A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tools-ct.1054.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-ct.1054 Author: ct Time: 6 May 2021, 11:40:27.54561 pm UUID: edc189dc-7bb9-974a-9aa3-4760e7e67239 Ancestors: Tools-mt.1053 Proposal: Adds a new preference #acceptWithPrettyPrint that, if enabled, automatically pretty-prints every message before accepting it in a code holder. When used together with the preferences #browseWithPrettyPrint (and maybe also #diffsWithPrettyPrint), given a good pretty-printer such as PoppyPrint, this has the potential to make your journey through Squeak even prettier. :-) =============== Diff against Tools-mt.1053 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Browser>>defineMessageFrom:notifying: (in category 'message functions') ----- defineMessageFrom: aString notifying: aController "Compile the expressions in aString. Notify aController if a syntax error occurs. Install the compiled method in the selected class classified under the currently selected message category name. Answer the selector obtained if compilation succeeds, nil otherwise." | selectedMessageName selector category oldMessageList selectedClassOrMetaClass | selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. oldMessageList := self messageList. selectedClassOrMetaClass := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. contents := nil. selector := (selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). (self metaClassIndicated and: [(selectedClassOrMetaClass includesSelector: selector) not and: [Metaclass isScarySelector: selector]]) ifTrue: ["A frist-time definition overlaps the protocol of Metaclasses" (self confirm: ((selector , ' is used in the existing class system. Overriding it could cause serious problems. Is this really what you want to do?') asText makeBoldFrom: 1 to: selector size)) ifFalse: [^nil]]. category := selectedMessageName ifNil: [ self selectedMessageCategoryName ] ifNotNil: [ (selectedClassOrMetaClass >> selectedMessageName) methodReference ifNotNil: [ : ref | ref category ]]. + selector := self + basicCompile: aString + in: selectedClassOrMetaClass + classified: category + notifying: aController. - selector := selectedClassOrMetaClass - compile: aString - classified: category - notifying: aController. selector == nil ifTrue: [^ nil]. contents := aString copy. self changed: #messageCategoryList. "Because the 'as yet unclassified' might just appear." self changed: #messageList. "Because we have code-dependent list formatting by now such as #isDeprecated." selector ~~ selectedMessageName ifTrue: [category = ClassOrganizer nullCategory ifTrue: [self changed: #classSelectionChanged. self changed: #classList. self messageCategoryListIndex: 1]. self setClassOrganizer. "In case organization not cached" (oldMessageList includes: selector) ifFalse: [self changed: #messageList]. self messageListIndex: (self messageList indexOf: selector)]. ^ selector! Item was added: + ----- Method: CodeHolder>>basicCompile:in:classified:notifying: (in category 'code pane') ----- + basicCompile: aString in: aClassOrMetaClass classified: category notifying: requestor + + | source | + source := SystemBrowser acceptWithPrettyPrint + ifTrue: [aClassOrMetaClass prettyPrinterClass + format: aString in: aClassOrMetaClass notifying: requestor] + ifFalse: [aString]. + ^ aClassOrMetaClass + compile: source + classified: category + notifying: requestor! Item was changed: ----- Method: CodeHolder>>compileMessage:notifying: (in category 'code pane') ----- compileMessage: aString notifying: aController "Compile the code that was accepted by the user, placing the compiled method into an appropriate message category. Return true if the compilation succeeded, else false." | selectedMessageName selector category selectedClassOrMetaClass | selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. selectedClassOrMetaClass := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. contents := nil. selector := (selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). (self metaClassIndicated and: [(selectedClassOrMetaClass includesSelector: selector) not and: [Metaclass isScarySelector: selector]]) ifTrue: ["A frist-time definition overlaps the protocol of Metaclasses" (self confirm: ((selector , ' is used in the existing class system. Overriding it could cause serious problems. Is this really what you want to do?') asText makeBoldFrom: 1 to: selector size)) ifFalse: [^nil]]. category := self selectedMessageCategoryName. + selector := self + basicCompile: aString + in: selectedClassOrMetaClass + classified: category + notifying: aController. - selector := selectedClassOrMetaClass - compile: aString - classified: category - notifying: aController. selector == nil ifTrue: [^ nil]. contents := aString copy. currentCompiledMethod := selectedClassOrMetaClass compiledMethodAt: selector. ^ true! Item was changed: ----- Method: DependencyBrowser>>defineMessageFrom:notifying: (in category 'contents') ----- defineMessageFrom: aString notifying: aController "Compile the expressions in aString. Notify aController if a syntax error occurs. Install the compiled method in the selected class classified under the currently selected message