A new version of ToolBuilder-Morphic was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/ToolBuilder-Morphic-jr.276.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: ToolBuilder-Morphic-jr.276
Author: jr
Time: 14 May 2021, 1:39:52.580866 pm
UUID: d1ad461b-3cb1-e54a-86e1-b31edc1eefe2
Ancestors: ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.275
Allow to browse a directory that is not beneath the disk file system roots.
For example, with the FileSystem API you can create in-memory file systems. Without this change it is currently impossible to browse directories in such file systems which have their own roots.
=============== Diff against ToolBuilder-Morphic-mt.275 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FileAbstractSelectionDialog>>rootDirectoryList (in category 'directory tree') -----
"Return a list of know root directories; forms the root nodes ot the directory tree morph"
| dirList dir |
dir := FileDirectory root.
dirList := self subDirectoriesOf: dir.
dirList isEmpty ifTrue:[dirList := Array with: FileDirectory default].
+ directory ifNotNil:
+ [| current parent | current := directory.
+ [(parent := current containingDirectory) ~= dir]
+ whileTrue: [current := parent].
+ (dirList includes: current) ifFalse: [dirList := dirList, {current}]].
^dirList ,(ServerDirectory servers values) "looks odd because #servers returns the Dictionary of known servers with local names instead of the actaul server directories"!