The Inbox: Sound-ul.41.mcz

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The Inbox: Sound-ul.41.mcz

A new version of Sound was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Sound-ul.41
Author: ul
Time: 27 October 2014, 4:48:59.268 pm
UUID: b700fc19-c219-47e3-bc55-4874db9dea22
Ancestors: Sound-nice.38

- use the new ExternalObjectTable API

=============== Diff against Sound-nice.38 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SoundPlayer class>>startPlayerProcessBufferSize:rate:stereo:sound: (in category 'player process') -----
  startPlayerProcessBufferSize: bufferSize rate: samplesPerSecond stereo: stereoFlag sound: aSound
  "Start the sound player process. Terminate the old process, if any."
  "SoundPlayer startPlayerProcessBufferSize: 1000 rate: 11025 stereo: false"
  self stopPlayerProcess.
  ifNil:[ActiveSounds := OrderedCollection new]
  ifNotNil:[ActiveSounds := OrderedCollection with: aSound].
  Buffer := SoundBuffer newStereoSampleCount: (bufferSize // 4) * 4.
  LastBuffer ifNotNil:[LastBuffer := SoundBuffer basicNew: Buffer basicSize].
  PlayerSemaphore := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
  SamplingRate := samplesPerSecond.
  Stereo := stereoFlag.
- ReadyForBuffer := Semaphore new.
  SoundSupported := true. "Assume so"
  UseReadySemaphore := true.  "set to false if ready semaphore not supported by VM"
+ Smalltalk newExternalSemaphoreDo: [ :semaphore :index |
+ ReadyForBuffer := semaphore.
+ self primSoundStartBufferSize: Buffer stereoSampleCount
+ rate: samplesPerSecond
+ stereo: Stereo
+ semaIndex: index ].
- self primSoundStartBufferSize: Buffer stereoSampleCount
- rate: samplesPerSecond
- stereo: Stereo
- semaIndex: (Smalltalk registerExternalObject: ReadyForBuffer).
  "Check if sound start prim was successful"
+ SoundSupported ifFalse:[
+ Smalltalk unregisterExternalObject: ReadyForBuffer.
+ ReadyForBuffer := nil.
+ ^self ].
- SoundSupported ifFalse:[^self].
  ifTrue: [PlayerProcess := [SoundPlayer playLoop] newProcess]
  ifFalse: [PlayerProcess := [SoundPlayer oldStylePlayLoop] newProcess].
  UseReverb ifTrue: [self startReverb].
  PlayerProcess priority: Processor userInterruptPriority.
+ PlayerProcess resume!
- PlayerProcess resume.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SoundRecorder>>startRecording (in category 'recording controls') -----
  "Turn of the sound input driver and start the recording process. Initially, recording is paused."
- | semaIndex |
  recordLevel ifNil: [recordLevel := 0.5].  "lazy initialization"
  CanRecordWhilePlaying ifFalse: [SoundPlayer shutDown].
  recordProcess ifNotNil: [self stopRecording].
  paused := true.
  meteringBuffer := SoundBuffer newMonoSampleCount: 1024.
  meterLevel := 0.
  self allocateBuffer.
+ Smalltalk newExternalSemaphoreDo: [ :semaphore :index |
+ bufferAvailableSema := semaphore.
+ self primStartRecordingDesiredSampleRate: samplingRate asInteger
+ stereo: stereo
+ semaIndex: index ].
- bufferAvailableSema := Semaphore new.
- semaIndex := Smalltalk registerExternalObject: bufferAvailableSema.
- self primStartRecordingDesiredSampleRate: samplingRate asInteger
- stereo: stereo
- semaIndex: semaIndex.
  RecorderActive := true.
  samplingRate := self primGetActualRecordingSampleRate.
  self primSetRecordLevel: (1000.0 * recordLevel) asInteger.
  recordProcess := [self recordLoop] newProcess.
  recordProcess priority: Processor userInterruptPriority.
+ recordProcess resume!
- recordProcess resume.
- !