A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tools-cmm.694.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-cmm.694 Author: cmm Time: 18 April 2016, 6:40:45.920095 pm UUID: 266d5d98-3fe1-424e-9786-bb3ab191b464 Ancestors: Tools-cmm.693 - Minor update to UI help element; now simply identifies itself. - When a single message is selected in a MessageTrace, clicking it now deselects it so that all methods in the trace can be filed out. =============== Diff against Tools-cmm.693 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Inspector>>buildValuePaneWith: (in category 'toolbuilder') ----- buildValuePaneWith: builder | textSpec | textSpec := builder pluggableTextSpec new. textSpec model: self; getText: #contents; setText: #accept:; + help: 'Selection details.'; - help: 'Select a field on the left.'; selection: #contentsSelection; menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:. ^textSpec! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageTrace>>addChildMessages:autoSelectString: (in category 'building') ----- addChildMessages: methodReferences autoSelectString: aString + | currentIndentionLevel addables selectables selectableString newAnchor | - | currentIndentionLevel addables selectables selectableString | selectableString := aString keywords ifEmpty: [ String empty ] ifNotEmptyDo: [ : keywords | keywords first ]. [ (messageListIndex between: 1 and: autoSelectStrings size) ] whileFalse: [ autoSelectStrings add: selectableString ]. autoSelectStrings at: messageListIndex put: selectableString. currentIndentionLevel := self currentIndentionLevel. "Don't add mulitple copies of the same method, if a method is already in the list we will merely select it." addables := methodReferences reject: [ : each | messageList includes: each ]. addables do: [ : each | each stringVersion: (self indentionPrefixOfSize: currentIndentionLevel + 1) , each asStringOrText. messageList add: each afterIndex: self messageListIndex. autoSelectStrings add: nil afterIndex: self messageListIndex. messageSelections add: false afterIndex: self messageListIndex ]. selectables := addables copy addAll: (methodReferences select: [ : each | messageList includes: each ]) ; yourself. self deselectAll. + anchorIndex := nil. selectables do: [ : each | self + messageAt: (newAnchor := messageList indexOf: each) + beSelected: true. + anchorIndex ifNil: [ anchorIndex := newAnchor ] ]. - messageAt: (messageList indexOf: each) - beSelected: true ]. self changed: #messageList. "Select the first child method." self messageListIndex: (selectables size > 0 ifTrue: [ messageList indexOf: selectables last ] ifFalse: [ messageList ifEmpty: [ 0 ] ifNotEmpty: [ 1 ] ])! Item was changed: ----- Method: MessageTrace>>toggleSelectionAt:shifted:controlled: (in category 'actions') ----- + toggleSelectionAt: anInteger shifted: isShifted controlled: isMouseDragging + anInteger = 0 ifTrue: [ ^ nil ]. + (isMouseDragging not and: [anInteger = anchorIndex and: [ (messageSelections occurrencesOf: true) = 1 ]]) + ifTrue: + [ self toggleMessageSelectionAt: anInteger. + anchorIndex := nil. + self messageListIndex: 0 ] + ifFalse: - toggleSelectionAt: currentPosition shifted: isShifted controlled: isControlled - - currentPosition = 0 ifTrue: [ ^nil ]. - isControlled - ifTrue: - [ isShifted - ifTrue: - [ self selectAllBetweenAnchorAnd: currentPosition ] - ifFalse: - [ self toggleMessageSelectionAt: currentPosition. - anchorIndex := currentPosition ] ] - ifFalse: [ self deselectAll. isShifted + ifTrue: [ self selectAllBetweenAnchorAnd: anInteger ] - ifTrue: - [ self selectAllBetweenAnchorAnd: currentPosition ] ifFalse: + [ self + messageAt: anInteger - [ self - messageAt: currentPosition beSelected: true. + anchorIndex := anInteger ]. + self messageListIndex: anInteger ]! - anchorIndex := currentPosition ] ]. - self messageListIndex: currentPosition - ! |
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