The Inbox: ShoutCore.quasiquote-kb.41.mcz

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The Inbox: ShoutCore.quasiquote-kb.41.mcz

Balázs Kósi uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ShoutCore.quasiquote-kb.41
Author: kb
Time: 5 February 2014, 3:15:36.334 pm
UUID: c127a411-2d61-468d-b4cb-04410f5a2663
Ancestors: ShoutCore-cwp.40

Syntax highlighting for Eliot's quasiquote syntax extension.

=============== Diff against ShoutCore-cwp.40 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHParserST80>>parseLiteral: (in category 'parse') -----
  parseLiteral: inArray
  currentTokenFirst == $$
  ifTrue: [
  | pos |
  self failWhen: self currentChar isNil.
  self rangeType: #'$'.
  pos := currentTokenSourcePosition + 1.
  self nextChar.
  ^self scanPast: #character start: pos end: pos].
  currentTokenFirst isDigit
  ifTrue: [
  "do not parse the number, can be time consuming"
  ^self scanPast: #number].
  currentToken = '-'
  ifTrue: [
  | c |
  c := self currentChar.
  (inArray and: [c isNil or: [c isDigit not]])
  ifTrue: [
  "single - can be a symbol in an Array"
  ^self scanPast: #symbol].
  self scanPast: #-.
  self failWhen: currentToken isNil.
  "token isNil ifTrue: [self error: 'Unexpected End Of Input']."
  "do not parse the number, can be time consuming"
  ^self scanPast: #number].
+ currentTokenFirst == $` ifTrue: [ ^self parseQuasiQuotedString ].
  currentTokenFirst == $' ifTrue: [^self parseString].
  currentTokenFirst == $# ifTrue: [^self parseSymbol].
  (inArray and: [currentToken notNil]) ifTrue: [^self scanPast: #symbol].
  self failWhen: currentTokenFirst == $. .
  self error ": 'argument missing'"!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHParserST80>>parseQuasiQuoteBlock (in category 'parse') -----
+ parseQuasiQuoteBlock
+ self enterBlock.
+ self scanPast: #blockStart level: bracketDepth.
+ self parseStatementList.
+ self failUnless: currentTokenFirst == $].
+ self rangeType: (self typePlusCycleFor: #blockEnd level: bracketDepth).
+ self leaveBlock!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHParserST80>>parseQuasiQuotedString (in category 'parse') -----
+ parseQuasiQuotedString
+ | first c last |
+ first := sourcePosition.
+ c := self currentChar.
+ [
+ c ifNil: [
+ self rangeType: #unfinishedString start: first - 1 end: source size.
+ self error ": 'unfinished string'"].
+ c
+ caseOf: {
+ [ $[ ] -> [
+ self scanPast: #string start: first - 1 end: sourcePosition.
+ self parseQuasiQuoteBlock.
+ first := sourcePosition + 1.
+ self currentChar == $` ].
+ [ $$ ] -> [
+ c := self nextChar.
+ false ] }
+ otherwise: [ c == $` ] ] whileFalse: [ c := self nextChar ].
+ last := sourcePosition.
+ self nextChar.
+ self scanPast: #string start: first - 1 end: last.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHParserST80>>scanPast:level: (in category 'scan') -----
  scanPast: rangeType level: level
- "first level adds no suffix to the rangeType.
- Suffix from 1 to 7 added in cycles , ((level-2) mod(7) + 1)"
- | cycle typePlusCycle |
+ ^self scanPast: (self typePlusCycleFor: rangeType level: level)
- cycle := level <= 1
- ifTrue: [0]
- ifFalse:[ ((level - 2) \\ 7) + 1].
- typePlusCycle := cycle = 0
- ifTrue:[rangeType]
- ifFalse:[(rangeType, cycle asString) asSymbol].
- ^self scanPast: typePlusCycle

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHParserST80>>typePlusCycleFor:level: (in category 'scan') -----
+ typePlusCycleFor: rangeType level: level
+ "first level adds no suffix to the rangeType.
+ Suffix from 1 to 7 added in cycles , ((level-2) mod(7) + 1)"
+ | cycle |
+ cycle := level <= 1
+ ifTrue: [ 0 ]
+ ifFalse: [ ((level - 2) \\ 7) + 1 ].
+ ^cycle = 0
+ ifTrue: [ rangeType ]
+ ifFalse: [ (rangeType, cycle asString) asSymbol ]!