The Inbox: SUnitTools-jr.6.mcz

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The Inbox: SUnitTools-jr.6.mcz

A new version of SUnitTools was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnitTools-jr.6
Author: jr
Time: 5 March 2020, 10:10:24.44376 pm
UUID: 2cefdc56-246b-d344-9116-465f7ccc1a20
Ancestors: SUnitTools-jr.5

Preselect tests category when browsing a class without a matching test method. Create the tests category in new classes.

=============== Diff against SUnitTools-jr.5 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: BasicClassOrganizer>>categoryForTestCases (in category '*SUnitTools-accessing') -----
+ categoryForTestCases
+ ^ self categories
+ detect: [:each | each beginsWith: 'test']
+ ifNone: [Categorizer allCategory]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CodeHolder>>testAskToCreateNewTest: (in category '*SUnitTools-running') -----
  testAskToCreateNewTest: className
+ | newClass |
  (self confirm: 'Test class not found. Create one?') ifFalse: [^ false].
  (ClassBuilder new)
  name: className asSymbol
  inEnvironment: self selectedClass environment
  subclassOf: TestCase
  type: #normal
  instanceVariableNames: ''
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  ((self selectedClass category includes: $-)
  ifTrue: [((self selectedClass category copyUpToLast: $-), '-Tests')]
  ifFalse: [(self selectedClass category, 'Tests')]) asSymbol.
+ newClass := self selectedClass environment classNamed: className asSymbol.
+ newClass organization addCategory: #tests.
  ^ true!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: CodeHolder>>testBrowseClassNamed:possibleMessageNamed: (in category '*SUnitTools-running') -----
  testBrowseClassNamed: aClassName possibleMessageNamed: aMessageName
  | cls selector |
  (self class environment hasClassNamed: aClassName) ifFalse:
  [(self testAskToCreateNewTest: aClassName) ifFalse: [^ self]].
  cls := self class environment classNamed: aClassName.
  (aMessageName notNil and: [cls includesLocalSelector: (selector := aMessageName asSymbol)])
  ifTrue: [ToolSet browse: cls selector: selector]
+ ifFalse:
+ [ToolSet
+ browseClass: cls
+ category: cls organization categoryForTestCases].!
- ifFalse: [ToolSet browseClass: cls].!