine | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '$'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo1 bar1' , String cr , 'foo2 bar2' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = ('foo1 bar1*', String cr , 'foo2 bar2*') description: 'An empty string at the end of a line'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringAtEndOfWord (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringAtEndOfWord | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\>'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = 'foo* bar*' description: 'An empty string at the end of a word'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringAtWordBoundary (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringAtWordBoundary | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\b'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = '*foo* *bar*' description: 'An empty string at a word boundary'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testEmptyStringNotAtWordBoundary (in category 'testing-empty') ----- testEmptyStringNotAtWordBoundary | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\B'. self assert: (matcher copy: 'foo bar' replacingMatchesWith: '*') = 'f*o*o b*a*r' description: 'An empty string not at a word boundary'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry001 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry001 self runRegex: #('abc' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'xbc' false nil 'axc' false nil 'abx' false nil 'xabcy' true (1 'abc') 'ababc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry002 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry002 self runRegex: #('ab*c' 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry003 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry003 self runRegex: #('ab*bc' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abbbbc' true (1 'abbbbc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry004 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry004 self runRegex: #('ab+bc' 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abc' false nil 'abq' false nil 'abbbbc' true (1 'abbbbc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry005 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry005 self runRegex: #('ab?bc' 'abbc' true (1 'abbc') 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abbbbc' false nil 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry006 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry006 self runRegex: #('^abc$' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'abcc' false nil 'aabc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry007 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry007 self runRegex: #('^abc' 'abcc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry008 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry008 self runRegex: #('abc$' 'aabc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry009 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry009 self runRegex: #('^' 'abc' true nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry010 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry010 self runRegex: #('$' 'abc' true nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry011 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry011 self runRegex: #('a.c' 'abc' true (1 'abc') 'axc' true (1 'axc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry012 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry012 "Need to get creative to include the null character..." self runRegex: #('a.*c' 'axyzc' true (1 'axyzc') 'axy zc' true (1 'axy zc') "testing that a dot matches a space" ), (Array with: 'axy', (String with: 0 asCharacter), 'zc'), #(false nil "testing that a dot does not match a null" 'axyzd' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry013 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry013 self runRegex: #('.a.*' '1234abc' true (1 '4abc') 'abcd' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry014 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry014 self runRegex: #('a\w+c' ' abbbbc ' true (1 'abbbbc') 'abb bc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry015 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry015 self runRegex: #('\w+' ' foobar quux' true (1 'foobar') ' ~!!@#$%^&*()-+=\|/?.>,<' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry016 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry016 self runRegex: #('a\W+c' 'a c' true (1 'a c') 'a bc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry017 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry017 self runRegex: #('\W+' 'foo!!@#$bar' true (1 '!!@#$') 'foobar' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry018 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry018 self runRegex: #('a\s*c' 'a c' true (1 'a c') 'a bc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry019 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry019 self runRegex: #('\s+' 'abc3457 sd' true (1 ' ') '1234$^*^&asdfb' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry020 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry020 self runRegex: #('a\S*c' 'aqwertyc' true (1 'aqwertyc') 'ab c' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry021 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry021 self runRegex: #('\S+' ' asdf ' true (1 'asdf') ' ' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry022 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry022 self runRegex: #('a\d+c' 'a0123456789c' true (1 'a0123456789c') 'a12b34c' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry023 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry023 self runRegex: #('\d+' 'foo@#$%123ASD #$$%^&' true (1 '123') 'foo!!