A new version of ToolBuilder-Kernel was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.125.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.125 Author: mt Time: 11 July 2019, 8:50:30.487838 am UUID: 3f3a21f8-a141-734f-8aed-f0c21aff22b9 Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.124 Updates the search for class names using the new find-features feature on strings. Find WeakIdentityKeyDictionary (in a small list of results) with any of the following patterns: WKD Weak*Dict* WeakDict WeakIdentityKeyDictionary =============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Kernel-mt.124 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: UIManager>>classOrTraitFrom:pattern:label: (in category 'system introspecting') ----- classOrTraitFrom: environment pattern: pattern label: label + "Given a pattern and an environment, try to find a class or trait using several strategies: + - EXACT: If there is a class or trait whose name exactly given by pattern, return it. + - UPPER: If the pattern is upper-case only, find camel-case letters with that sequence. + - WILD: Try the pattern as-is for regular wild-card search. + - FEATURE: Split patterns at feature boundaries and insert wild cards between. + - FUZZY: Split patterns at feature boundaries BUT treat each feature as a full class name. + If there is only one class or trait in the given environment whose name matches pattern, return it. Otherwise, put up a menu offering the names of all classes that match pattern, and return the class chosen, else nil if nothing chosen. - "If there is a class or trait whose name exactly given by pattern, return it. - If there is only one class or trait in the given environment whose name matches pattern, return it. - Otherwise, put up a menu offering the names of all classes that match pattern, and return the class chosen, else nil if nothing chosen. - This method ignores separator characters in the pattern" + !!!! In any case, separator characters in the pattern are ignored." + + | toMatch potentialNames names selectedIndex | + + "If there's a class or trait named as pattern, then return it." + (environment classOrTraitNamed: pattern) ifNotNil: [:classOrTrait | ^ classOrTrait]. + + "Validate pattern." - | toMatch potentialNames names exactMatch lines reducedIdentifiers selectedIndex | toMatch := pattern copyWithoutAll: Character separators. + toMatch := toMatch asLowercase copyWithout: $.. toMatch ifEmpty: [ ^nil ]. + + "Fetch search space." + names := OrderedCollection new. + potentialNames := environment classAndTraitNames asOrderedCollection. + + "Try uppercase-only patterns for patterns such as 'WKD' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc." + names ifEmpty: [ + (pattern allSatisfy: [:char | char isUppercase]) ifTrue: [ + potentialNames do: [:each | + | patternStream | + patternStream := pattern readStream. + each detect: [:char | + (patternStream atEnd not and: [patternStream peek = char]) + ifTrue: [ + patternStream next. + patternStream atEnd + ifTrue: [names add: each. true "Match!!"] + ifFalse: [false "Not yet..."]] + ifFalse: [false "No match..."] ] ifNone: [] ] ]]. + + "Try wildcard search for patterns such as 'Weak*Dict*' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc." + names ifEmpty: [ + names := potentialNames select: [ :each | toMatch match: each ]]. - "If there's a class or trait named as pattern, then return it." - Symbol hasInterned: pattern ifTrue: [ :symbol | - environment at: symbol ifPresent: [ :maybeClassOrTrait | - ((maybeClassOrTrait isKindOf: Class) or: [ - maybeClassOrTrait isTrait ]) - ifTrue: [ ^maybeClassOrTrait ] ] ]. - "No exact match, look for potential matches." - toMatch := pattern asLowercase copyWithout: $.. - potentialNames := (environment classAndTraitNames) asOrderedCollection. - names := pattern last = $. "This is some old hack, using String>>#match: may be better." - ifTrue: [ potentialNames select: [ :each | each asLowercase = toMatch ] ] - ifFalse: [ - potentialNames select: [ :each | - each includesSubstring: toMatch caseSensitive: false ] ]. - exactMatch := names detect: [ :each | each asLowercase = toMatch ] ifNone: [ nil ]. - lines := OrderedCollection new. - exactMatch ifNotNil: [ lines add: 1 ]. - "Also try some fuzzy matching." - reducedIdentifiers := pattern suggestedTypeNames select: [ :each | - potentialNames includes: each ]. - reducedIdentifiers ifNotEmpty: [ - names addAll: reducedIdentifiers. - lines add: 1 + names size + reducedIdentifiers size ]. - "Let the user select if there's more than one possible match. This may give surprising results." - names size = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil "nothing matches"]. + "Try feature-based search for patterns such as 'WeakDict' to find 'WeakIdentityKeyDictionary' etc." + names ifEmpty: [ + toMatch := pattern copyWithoutAll: '.*#'. + toMatch findFeatures in: [:features | + "1) Insert wildcards between features and at the end." + toMatch := (features joinSeparatedBy: '*'), '*'. + names := potentialNames select: [ :each | toMatch match: each ]. + names ifEmpty: [ + "2) Insert wildcards before, between, and after features." + toMatch := '*', (features joinSeparatedBy: '*'), '*'. + names := potentialNames select: [ :each | toMatch match: each ] ]] ]. + + "Try some fuzzy matching." + names addAll: (pattern suggestedTypeNames select: [ :each | potentialNames includes: each ]). + + "Still no match?" + names ifEmpty: [ ^ nil ]. + + "Let the user select if there's more than one possible match. This may give surprising results." selectedIndex := names size = 1 ifTrue: [ 1 ] + ifFalse: [ self chooseFrom: names title: label ]. - ifFalse: [ - exactMatch ifNotNil: [ names addFirst: exactMatch ]. - self chooseFrom: names lines: lines title: label ]. selectedIndex = 0 ifTrue: [ ^nil ]. ^environment at: (names at: selectedIndex) asSymbol! |
Hi all! :-) Can you please test your usual search patterns and report back? Thanks, Marcel
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