The Inbox: SUnitGUI-ct.81.mcz

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The Inbox: SUnitGUI-ct.81.mcz

A new version of SUnitGUI was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnitGUI-ct.81
Author: ct
Time: 22 August 2020, 8:03:59.041378 pm
UUID: 73e8b227-7520-354a-986c-5e8a5991afc6
Ancestors: SUnitGUI-mt.79

Fix selection updates in TestRunner by sending missing observer updates.

Same reason as ToolBuilder-Morphic-ct.253.

=============== Diff against SUnitGUI-mt.79 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestRunner>>categoryAt:put: (in category 'accessing-categories') -----
  categoryAt: anInteger put: aBoolean
  categoriesSelected := categoriesSelected
  perform: (aBoolean ifTrue: [ #copyWith: ] ifFalse: [ #copyWithout: ])
  with: (categories at: anInteger ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]).
+ self
+ changed: #categoryAt:;
+ changed: #categorySelected;
+ updateClasses.!
- self changed: #categorySelected; updateClasses.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestRunner>>classAt:put: (in category 'accessing-classes') -----
  classAt: anInteger put: aBoolean
  classesSelected := classesSelected
  perform: (aBoolean ifTrue: [ #copyWith: ] ifFalse: [ #copyWithout: ])
  with: (classes at: anInteger ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]).
+ self
+ changed: #classAt:;
+ changed: #classSelected;
+ changed: #hasRunnable.!
- self changed: #classSelected; changed: #hasRunnable.!