@#$asdfl;' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry024 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry024 self runRegex: #('a\D+c' 'aqwertyc' true (1 'aqwertyc') 'aqw6ertc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry025 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry025 self runRegex: #('\D+' '1234 abc 456' true (1 ' abc ') '1234567890' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry026 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry026 self runRegex: #('(f|o)+\b' 'foo' true (1 'foo') ' foo ' true (1 'foo'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry027 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry027 self runRegex: #('\ba\w+' "a word beginning with an A" 'land ancient' true (1 'ancient') 'antique vase' true (1 'antique') 'goofy foobar' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry028 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry028 self runRegex: #('(f|o)+\B' 'quuxfoobar' true (1 'foo') 'quuxfoo ' true (1 'fo'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry029 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry029 self runRegex: #('\Ba\w+' "a word with an A in the middle, match at A and further" 'land ancient' true (1 'and') 'antique vase' true (1 'ase') 'smalltalk shall overcome' true (1 'alltalk') 'foonix is better' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry030 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry030 self runRegex: #('fooa\>.*' 'fooa ' true nil 'fooa123' false nil 'fooa bar' true nil 'fooa' true nil 'fooargh' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry031 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry031 self runRegex: #('\>.+abc' ' abcde fg' false nil 'foo abcde' true (1 ' abc') 'abcde' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry032 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry032 self runRegex: #('\<foo.*' 'foo' true nil 'foobar' true nil 'qfoobarq foonix' true (1 'foonix') ' foo' true nil ' 12foo' false nil 'barfoo' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry033 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry033 self runRegex: #('.+\<foo' 'foo' false nil 'ab foo' true (1 'ab foo') 'abfoo' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry034 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry034 self runRegex: #('a[bc]d' 'abc' false nil 'abd' true (1 'abd'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry035 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry035 self runRegex: #('a[b-d]e' 'abd' false nil 'ace' true (1 'ace'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry036 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry036 self runRegex: #('a[b-d]' 'aac' true (1 'ac'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry037 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry037 self runRegex: #('a[-b]' 'a-' true (1 'a-'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry038 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry038 self runRegex: #('a[b-]' 'a-' true (1 'a-'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry039 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry039 self runRegex: #('a[a-b-c]' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry040 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry040 self runRegex: #('[k]' 'ab' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry041 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry041 self runRegex: #('a[b-a]' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry042 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry042 self runRegex: #('a[]b' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry043 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry043 self runRegex: #('a[' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry044 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry044 self runRegex: #('a]' 'a]' true (1 'a]'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry045 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry045 self runRegex: #('a[]]b' 'a]b' true (1 'a]b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry046 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry046 self runRegex: #('a[^bc]d' 'aed' true (1 'aed') 'abd' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry047 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry047 self runRegex: #('a[^-b]c' 'adc' true (1 'adc') 'a-c' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry048 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry048 self runRegex: #('a[^]b]c' 'a]c' false nil 'adc' true (1 'adc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry049 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry049 self runRegex: #('[\de]+' '01234' true (1 '01234') '0123e456' true (1 '0123e456') '0123e45g78' true (1 '0123e45'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry050 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry050 self runRegex: #('[e\d]+' "reversal of the above, should be the same" '01234' true (1 '01234') '0123e456' true (1 '0123e456') '0123e45g78' true (1 '0123e45'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry051 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry051 self runRegex: #('[\D]+' '123abc45def78' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry052 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry052 self runRegex: #('[[:digit:]e]+' '01234' true (1 '01234') '0123e456' true (1 '0123e456') '0123e45g78' true (1 '0123e45'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry053 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry053 self runRegex: #('[\s]+' '2 spaces' true (1 ' '))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry054 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry054 self runRegex: #('[\S]+' ' word12!!