Chris Muller uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Inbox: Summary ====================
Name: Tools-cmm.816
Author: cmm
Time: 24 May 2018, 4:43:41.184703 pm
UUID: 05f6c859-3e95-45a3-972c-01430ee54d1e
Ancestors: Tools-mt.815
Remove unnecessary period from generated setter methods, and blank lines from getters and setters.
=============== Diff against Tools-mt.815 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Behavior>>createGetterFor: (in category '*Tools-Browser-accessors') -----
createGetterFor: aName
| code |
+ code := '{1}\ ^ {1}' withCRs format: {aName}.
+ self compile: code classified: #accessing notifying: nil!
- code := '{1}\\ ^ {1}' withCRs format: {aName}.
- self compile: code classified: #accessing notifying: nil.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Behavior>>createSetterFor: (in category '*Tools-Browser-accessors') -----
+ createSetterFor: aName
- createSetterFor: aName
| code |
+ code := '{1}: anObject\ {2}{1} := anObject' withCRs format: {aName.
+ self settersReturnValue ifTrue: [ '^ ' ] ifFalse: [ String empty ]}.
+ self
+ compile: code
+ classified: #accessing
+ notifying: nil!
- code := '{1}: anObject\\ {2}{1} := anObject.' withCRs
- format: {aName. self settersReturnValue ifTrue: ['^ '] ifFalse: ['']}.
- self compile: code classified: #accessing notifying: nil.!