category name. Answer the selector obtained if compilation succeeds, nil otherwise." | selectedMessageName selector category oldMessageList | selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. oldMessageList := self messageList. contents := nil. selector := (self selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). + selector := self + basicCompile: aString + in: self selectedClassOrMetaClass + classified: (category := self selectedMessageCategoryName) + notifying: aController. - selector := self selectedClassOrMetaClass - compile: aString - classified: (category := self selectedMessageCategoryName) - notifying: aController. selector == nil ifTrue: [^ false]. contents := aString copy. ^ true ! Item was changed: AppRegistry subclass: #SystemBrowser instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: 'AcceptWithPrettyPrint BrowseWithDragNDrop BrowseWithPrettyPrint' - classVariableNames: 'BrowseWithDragNDrop BrowseWithPrettyPrint' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tools-Base'! !SystemBrowser commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! This is the AppRegistry class for class browsing! Item was added: + ----- Method: SystemBrowser class>>acceptWithPrettyPrint (in category 'preferences') ----- + acceptWithPrettyPrint + <preference: 'Accept with pretty-print' category: 'browsing' description: 'If true, browsers will automatically pretty-print every method when you accept it.' type: #Boolean> + ^ AcceptWithPrettyPrint ifNil: [false].! Item was added: + ----- Method: SystemBrowser class>>acceptWithPrettyPrint: (in category 'preferences') ----- + acceptWithPrettyPrint: aBoolean + AcceptWithPrettyPrint := aBoolean.! |
-1. The IDE should not break the boundaries of roles between the
human and IDE. IOW, it should maintain explicit gesture separation between what the human crafted, and what is stored in the system. If this was really a good idea, why not write a script to simply format all methods in the whole system? (answer: because I'm sure you agree that's a bad idea). Or why not just use #browseWithPrettyPrint? There is already a hot-key for pretty-print (Shift+Cmd+S), so you can obtain the same effect with virtually no extra effort if you want to. On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 4:40 PM <[hidden email]> wrote: > > A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox: > http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tools-ct.1054.mcz > > ==================== Summary ==================== > > Name: Tools-ct.1054 > Author: ct > Time: 6 May 2021, 11:40:27.54561 pm > UUID: edc189dc-7bb9-974a-9aa3-4760e7e67239 > Ancestors: Tools-mt.1053 > > Proposal: Adds a new preference #acceptWithPrettyPrint that, if enabled, automatically pretty-prints every message before accepting it in a code holder. When used together with the preferences #browseWithPrettyPrint (and maybe also #diffsWithPrettyPrint), given a good pretty-printer such as PoppyPrint, this has the potential to make your journey through Squeak even prettier. :-) > > =============== Diff against Tools-mt.1053 =============== > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: Browser>>defineMessageFrom:notifying: (in category 'message functions') ----- > defineMessageFrom: aString notifying: aController > "Compile the expressions in aString. Notify aController if a syntax error occurs. Install the compiled method in the selected class classified under the currently selected message category name. Answer the selector obtained if compilation succeeds, nil otherwise." > | selectedMessageName selector category oldMessageList selectedClassOrMetaClass | > selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. > oldMessageList := self messageList. > selectedClassOrMetaClass := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. > contents := nil. > selector := (selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). > (self metaClassIndicated > and: [(selectedClassOrMetaClass includesSelector: selector) not > and: [Metaclass isScarySelector: selector]]) > ifTrue: ["A frist-time definition overlaps the protocol of Metaclasses" > (self confirm: ((selector , ' is used in the existing class system. > Overriding it could cause serious problems. > Is this really what you want to do?') asText makeBoldFrom: 1 to: selector size)) > ifFalse: [^nil]]. > category := selectedMessageName > ifNil: [ self selectedMessageCategoryName ] > ifNotNil: [ (selectedClassOrMetaClass >> selectedMessageName) methodReference ifNotNil: [ : ref | ref category ]]. > + selector := self > + basicCompile: aString > + in: selectedClassOrMetaClass > + classified: category > + notifying: aController. > - selector := selectedClassOrMetaClass > - compile: aString > - classified: category > - notifying: aController. > selector == nil ifTrue: [^ nil]. > contents := aString copy. > > self changed: #messageCategoryList. "Because the 'as yet unclassified' might just appear." > self changed: #messageList. "Because we have code-dependent list formatting by now such as #isDeprecated." > > selector ~~ selectedMessageName > ifTrue: > [category = ClassOrganizer nullCategory > ifTrue: [self changed: #classSelectionChanged. > self changed: #classList. > self messageCategoryListIndex: 1]. > self setClassOrganizer. "In case organization not cached" > (oldMessageList includes: selector) > ifFalse: [self changed: #messageList]. > self messageListIndex: (self messageList indexOf: selector)]. > ^ selector! > > Item was added: > + ----- Method: CodeHolder>>basicCompile:in:classified:notifying: (in category 'code pane') ----- > + basicCompile: aString in: aClassOrMetaClass classified: category notifying: requestor > + > + | source | > + source := SystemBrowser acceptWithPrettyPrint > + ifTrue: [aClassOrMetaClass prettyPrinterClass > + format: aString in: aClassOrMetaClass notifying: requestor] > + ifFalse: [aString]. > + ^ aClassOrMetaClass > + compile: source > + classified: category > + notifying: requestor! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: CodeHolder>>compileMessage:notifying: (in category 'code pane') ----- > compileMessage: aString notifying: aController > "Compile the code that was accepted by the user, placing the compiled method into an appropriate message category. Return true if the compilation succeeded, else false." > > | selectedMessageName selector category selectedClassOrMetaClass | > selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. > selectedClassOrMetaClass := self selectedClassOrMetaClass. > contents := nil. > selector := (selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). > (self metaClassIndicated > and: [(selectedClassOrMetaClass includesSelector: selector) not > and: [Metaclass isScarySelector: selector]]) > ifTrue: ["A frist-time definition overlaps the protocol of Metaclasses" > (self confirm: ((selector , ' is used in the existing class system. > Overriding it could cause serious problems. > Is this really what you want to do?') asText makeBoldFrom: 1 to: selector size)) > ifFalse: [^nil]]. > category := self selectedMessageCategoryName. > + selector := self > + basicCompile: aString > + in: selectedClassOrMetaClass > + classified: category > + notifying: aController. > - selector := selectedClassOrMetaClass > - compile: aString > - classified: category > - notifying: aController. > selector == nil ifTrue: [^ nil]. > contents := aString copy. > currentCompiledMethod := selectedClassOrMetaClass compiledMethodAt: selector. > ^ true! > > Item was changed: > ----- Method: DependencyBrowser>>defineMessageFrom:notifying: (in category 'contents') ----- > defineMessageFrom: aString notifying: aController > "Compile the expressions in aString. Notify aController if a syntax error occurs. Install the compiled method in the selected class classified under the currently selected message category name. Answer the selector obtained if compilation succeeds, nil otherwise." > | selectedMessageName selector category oldMessageList | > selectedMessageName := self selectedMessageName. > oldMessageList := self messageList. > contents := nil. > selector := (self selectedClassOrMetaClass newParser parseSelector: aString). > + selector := self > + basicCompile: aString > + in: self selectedClassOrMetaClass > + classified: (category := self selectedMessageCategoryName) > + notifying: aController. > - selector := self selectedClassOrMetaClass > - compile: aString > - classified: (category := self selectedMessageCategoryName) > - notifying: aController. > selector == nil ifTrue: [^ false]. > contents := aString copy. > ^ true > ! > > Item was changed: > AppRegistry subclass: #SystemBrowser > instanceVariableNames: '' > + classVariableNames: 'AcceptWithPrettyPrint BrowseWithDragNDrop BrowseWithPrettyPrint' > - classVariableNames: 'BrowseWithDragNDrop BrowseWithPrettyPrint' > poolDictionaries: '' > category: 'Tools-Base'! > > !SystemBrowser commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! > This is the AppRegistry class for class browsing! > > Item was added: > + ----- Method: SystemBrowser class>>acceptWithPrettyPrint (in category 'preferences') ----- > + acceptWithPrettyPrint > + <preference: 'Accept with pretty-print' category: 'browsing' description: 'If true, browsers will automatically pretty-print every method when you accept it.' type: #Boolean> > + ^ AcceptWithPrettyPrint ifNil: [false].! > > Item was added: > + ----- Method: SystemBrowser class>>acceptWithPrettyPrint: (in category 'preferences') ----- > + acceptWithPrettyPrint: aBoolean > + AcceptWithPrettyPrint := aBoolean.! > > |
Hi Chris, speaking from experience with an extension like this: I started out with a script that reformatted all methods in my package (it was a good idea) and moved on to using something like this proposed extension. For further context, I have gotten used to and comfortable with the idea that formatting is just busy work in 95% of cases that I'd like to spend on something productive rather than moving whitespace. Undoubtedly, using a pretty printer on most trunk code is infeasible, as each method/class/package currently follows different intricacies of secondary notation. Additionally, there are of course some "special" (from the POV of our pretty printer) formatting choices that authors deliberately chose to make a point about the code. This type of secondary notation, where it's actually valuable, is I think quite common in trunk code, but exceedingly uncommon