@#$ ' true (1 'word12!!@#$'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry055 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry055 self runRegex: #('[\w]+' ' foo123bar 45' true (1 'foo123bar'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry056 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry056 self runRegex: #('[\W]+' 'fii234!!@#$34f' true (1 '!!@#$'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry057 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry057 self runRegex: #('[^[:alnum:]]+' 'fii234!!@#$34f' true (1 '!!@#$'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry058 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry058 self runRegex: #('[%&[:alnum:]]+' 'foo%3' true (1 'foo%3') 'foo34&rt4$57a' true (1 'foo34&rt4') '!!@#$' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry059 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry059 self runRegex: #('[[:alpha:]]+' ' 123foo3 ' true (1 'foo') '123foo' true (1 'foo') 'foo1b' true (1 'foo'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry060 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry060 self runRegex: #('[[:cntrl:]]+' ' a 1234asdf' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry061 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry061 self runRegex: #('[[:lower:]]+' 'UPPERlower1234' true (1 'lower') 'lowerUPPER' true (1 'lower'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry062 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry062 self runRegex: #('[[:upper:]]+' 'UPPERlower1234' true (1 'UPPER') 'lowerUPPER ' true (1 'UPPER'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry063 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry063 self runRegex: #('[[:space:]]+' '2 spaces' true (1 ' '))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry064 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry064 self runRegex: #('[^[:space:]]+' ' word12!!@#$ ' true (1 'word12!!@#$'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry065 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry065 self runRegex: #('[[:graph:]]+' 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry066 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry066 self runRegex: #('[[:print:]]+' 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry067 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry067 self runRegex: #('[^[:punct:]]+' '!!hello,world!!' true (1 'hello'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry068 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry068 self runRegex: #('[[:xdigit:]]+' ' x10FCD ' true (1 '10FCD') ' hgfedcba0123456789ABCDEFGH ' true (1 'fedcba0123456789ABCDEF'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry069 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry069 self runRegex: #('ab|cd' 'abc' true (1 'ab') 'abcd' true (1 'ab'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry070 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry070 self runRegex: #('()ef' 'def' true (1 'ef' 2 ''))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry071 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry071 self runRegex: #('()*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry072 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry072 self runRegex: #('*a' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry073 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry073 self runRegex: #('^*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry074 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry074 self runRegex: #('$*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry075 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry075 self runRegex: #('(*)b' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry076 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry076 self runRegex: #('$b' 'b' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry077 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry077 self runRegex: #('a\' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry078 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry078 self runRegex: #('a\(b' 'a(b' true (1 'a(b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry079 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry079 self runRegex: #('a\(*b' 'ab' true (1 'ab') 'a((b' true (1 'a((b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry080 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry080 self runRegex: #('a\\b' 'a\b' true (1 'a\b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry081 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry081 self runRegex: #('abc)' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry082 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry082 self runRegex: #('(abc' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry083 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry083 self runRegex: #('((a))' 'abc' true (1 'a' 2 'a' 3 'a'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry084 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry084 self runRegex: #('(a)b(c)' 'abc' true (1 'abc' 2 'a' 3 'c'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry085 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry085 self runRegex: #('a+b+c' 'aabbabc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry086 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry086 self runRegex: #('a**' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry087 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry087 self runRegex: #('a*?' