The Inbox: Tests-jar.454.mcz

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The Inbox: Tests-jar.454.mcz

A new version of Tests was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-jar.454
Author: jar
Time: 28 April 2021, 3:41:45.571949 pm
UUID: 63612592-7650-d04d-868a-b0a216708d6b
Ancestors: Tests-nice.453

Fix: simpleOuterTest fails to detect an incorrect #outer behavior

After resuming to #outer the execution has to continue right after the ex outer handler block; presently the test only checks whether the execution resumes inside the block but fails to check where it goes next.

I proposed a change in #handleSignal that passed the current test but would lead to an incorrect #outer semantics :| The fix I'm proposing would reveal my error. See the counterexample here:

Simple do-it example demonstrating the issue:

resumedCorrectly := false.
        [ Warning signal ] on: Warning do: [ :ex | ex outer ].
        resumedCorrectly := true. "after ex outer continue here"
] on: Warning do: [ :ex | ex resume ].

=============== Diff against Tests-nice.453 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ExceptionTester>>simpleOuterTest (in category 'signaledException tests') -----
  "uses #resume"
  [[self doSomething.
  MyTestNotification signal.
  "self doSomethingElse"
  self doSomethingExceptional]
  on: MyTestNotification
+ do: [:ex | ex outer]. self doSomethingElse]
- do: [:ex | ex outer. self doSomethingElse]]
  on: MyTestNotification
  do: [:ex | self doYetAnotherThing. ex resume]!