in code I produce in the daily business. I don't think anyone currently even considers applying a pretty printer against all trunk code, for various reasons. Since it's a preference I would give the proposed change a +1. It supports a valuable workflow that I believe is slowly becoming feasible in Squeak. The Ctrl+Shift+S shortcut could even be inverted when the preference is active so that you can keep formatting idiosyncrasies where it's appropriate. It may be important to note that we are working on having a pretty printer understand common Smalltalk idioms and format those accordingly. We are also planning to try and maintain deliberate choices, such as empty lines, strides in array formatting, or comment positions. If you've never tried programming in an ecosystem where there's a well-accepted standard for code style that can be automatically applied, I'd recommend you give it a shot. At least for me, it allowed performing changes more directly (no tedious cleanup each time I want to look at an intermediate or final state of a change) and saved a good chunk of brain power that I could invest elsewhere :) Best, Tom On Fri, May 7, 2021, 02:25 Chris Muller <[hidden email]> wrote: -1. The IDE should not break the boundaries of roles between the |
Hi all -- Since the preference is disabled by default (and I would want to make that explicit in the ReleaseBuilder, too), I think this might improve some folks' programming experience. Well, I don't think this preference/proposal would have a huge impact because: 1. Squeak's pretty printer is rather limited to support project/user-specific styles (or accuracy to preserve those implicit rules). 2. There is already a way to pretty print your code selection via SHIFT+CMD+S easily. 3. If any project would even want to enforce such formatting -- Squeak Trunk should not do that -- it should be scoped per repository and rather be done at commit time (or code-review time). Not a global setting. If people are too scared that such a preference would open a "pandora's box", I would like to make sure that we make our intentions for Squeak Trunk/Inbox/Treated as explicit as possible to preserve the programmer's creative freedom. -1 for now =) Best, Marcel
Hi Marcel,
these are very good points for further and tighter integration of a pretty printer into the system (I'm mainly referring to customized and project-specific settings), and I'm sure that Tom and his team will consider at least some of them for PoppyPrint. :-) Nevertheless, I don't think that we should hesitate to integrate new features like this one into the Trunk as experimental features. Unless turned on by default, I don't see how this could harm anyone, but it allows certain users to configure their image to better match their individual preference, so we can give them more freedom. I think we should be more open to and supportive of new ideas, even if they do not perfectly fit together. Last but not least, isn't this one of the core ideas of trunk-based development? :-)
At the moment, the preference offers a working prototype that interested users can enable - when working on projects that do not enforce a different coding style - and benefit from additional convenience while writing their code. I'm liking this feature very much while developing my latest project. I'm also making good experiences with the analogous concept in the JavaScript world (VS Code "formatOnSave" + eslint) these days.
> Squeak Trunk should not do that [enforce such formatting]
I'm not requesting that here. At least not yet. This will enough stuff for a future discussion. :-)
> it should [...] rather be done at commit time (or code-review time) -1. :-) The idea of automatic pretty-printing is that you do not have to spend any time or thoughts on thinking about the proper formatting of a method. Thus the earlier automatic pretty-printing is applied, the less the programmer gets distracted by thinking
about manual formatting. I would even love to try out pretty-printing as you type, but this would be technically more challenging.
Von: Squeak-dev <[hidden email]> im Auftrag von Taeumel, Marcel
Gesendet: Freitag, 7. Mai 2021 07:47:30 An: squeak-dev Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] The Inbox: Tools-ct.1054.mcz
Hi all --
Since the preference is disabled by default (and I would want to make that explicit in the ReleaseBuilder, too), I think this might improve some folks' programming experience.
Well, I don't think this preference/proposal would have a huge impact because:
1. Squeak's pretty printer is rather limited to support project/user-specific styles (or accuracy to preserve those implicit rules).
2. There is already a way to pretty print your code selection via SHIFT+CMD+S easily.
3. If any project would even want to enforce such formatting -- Squeak Trunk should not do that -- it should be scoped per repository and rather be done at commit time (or code-review time). Not a global setting.
If people are too scared that such a preference would open a "pandora's box", I would like to make sure that we make our intentions for Squeak Trunk/Inbox/Treated as explicit as possible to preserve the programmer's creative freedom.
-1 for now =)
Carpe Squeak!