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry088 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry088 self runRegex: #('(a*)*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry089 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry089 self runRegex: #('(a*)+' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry090 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry090 self runRegex: #('(a|)*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry091 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry091 self runRegex: #('(a*|b)*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry092 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry092 self runRegex: #('(a+|b)*' 'ab' true (1 'ab' 2 'b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry093 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry093 self runRegex: #('(a+|b)+' 'ab' true (1 'ab' 2 'b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry094 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry094 self runRegex: #('(a+|b)?' 'ab' true (1 'a' 2 'a'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry095 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry095 self runRegex: #('[^ab]*' 'cde' true (1 'cde'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry096 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry096 self runRegex: #('(^)*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry097 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry097 self runRegex: #('(ab|)*' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry098 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry098 self runRegex: #(')(' nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry099 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry099 self runRegex: #('' 'abc' true (1 ''))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry100 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry100 self runRegex: #('abc' '' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry101 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry101 self runRegex: #('a*' '' true '')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry102 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry102 self runRegex: #('abcd' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry103 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry103 self runRegex: #('a(bc)d' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 2 'bc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry104 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry104 self runRegex: #('([abc])*d' 'abbbcd' true (1 'abbbcd' 2 'c'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry105 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry105 self runRegex: #('([abc])*bcd' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 2 'a'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry106 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry106 self runRegex: #('a|b|c|d|e' 'e' true (1 'e'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry107 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry107 self runRegex: #('(a|b|c|d|e)f' 'ef' true (1 'ef' 2 'e')) " ((a*|b))* - c - -"! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry108 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry108 self runRegex: #('abcd*efg' 'abcdefg' true (1 'abcdefg'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry109 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry109 self runRegex: #('ab*' 'xabyabbbz' true (1 'ab') 'xayabbbz' true (1 'a'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry110 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry110 self runRegex: #('(ab|cd)e' 'abcde' true (1 'cde' 2 'cd'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry111 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry111 self runRegex: #('[abhgefdc]ij' 'hij' true (1 'hij'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry112 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry112 self runRegex: #('^(ab|cd)e' 'abcde' false nil) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry113 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry113 self runRegex: #('(abc|)def' 'abcdef' true nil) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry114 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry114 self runRegex: #('(a|b)c*d' 'abcd' true (1 'bcd' 2 'b')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry115 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry115 self runRegex: #('(ab|ab*)bc' 'abc' true (1 'abc' 2 'a')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry116 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry116 self runRegex: #('a([bc]*)c*' 'abc' true (1 'abc' 2 'bc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry117 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry117 self runRegex: #('a([bc]*)(c*d)' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 2 'bc' 3 'd')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry118 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry118 self runRegex: #('a([bc]+)(c*d)' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 2 'bc' 3 'd')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry119 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry119 self runRegex: #('a([bc]*)(c+d)' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 2 'b' 3 'cd')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry120 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry120 self runRegex: #('a[bcd]*dcdcde' 'adcdcde' true (1 'adcdcde')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry121 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry121 self runRegex: #('a[bcd]+dcdcde' 'adcdcde' false nil) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry122 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry122 self runRegex: #('(ab|a)b*c' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry123 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry123 self runRegex: #('((a)(b)c)(d)' 'abcd' true (1 