A new version of Tests was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tests-jar.463.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tests-jar.463
Author: jar
Time: 4 May 2021, 10:38:35.775101 pm
UUID: a4e8dc9c-bba1-9f4b-ab76-2f31178142aa
Ancestors: Tests-jar.462
Complement inbox/Kernel-jar.1400.mcz
Add re-signalling test, add outer test
=============== Diff against Tests-jar.462 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTester>>simpleOuterDoubleResumeTest (in category 'signaledException tests') -----
+ simpleOuterDoubleResumeTest
+ "uses #resume"
+ [[self doSomething.
+ MyTestNotification signal.
+ "self doSomethingElse"]
+ on: MyTestNotification
+ do: [:ex | ex outer. self doYetAnotherThing. ex resume].
+ self doSomethingElse]
+ on: MyTestNotification
+ do: [:ex | ex resume]!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTester>>simpleOuterDoubleResumeTestResults (in category 'signaledException results') -----
+ simpleOuterDoubleResumeTestResults
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ add: self doSomethingString;
+ add: self doYetAnotherThingString;
+ add: self doSomethingElseString;
+ yourself!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTester>>simpleResignalDoubleResumeTest (in category 'signaledException tests') -----
+ simpleResignalDoubleResumeTest
+ "uses #resume"
+ [[self doSomething.
+ MyTestNotification signal.
+ "self doSomethingElse"]
+ on: MyTestNotification
+ do: [:ex | ex signal. self doYetAnotherThing. ex resume].
+ self doSomethingElse]
+ on: MyTestNotification
+ do: [:ex | ex resume]!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTester>>simpleResignalDoubleResumeTestResults (in category 'signaledException results') -----
+ simpleResignalDoubleResumeTestResults
+ ^OrderedCollection new
+ add: self doSomethingString;
+ add: self doYetAnotherThingString;
+ add: self doSomethingElseString;
+ yourself!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTests>>testSimpleOuterDoubleResume (in category 'tests - ExceptionTester') -----
+ testSimpleOuterDoubleResume
+ self assertSuccess: (ExceptionTester new runTest: #simpleOuterDoubleResumeTest ) !
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExceptionTests>>testSimpleResignalDoubleResume (in category 'tests - ExceptionTester') -----
+ testSimpleResignalDoubleResume
+ self assertSuccess: (ExceptionTester new runTest: #simpleResignalDoubleResumeTest ) !