The Inbox: Tests-ct.431.mcz

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The Inbox: Tests-ct.431.mcz

Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-ct.431
Author: ct
Time: 18 April 2020, 4:46:07.629949 pm
UUID: d457d2ab-d1cc-b74b-a42e-a1a328ae12df
Ancestors: Tests-mt.430

Complements Monticello-ct.717.

=============== Diff against Tests-mt.430 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCDependencySorterTest>>itemWithSpec: (in category 'building') -----
  itemWithSpec: anArray
+ "anArray has the following format: #(name [provisions requirements [wantsToBeOutermost]])"
+ | item stream |
+ stream := anArray readStream.
+ item := MCMockDependentItem new.
+ item name: stream next.
+ stream atEnd ifTrue: [^ item].
+ item provides: stream next.
+ item requires: stream next.
+ stream atEnd ifTrue: [^ item].
+ item wantsToBeOutermost: stream next.
+ self assert: stream atEnd.
+ ^ item!
- ^ MCMockDependentItem new
- name: anArray first;
- provides: anArray second;
- requires: anArray third!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCDependencySorterTest>>testDeferredItems (in category 'tests') -----
+ testDeferredItems
+ self assertItems: #(
+ (a () () true)
+ (d (x) ())
+ (c () (y))
+ (b (y) (x)) )
+ orderAs: #(d b c a)
+ withRequired: #()
+ toLoad: #().!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCDependencySorterTest>>testSimpleOrdering (in category 'tests') -----
+ self assertItems: #(
+ (a (x) ())
+ (c () (y))
+ (b (y) (x)) )
- self assertItems: #((a (x) ())
- (c () (y))
- (b (y) (x)))
  orderAs: #(a b c)
  withRequired: #()
  toLoad: #()!

Item was changed:
  MCMock subclass: #MCMockDependentItem
+ instanceVariableNames: 'name provides requires wantsToBeOutermost'
- instanceVariableNames: 'name provides requires'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Tests-Monticello-Mocks'!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>><= (in category 'comparing') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>><= (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  <= other
  ^ self name <= other name!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>name (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>name (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ name!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>name: (in category 'initialization') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>name: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  name: aString
  name := aString!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>provides: (in category 'initialization') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>provides: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  provides: anArray
  provides := anArray!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>provisions (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>provisions (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ provides ifNil: [#()]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>requirements (in category 'accessing') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>requirements (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  ^ requires ifNil: [#()]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>requires: (in category 'initialization') -----
- ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>requires: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  requires: anArray
  requires := anArray!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>wantsToBeOutermost (in category 'testing') -----
+ ^ wantsToBeOutermost ifNil: [false]!
- ^false!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MCMockDependentItem>>wantsToBeOutermost: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ wantsToBeOutermost: aBoolean
+ wantsToBeOutermost := aBoolean!