'abcd' 3 'a' 4 'b' 5 'd')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry124 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry124 self runRegex: #('[ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry125 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry125 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry126 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry126 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry127 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry127 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry128 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry128 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry129 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry129 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry130 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry130 self runRegex: #('[ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~]*' 'abc' true (1 'abc')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry131 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry131 self runRegex: #('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*' 'alpha' true (1 'alpha')) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry132 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry132 self runRegex: #('^a(bc+|b[eh])g|.h$' 'abh' true (1 'bh' 2 nil)) ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry133 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry133 self runRegex: #('(bc+d$|ef*g.|h?i(j|k))' 'effgz' true (1 'effgz' 2 'effgz' 3 nil) 'ij' true (1 'ij' 2 'ij' 3 'j') 'effg' false nil 'bcdd' false nil 'reffgz' true (1 'effgz' 2 'effgz' 3 nil))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry134 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry134 self runRegex: #('(((((((((a)))))))))' 'a' true (1 'a'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry135 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry135 self runRegex: #('multiple words of text' 'uh-uh' false nil 'multiple words of text, yeah' true (1 'multiple words of text'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry136 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry136 self runRegex: #('(.*)c(.*)' 'abcde' true (1 'abcde' 2 'ab' 3 'de'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testHenry137 (in category 'testing-henry') ----- testHenry137 self runRegex: #('\((.*), (.*)\)' '(a, b)' true (2 'a' 3 'b'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatches (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatches | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matches: 'now'). self deny: (matcher matches: 'now is')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesIn (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesIn | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matchesIn: 'now is the time') asArray = #('now' 'is' 'the' 'time')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesInCollect (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesInCollect | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matchesIn: 'now is the time' collect: [ :each | each reversed ]) asArray = #('won' 'si' 'eht' 'emit')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesInDo (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesInDo | matcher expected | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. expected := #('now' 'is' 'the' 'time') asOrderedCollection. matcher matchesIn: 'now is the time' do: [ :each | self assert: each = expected removeFirst ]. self assert: expected isEmpty! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesOnStream (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesOnStream | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matchesOnStream: 'now is the time' readStream) asArray = #('now' 'is' 'the' 'time')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesOnStreamCollect (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesOnStreamCollect | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matchesOnStream: 'now is the time' readStream collect: [ :each | each reversed ]) asArray = #('won' 'si' 'eht' 'emit')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesOnStreamDo (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesOnStreamDo | matcher expected | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. expected := #('now' 'is' 'the' 'time') asOrderedCollection. matcher matchesOnStream: 'now is the time' readStream do: [ :each | self assert: each = expected removeFirst ]. self assert: expected isEmpty! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchesStream (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchesStream | matcher | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. self assert: (matcher matchesStream: 'now' readStream). self deny: (matcher matchesStream: 'now is' readStream)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testMatchingRangesIn (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testMatchingRangesIn | matcher expected | matcher := self matcherClass forString: '\w+'. expected := #(1 3 5 6 8 10 12 15) asOrderedCollection. (matcher matchingRangesIn: 'now is the time') do: [ :range | self assert: range first = expected removeFirst. self assert: range last = expected removeFirst ]. self assert: expected isEmpty! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testRegex001 (in category 'testing') ----- testRegex001 self runRegex: #('^.*$' '' true (1 '') 'a' true (1 'a') 'abc' true (1 'abc'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testRegex002 (in category 'testing') ----- testRegex002 self runRegex: #('a\w+c' ' abb_bbc ' true (1 'abb_bbc') 'abb-bc' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testRegex003 (in category 'testing') ----- testRegex003 self runRegex: #('a\W+c' ' abb_bbc ' false nil 'abb-bc' false nil 'a.,:;-&!!"