A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tools-ct.907.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tools-ct.907
Author: ct
Time: 13 October 2019, 11:55:40.103932 pm
UUID: 721caa2a-0f79-0445-9bdf-650641ea3543
Ancestors: Tools-ct.900
Fixes a styling bug in ContextVariableInspectors, we don't need fieldList, we have slotSpecs.
For example, if you debug the following example before loading this commit, x will be styled wrong:
42 ifNotNil: [:x | x asWords]
=============== Diff against Tools-ct.900 ===============
Item was changed:
Inspector subclass: #ContextVariablesInspector
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
- instanceVariableNames: 'fieldList'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'Tools-Debugger'!
!ContextVariablesInspector commentStamp: 'eem 3/30/2017 17:32' prior: 0!
I represent a query path into the internal representation of a Context. Typically this is a context at a point in the query path of a Debugger. As a StringHolder, the string I represent is the value of the currently selected variable of the observed temporary variable of the context.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ContextVariablesInspector>>createSlotSpecs (in category 'accessing') -----
"Refer to the comment in Inspector|fieldList."
+ | styler |
object == nil ifTrue: [^ OrderedDictionary new].
+ styler := SHTextStylerST80 new.
+ styler context: object.
+ ^ OrderedDictionary newFrom: {
+ (styler styledTextFor: 'thisContext' asText) -> #thisContext.
+ '<i>stack top</i>' asTextFromHtml -> #stackTop.
+ '<i>all temp vars</i>' asTextFromHtml -> #allTempVars }
+ , (object tempNames collectWithIndex: [:name :index |
+ (styler styledTextFor: name asText) -> {#tempVar. index}])!
- ^ fieldList ifNil: [ | styler |
- styler := SHTextStylerST80 new.
- styler context: object.
- fieldList := OrderedDictionary newFrom: {
- (styler styledTextFor: 'thisContext' asText) -> #thisContext.
- '<i>stack top</i>' asHtmlText -> #stackTop.
- '<i>all temp vars</i>' asHtmlText -> #allTempVars }
- , (object tempNames collectWithIndex: [:name :index |
- (styler styledTextFor: name asText) -> {#tempVar. index}])]!
Item was changed:
----- Method: ContextVariablesInspector>>inspect: (in category 'accessing') -----
inspect: anObject
"Initialize the receiver so that it is inspecting anObject. There is no
current selection.
Because no object's inspectorClass method answers this class, it is OK for this method to
override Inspector >> inspect: "
- fieldList := nil.
object := anObject.
self initialize.
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ContextVariablesInspector>>object: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ object: anObject
+ anObject == object
+ ifTrue: [^ self updateEntries].
+ ^ super object: anObject!