Hey Christoph, hey all, sorry, but I care about this one. :/
Everyone agrees that pretty-printers are useful, it's about the responsibility and activation. You overlooked my question about the philosophical inversion of the responsibility, from the developer to the machine. Tools should *empower* the developer with convenient activation of PLUS operations *if desired*, NOT take over and obliterate their intentional formatting and force them into an even more-distracting corrective operation. It isn't clear what problem you're trying to solve, and you also ignored the question of why #browseWithPrettyPrint doesn't already solve it. It can't be Tom's vision, because you would need a postscript to reformat all methods in the system. So, it seems like you're still going to have to rely on #browseWithPrettyPrint in any case. Anything more is an overstep against the developer. I'm doubtful consensus on what the stored format should be could ever be achieved, and whether it would even be healthy if it "could". Even you yourself may change your mind one day about a particular formatting rule, so what good will it been to have rewritten all the code libraries, instead of simply adjusting your (and, each, their own) #browseWithPrettyPrint? > these are very good points for further and tighter integration of a pretty printer into the system (I'm mainly referring to customized and project-specific settings), and I'm sure that Tom and his team will consider at least some of them for PoppyPrint. :-) Nevertheless, I don't think that we should hesitate to integrate new features like this one into the Trunk as experimental features. The Inbox is for experimental features. The Trunk is for finished features that integrate in a cohesive way. Piling on features that don't integrate cohesively are detrimental to the IDE. > Unless turned on by default, I don't see how this could harm anyone, It harms the IDE by violating a basic premise of not controlling the developer. The simplest, best IDE's are one's made up of "Unconditional Plus Actions". This preference introduces behavior conditioned on yet another new global. Imagine trying to explain this to a student who just lost their artfully-formatted code. Having to explain "pretty-print" with, vs. without, this feature. Again, #browseWithPrettyPrint avoids these issues. > but it allows certain users to configure their image to better match their individual preference, so we can give them more freedom. I think we should be more open to and supportive of new ideas, even if they do not perfectly fit > together. Marcel is plenty open and supportive of new ideas. You should stick to the core _specific_ arguments for this. These abstract platitudes could be argued for any idea about anything.. > At the moment, the preference offers a working prototype that interested users can enable - when working on projects that do not enforce a different coding style - and benefit from additional convenience while writing their code. You mean sparing one hot-key press per method save? (<-- except, NOT, see? -->) That's not much convenience, because the imperfect formatter won't always do what you want. Then, you'll have to click back in and re-edit the method, press "Save" again, ... except, OOPS! Wait, it overrode you the developer *again*, so simply temporarily turn off this preference, re-edit a third time, THEN save again, THEN turn the pref back on...?? If the above "never happens", then you could simply use #browseWithPrettyPrint. If it does, you would use up the entire day's added "convenience" the very first time it happened (believe me, it would). > I'm liking this feature very much while developing my latest project. I'm also making good experiences with the analogous concept in the JavaScript world (VS Code "formatOnSave" + eslint) these days. It's a bad idea there, too. They should improve to be more empowering like Squeak. Please have faith that Squeak's designers have thought through some of these things since the 1970's, and sometimes have better ideas than the new kids on the block.. :) > > Squeak Trunk should not do that [enforce such formatting] > > I'm not requesting that here. At least not yet. This will enough stuff for a future discussion. :-) Reading and writing code is a personal thing. As long as it's basically readable, code in the library should reflect the individuals' style who contributed it. IMO, stripping away that personalization from everyone would not only be harmful to the class-library, it could stifle creative energy and ways of thinking, and possibly even foster resentment. Some see this level of control as overbearing and petty, especially in the presence of #browseWithPrettyPrint, and so it could cause "formatting" to end up becoming the very thing you wanted to avoid, a major distraction. > > it should [...] rather be done at commit time (or code-review time) > > -1. :-) The idea of automatic pretty-printing is that you do not have to spend any time or thoughts on thinking about the proper formatting of a method. Thus the earlier automatic pretty-printing is applied, the less the programmer gets distracted by thinking about manual formatting. We already don't have to. Pretty-printing is already a useful feature, as long as I can apply it easily, when and where I want to, and not have to "fight" against it where I don't want it. Again, with #browseWithPrettyPrint, you shouldn't either... > I would even love to try out pretty-printing as you type, but this would be technically more challenging. OMG, that is exactly when you would get *distracted* by it! The text editor not behaving as you expect because it's busy "formatting" while you're simply trying to "input". Also, I like to left-justify debugging code, I actually want it to NOT be formatted in.. Pretty-print is just right the way it is, #acceptWithPrettyPrint is a bad idea to add to the IDE, IMO. Best, Chris |
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