#%/()={[]}+?\~*''c' true (1 'a.,:;-&!!"#%/()={[]}+?\~*''c'))! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testRegex004 (in category 'testing') ----- testRegex004 self runRegex: #(':isVowel:' 'aei' true nil 'xyz' false nil)! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringAllRangesOfRegexMatches (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringAllRangesOfRegexMatches | result | result := 'aabbcc' allRangesOfRegexMatches: 'b+'. self assert: result size = 1. self assert: result first first = 3. self assert: result first last = 4 ! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringAllRegexMatches (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringAllRegexMatches | result | result := 'aabbcc' allRegexMatches: 'b+'. self assert: result size = 1. self assert: result first = 'bb'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringAsRegex (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringAsRegex self assert: 'b+' asRegex class = RxParser preferredMatcherClass! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringAsRegexIgnoringCase (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringAsRegexIgnoringCase self assert: 'b+' asRegexIgnoringCase class = RxParser preferredMatcherClass! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringCopyWithRegexMatchesReplacedWith (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringCopyWithRegexMatchesReplacedWith self assert: ('aabbcc' copyWithRegex: 'b+' matchesReplacedWith: 'X') = 'aaXcc'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringCopyWithRegexMatchesTranslatedUsing (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringCopyWithRegexMatchesTranslatedUsing self assert: ('aabbcc' copyWithRegex: 'b+' matchesTranslatedUsing: [ :each | self assert: each = 'bb'. 'X' ]) = 'aaXcc'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringMatchesRegex (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringMatchesRegex self deny: ('aabbcc' matchesRegex: 'a+'). self deny: ('aabbcc' matchesRegex: 'b+c+'). self assert: ('aabbcc' matchesRegex: 'a+b+c+')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringMatchesRegexIgnoringCase (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringMatchesRegexIgnoringCase self deny: ('AABBCC' matchesRegexIgnoringCase: 'a+'). self deny: ('AABBCC' matchesRegexIgnoringCase: 'b+c+'). self assert: ('AABBCC' matchesRegexIgnoringCase: 'a+b+c+')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringPrefixMatchesRegex (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringPrefixMatchesRegex self assert: ('aabbcc' prefixMatchesRegex: 'a+'). self deny: ('aabbcc' prefixMatchesRegex: 'b+')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringPrefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringPrefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase self assert: ('AABBCC' prefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase: 'a+'). self deny: ('AABBCC' prefixMatchesRegexIgnoringCase: 'b+')! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringRegexMatchesCollect (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringRegexMatchesCollect | result | result := 'aabbcc' regex: 'b+' matchesCollect: [ :each | each asUppercase ]. self assert: result size = 1. self assert: result first = 'BB'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testStringRegexMatchesDo (in category 'testing-extensions') ----- testStringRegexMatchesDo | result | result := OrderedCollection new. 'aabbcc' regex: 'b+' matchesDo: [ :each | result add: each ]. self assert: result size = 1. self assert: result first = 'bb'! ----- Method: RxMatcherTest>>testSubexpressionCount (in category 'testing-protocol') ----- testSubexpressionCount | matcher | #(('a' 1) ('a(b)' 2) ('a(b(c))' 3) ('(a)(b)' 3) ('(a(b))*' 3)) do: [ :pair | matcher := self matcherClass forString: pair first. matcher supportsSubexpressions ifTrue: [ self assert: matcher subexpressionCount = pair last ] ]! TestCase subclass: #RxParserTest instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Regex-Tests-Core'! !RxParserTest commentStamp: 'Tbn 11/12/2010 22:31' prior: 0! This class provides tests for the regular expression parser.! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>DoesNotWorktestBackQuotesEscape (in category 'tests') ----- DoesNotWorktestBackQuotesEscape "self debug: #testBackQuotesEscape" "Regular expressions can also include the following backquote escapes to refer to popular classes of characters: \w any word constituent character (same as [a-zA-Z0-9:=]) \W any character but a word constituent \d a digit (same as [0-9]) \D anything but a digit \s a whitespace character \S anything but a whitespace character These escapes are also allowed in character classes: '[\w+-]' means 'any character that is either a word constituent, or a plus, or a minus'." self assert: ('one word' matchesRegex: '\w'). self assert: ('one' matchesRegex: '\w'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>test (in category 'tests') ----- test "self debug: #test" self assert: ('\<t\w+' asRegexIgnoringCase copy: 'now is the Time' translatingMatchesUsing: [:match | match asUppercase]) = 'now is THE TIME'. "the regular expression matches words beginning with either an uppercase or a lowercase T"! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testCadrMatching (in category 'tests') ----- testCadrMatching "self debug: #testCadrMatching" "A bit more complex example is the following expression, matching the name of any of the Lisp-style `car', `cdr', `caar', `cadr', ... functions:" self assert: ( 'car' matchesRegex: 'c(a|d)+r'). self assert: ( 'cdr' matchesRegex: 'c(a|d)+r'). self assert: ( 'caar' matchesRegex: 'c(a|d)+r'). self assert: ( 'cadr' matchesRegex: 'c(a|d)+r'). self assert: ( 'caddar' matchesRegex: 'c(a|d)+r').! