The Inbox: Tests-nice.431.mcz

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The Inbox: Tests-nice.431.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-nice.431
Author: nice
Time: 25 April 2020, 6:22:55.980578 pm
UUID: b1757425-0f7a-4912-8f40-561468f42bba
Ancestors: Tests-mt.430

Restore #testFinalizationOfEquals

The method was failing, a discussion occurred on mantis, and an updated test was proposed

In the interim, the method was removed in System-edc.102 putting it out of the radar
(this was a drastic way of *fixing the failing test*)

This is an attempt to revisit the verbose version of the test.

=============== Diff against Tests-mt.430 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>assertThat:after: (in category 'running') -----
+ assertThat: conditionBlock after: actionBlock
+ "syntactic sugar for the scenario"
+ actionBlock value.
+ self should: conditionBlock.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>assertThat:and:after: (in category 'running') -----
+ assertThat: preconditionBlock and: precondition2 after: actionBlock
+ "syntactic sugar for the scenario"
+ actionBlock value.
+ self should: preconditionBlock.
+ self should: precondition2!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>testFinalizationOfEquals (in category 'tests') -----
+ testFinalizationOfEquals
+ "self run: #testFinalizationOfEquals"
+ | settingUpAPairOfObjects o1 o2
+ objectsAreEqual
+ ofDifferentIdentity
+ registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject
+ noActionIsTriggered
+ forcingFinalizationOfObjects
+ bothActionsAreTriggered |
+ settingUpAPairOfObjects :=
+ [o1 := 'hello' copy.
+ o2 := 'hello' copy].
+ registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject :=
+ [o1 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'first object finalized'.
+ o2 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'second object finalized'].
+ forcingFinalizationOfObjects :=
+ [o1 := o2 := nil. Smalltalk garbageCollect].
+ objectsAreEqual := [o1 = o2].
+ ofDifferentIdentity := [o1 ~~ o2].
+ noActionIsTriggered := [log size = 0].
+ bothActionsAreTriggered := [log asSet size = 2].
+ self
+ assertThat: objectsAreEqual
+ and: ofDifferentIdentity
+ after: settingUpAPairOfObjects.
+ self
+ assertThat: noActionIsTriggered
+ after: registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject.
+ self
+ assertThat: bothActionsAreTriggered
+ after: forcingFinalizationOfObjects!

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Re: The Inbox: Tests-nice.431.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
I don't know if we want to introduce such verbose style, but I'm having great fun with it.
It's a bit like literate programming, except that no text is intermixed with instructions, it's all instructions...
Also i made an effort to not add too much syntactic sugar (unlike some tests frameworks with similar goals).
Correctly naming the temporary variables is sufficient for carrying the meaning.

Declaration of the temporaries constitute a sort of specification alone (the menu).
It also decompose the task of writing the test in small units (the cook).
Finally, we can orchestrate those units into the annouced sequence and eat our cake (the dinner).

It's typically in the spirit of what Chrisoph did propose with its dynamic objects.
Of course, not exactly in the spirit of SUnit/Smalltalk...
The blocks should be methods, either in the TestCase or some other fixture...
But then, we have all the pieces (and specification) scattered.

We can compare with the unadorned version which is what we usually write:

"self run: #testFinalizationOfEquals"

| o1 o2 |
o1 := 'hello' copy.
o2 := 'hello' copy.
self assert: (o1 = o2 and: [o1 ~~ o2]) description: 'precondition'.
o1 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'first object finalized'.
o2 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'second object finalized'.
self assert: 0 equals: log size.
o1 := o2 := nil. Smalltalk garbageCollect.
self assert: 2 equals: log asSet size.

Maybe you will prefer the later.
But the story is completely implicit in the later case.
IMO this makes the cognitive effort greater.
We have to somehow reverse engineer the intentions.

Le sam. 25 avr. 2020 à 18:23, <[hidden email]> a écrit :
Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Tests to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tests-nice.431
Author: nice
Time: 25 April 2020, 6:22:55.980578 pm
UUID: b1757425-0f7a-4912-8f40-561468f42bba
Ancestors: Tests-mt.430

Restore #testFinalizationOfEquals

The method was failing, a discussion occurred on mantis, and an updated test was proposed

In the interim, the method was removed in System-edc.102 putting it out of the radar
(this was a drastic way of *fixing the failing test*)

This is an attempt to revisit the verbose version of the test.

=============== Diff against Tests-mt.430 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>assertThat:after: (in category 'running') -----
+ assertThat: conditionBlock after: actionBlock
+       "syntactic sugar for the scenario"
+       actionBlock value.
+       self should: conditionBlock.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>assertThat:and:after: (in category 'running') -----
+ assertThat: preconditionBlock and: precondition2 after: actionBlock
+       "syntactic sugar for the scenario"
+       actionBlock value.
+       self should: preconditionBlock.
+       self should: precondition2!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ObjectFinalizerTests>>testFinalizationOfEquals (in category 'tests') -----
+ testFinalizationOfEquals
+       "self run: #testFinalizationOfEquals"
+       "THE MENU:"
+       | settingUpAPairOfObjects o1 o2
+               objectsAreEqual
+               ofDifferentIdentity
+       registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject
+               noActionIsTriggered
+       forcingFinalizationOfObjects
+               bothActionsAreTriggered |
+       "THE COOK:"
+       settingUpAPairOfObjects :=
+               [o1 := 'hello' copy.
+                o2 := 'hello' copy].
+       registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject :=
+               [o1 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'first object finalized'.
+                o2 toFinalizeSend: #add: to: log with: 'second object finalized'].
+       forcingFinalizationOfObjects :=
+               [o1 := o2 := nil. Smalltalk garbageCollect].
+       objectsAreEqual := [o1 = o2].
+       ofDifferentIdentity := [o1 ~~ o2].
+       noActionIsTriggered := [log size = 0].
+       bothActionsAreTriggered := [log asSet size = 2].
+       "THE DINNER:"
+       self
+               assertThat: objectsAreEqual
+               and: ofDifferentIdentity
+               after: settingUpAPairOfObjects.
+       self
+               assertThat: noActionIsTriggered
+               after: registeringAFinalizationActionForEachObject.
+       self
+               assertThat: bothActionsAreTriggered
+               after: forcingFinalizationOfObjects!