Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tests-eem.381.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tests-eem.381 Author: eem Time: 9 August 2017, 10:09:11.49354 am UUID: b1c7febe-4a63-4f32-895a-e2aae2e8972c Ancestors: Tests-dtl.380 No longer hard-code the typeOfClass for compiled code MCClassDefinitions. Instead trust the typeSymbol argument. Assumes Monticello-eem.673 =============== Diff against Tests-dtl.380 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MCClassDefinitionTest>>testKindOfSubclassForCompiledBlock (in category 'testing - class type') ----- testKindOfSubclassForCompiledBlock "CompiledCode and its subclasses are a special case." | classDef | "CompiledBlock should be like CompiledMethod, both now are subclassed from CompiledCode" + classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledBlock super: #CompiledCode. - classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledBlock super: #CompiledCode type: #bytes. self assert: #compiledMethod equals: classDef type. + self assert: CompiledBlock typeOfClass equals: classDef type! - self assert: CompiledBlock typeOfClass equals: classDef type. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCClassDefinitionTest>>testKindOfSubclassForCompiledCode (in category 'testing - class type') ----- testKindOfSubclassForCompiledCode "CompiledCode and its subclasses are a special case." | classDef | "CompiledMethod is now a subclass of CompiledCode, which is also of type #compiledMethod" + classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledCode super: #ByteArray. - classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledCode super: #ByteArray type: #bytes. self assert: #compiledMethod equals: classDef type. + self assert: CompiledCode typeOfClass equals: classDef type! - self assert: CompiledCode typeOfClass equals: classDef type. - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCClassDefinitionTest>>testKindOfSubclassForCompiledMethod (in category 'testing - class type') ----- testKindOfSubclassForCompiledMethod "CompiledCode and its subclasses are a special case." | classDef | + classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledMethod super: #CompiledCode. - classDef := self mockClass: #CompiledMethod super: #CompiledCode type: #bytes. self assert: #compiledMethod equals: classDef type. + self assert: CompiledMethod typeOfClass equals: classDef type! - self assert: CompiledMethod typeOfClass equals: classDef type. - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCClassDefinitionTest>>testKindOfSubclassForSocketAddress (in category 'testing - class type') ----- testKindOfSubclassForSocketAddress "A subclass of ByteArray that is not treated specially" | classDef | + classDef := self mockClass: #SocketAddress super: #ByteArray. - classDef := self mockClass: #SocketAddress super: #ByteArray type: #bytes. self assert: #bytes equals: classDef type. + self assert: SocketAddress typeOfClass equals: classDef type! - self assert: SocketAddress typeOfClass equals: classDef type. - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MCTestCase>>mockClass:super: (in category 'mocks') ----- mockClass: className super: superclassName + ^ MCClassDefinition + name: className + superclassName: superclassName + category: self mockCategoryName + instVarNames: #() + classVarNames: #() + poolDictionaryNames: #() + classInstVarNames: #() + type: ((Smalltalk classNamed: className asSymbol) + ifNil: [#normal] + ifNotNil: [:class| class typeOfClass]) + comment: (self commentForClass: className) + commentStamp: (self commentStampForClass: className)! - ^ self mockClass: className super: superclassName type: #normal - ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: MCTestCase>>mockClass:super:type: (in category 'mocks') ----- - mockClass: className super: superclassName type: typeSymbol - ^ MCClassDefinition - name: className - superclassName: superclassName - category: self mockCategoryName - instVarNames: #() - classVarNames: #() - poolDictionaryNames: #() - classInstVarNames: #() - type: typeSymbol - comment: (self commentForClass: className) - commentStamp: (self commentStampForClass: className)! |
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