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testCharacterSet (in category 'tests') ----- testCharacterSet "self debug: #testCharacterSet" "So far, we have used only characters as the 'smallest' components of regular expressions. There are other, more `interesting', components. A character set is a string of characters enclosed in square brackets. It matches any single character if it appears between the brackets. For example, `[01]' matches either `0' or `1':" self assert: ('0' matchesRegex: '[01]'). self deny: ('3' matchesRegex: '[01]'). self deny: ('11' matchesRegex: '[01]'). "-- false: a set matches only one character" self deny: ('01' matchesRegex: '[01]'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testCharacterSetBinaryNumber (in category 'tests') ----- testCharacterSetBinaryNumber "self debug: #testCharacterSetBinaryNumber" "Using plus operator, we can build the following binary number recognizer:" self assert: ('10010100' matchesRegex: '[01]+'). self deny: ('10001210' matchesRegex: '[01]+') ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testCharacterSetInversion (in category 'tests') ----- testCharacterSetInversion "self debug: #testCharacterSetInversion" "If the first character after the opening bracket is `^', the set is inverted: it matches any single character *not* appearing between the brackets:" self deny: ('0' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). "0 appears in 01 so there is no match" self assert: ('3' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). "3 is not in 01 so it matches" self deny: ('30' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). self deny: ('33333333333333333333333330' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). "there is one zero so it does not match"! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testCharacterSetRange (in category 'tests') ----- testCharacterSetRange "self debug: #testCharacterSetRange" "For convenience, a set may include ranges: pairs of characters separated with `-'. This is equivalent to listing all characters between them: `[0-9]' is the same as `[0123456789]'. " self assert: ('0' matchesRegex: '[0-9]'). self assert: ('9' matchesRegex: '[0-9]'). self deny: ('a' matchesRegex: '[0-9]'). self deny: ('01' matchesRegex: '[0-9]'). self assert: ('01442128629839374565' matchesRegex: '[0-9]+'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testLookaround (in category 'tests') ----- testLookaround self assert: ('A' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*'). self assert: ('AB' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*'). self deny: ('ABC' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*').! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testMatchesInwW (in category 'tests') ----- testMatchesInwW "self debug: #testMatchesInwW" "1. Backslash escapes similar to those in Perl are allowed in patterns: \w any word constituent character (equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9:=]) \W any character but a word constituent (equivalent to [^a-xA-Z0-9:=]" self assert: ('\w+' asRegex matchesIn: 'now is the time') asArray = #('now' 'is' 'the' 'time'). self assert: ('\W+' asRegex matchesIn: 'now is the time') asArray = #(' ' ' ' ' '). "why do we get that" self assert: ('\w' asRegex matchesIn: 'now') asArray = #('n' 'o' 'w').! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testOrOperator (in category 'tests') ----- testOrOperator "self debug: #testOrOperator" "The last operator is `|' meaning `or'. It is placed between two regular expressions, and the resulting expression matches if one of the expressions matches. It has the lowest possible precedence (lower than sequencing). For example, `ab*|ba*' means `a followed by any number of b's, or b followed by any number of a's':" self assert: ('abb' matchesRegex: 'ab*|ba*'). self assert: ('baa' matchesRegex: 'ab*|ba*'). self deny: ('baab' matchesRegex: 'ab*|ba*'). "It is possible to write an expression matching an empty string, for example: `a|'. However, it is an error to apply `*', `+', or `?' to such expression: `(a|)*' is an invalid expression." self should: ['(a|)*' asRegex] raise: Error. ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testQuantifier (in category 'tests') ----- testQuantifier self deny: ('' matchesRegex: 'a{2}'). self deny: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{2}'). self assert: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{2}'). self deny: ('aaa' matchesRegex: 'a{2}'). self deny: ('' matchesRegex: 'a{2,3}'). self deny: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{2,3}'). self assert: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,3}'). self assert: ('aaa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,3}'). self deny: ('aaaa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,3}'). self deny: ('' matchesRegex: 'a{2,}'). self deny: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{2,}'). self assert: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,}'). self assert: ('aaa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,}'). self assert: ('aaaa' matchesRegex: 'a{2,}'). self assert: ('' matchesRegex: 'a{,3}'). self assert: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{,3}'). self assert: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{,3}'). self assert: ('aaa' matchesRegex: 'a{,3}'). self deny: ('aaaa' matchesRegex: 'a{,3}').! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testQuantifierSimple (in category 'tests') ----- testQuantifierSimple "Test quantifier expressions that can be expressed with + or *" self assert: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{1}'). self deny: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{1}'). self assert: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a{1,1}'). self deny: ('aa' matchesRegex: 'a{1,1}'). self assert: ('ab' matchesRegex: '(ab){1,}'). self assert: ('abab' matchesRegex: '(ab){1,}'). self deny: ('' matchesRegex: '(ab){1,}'). self assert: ('ab' matchesRegex: '(ab){,1}'). self assert: ('' matchesRegex: '(ab){,1}'). self deny: ('abab' matchesRegex: '(ab){,1}').! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testQuotingOperators (in category 'tests') ----- testQuotingOperators "self debug: #testQuotingOperators" "As we have seen, characters `*', `+', `?', `(', and `)' have special meaning in regular expressions. If one of them is to be used literally, it should be quoted: preceded with a backslash. (Thus, backslash is also special character, and needs to be quoted for a literal match--as well as any other special character described further)." self deny: ('ab*' matchesRegex: 'ab*'). " -- false: star in the right string is special" self assert: ('ab*' matchesRegex: 'ab\*'). self assert: ('a\c' matchesRegex: 'a\\c'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testSimpleMatchesRegex (in category 'tests') ----- testSimpleMatchesRegex "self debug: #testSimpleMatchesRegex" "The simplest regular expression is a single character. It matches exactly that character. A sequence of characters matches a string with exactly the same sequence of characters:" self assert: ('a' matchesRegex: 'a'). self assert: ('foobar' matchesRegex: 'foobar') . self deny: ('blorple' matchesRegex: 'foobar')! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testSimpleMatchesRegexWithStar (in category 'tests') ----- testSimpleMatchesRegexWithStar "self debug: #testSimpleMatchesRegexWithStar" "The above paragraph in testSimpleMatchesRegex introduced a primitive regular expression (a character), and an operator (sequencing). Operators are applied to regular expressions to produce more complex regular expressions. Sequencing (placing expressions one after another) as an operator is, in a certain sense, `invisible'--yet it is arguably the most common. A more `visible' operator is Kleene closure, more often simply referred to as `a star'. A regular expression followed by an asterisk matches any number (including 0) of matches of the original expression. For example:" self assert: ('ab' matchesRegex: 'a*b'). self assert: ('aaaaab' matchesRegex: 'a*b'). self assert: ('b' matchesRegex: 'a*b'). self deny: ('aac' matchesRegex: 'a*b'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testSpecialCharacterInSetRange (in category 'tests') ----- testSpecialCharacterInSetRange "self debug: #testSpecialCharacterInSetRange" "Special characters within a set are `^', `-', and `]' that closes the set. Below are the examples of how to literally use them in a set: [01^] -- put the caret anywhere except the beginning [01-] -- put the dash as the last character []01] -- put the closing bracket as the first character [^]01] (thus, empty and universal sets cannot be specified)" self assert: ('0' matchesRegex: '[01^]'). self assert: ('1' matchesRegex: '[01^]'). self assert: ('^' matchesRegex: '[01^]'). self deny: ('0' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). self deny: ('1' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). "[^abc] means that everything except abc is matche" self assert: ('^' matchesRegex: '[^01]'). ! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testStarPlusQuestionMark (in category 'tests') ----- testStarPlusQuestionMark "self debug: #testStarPlusQuestionMark" "Two other operators similar to `*' are `+' and `?'. `+' (positive closure, or simply `plus') matches one or more occurrences of the original expression. `?' (`optional') matches zero or one, but never more, occurrences." self assert: ('ac' matchesRegex: 'ab*c'). self deny: ('ac' matchesRegex: 'ab+c'). "-- false: need at least one b" self assert: ('abbc' matchesRegex: 'ab+c'). self assert: ('abbbbbbc' matchesRegex: 'ab+c'). self deny: ('abbc' matchesRegex: 'ab?c') "-- false: too many b's"! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testStarPrecedence (in category 'tests') ----- testStarPrecedence "self debug: #testStarPrecedence" "A star's precedence is higher than that of sequencing. A star applies to the shortest possible subexpression that precedes it. For example, 'ab*' means `a followed by zero or more occurrences of b', not `zero or more occurrences of ab':" self assert: ('abbb' matchesRegex: 'ab*'). self deny: ('abab' matchesRegex: 'ab*'). "To actually make a regex matching `zero or more occurrences of ab', `ab' is enclosed in parentheses:" self assert: ('abab' matchesRegex: '(ab)*'). self deny: ('abcab' matchesRegex: '(ab)*')! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testTranslatingMatchesUsing (in category 'tests') ----- testTranslatingMatchesUsing "self debug: #testTranslatingMatchesUsing" self assert: ('\<t\w+' asRegexIgnoringCase copy: 'now is the Time' translatingMatchesUsing: [:match | match asUppercase]) = 'now is THE TIME'. "the regular expression matches words beginning with either an uppercase or a lowercase T"! ----- Method: RxParserTest>>toDotestSpecialCharacterInSetRange (in category 'tests') ----- toDotestSpecialCharacterInSetRange "self debug: #testSpecialCharacterInSetRange" "Special characters within a set are `^', `-', and `]' that closes the set. Below are the examples of how to literally use them in a set: [01^] -- put the caret anywhere except the beginning [01-] -- put the dash as the last character []01] -- put the closing bracket as the first character [^]01] (thus, empty and universal sets cannot be specified)" self assert: ('0' matchesRegex: '[01^]'). self assert: ('0' matchesRegex: '[0-9]'). ! |
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