Christoph Thiede uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Inbox: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Tools-ct.962 Author: ct Time: 20 March 2020, 6:58:18.856237 pm UUID: c4cbd7b0-ddf5-3b4b-93ed-55e5b2c80465 Ancestors: Tools-mt.955 Makes variable bindings in Workspace more comfortable: - Ask for a useful variable name when dropping something into a workspace - Validate variable name before creating inaccessible bindings - Do not propose invalid names at all (for example, dropped class were given an invalid name in the past) - Ask before removing variable bindings. This also increases responsiveness of the UI. - Improves multilingual support =============== Diff against Tools-mt.955 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Workspace>>acceptDroppingMorph:event:inMorph: (in category 'drag and drop') ----- acceptDroppingMorph: dropee event: evt inMorph: targetMorph + "Return the dropee to its old position, and add a reference to it at the cursor point." + - "Return the dropee to its old position, and add a reference to it at the - cursor point." | bindingName externalName reference | (dropee isKindOf: TransferMorph) ifTrue: [reference := dropee passenger. externalName := dropee passenger className] ifFalse: [reference := dropee. externalName := dropee externalName]. externalName := externalName isOctetString + ifTrue: [externalName] + ifFalse: ['a' , externalName]. + + bindingName := Project uiManager + request: 'Please enter a name for the dropped object:' translated + initialAnswer: (externalName withFirstCharacterDownshifted , reference identityHash printString) asLegalSelector. + bindingName isEmptyOrNil ifTrue: [^ false]. + bindingName := Parser new parseSelector: bindingName. + bindingName ifNil: [ + self inform: 'Invalid selector.' translated. + ^ false]. + - ifTrue: [externalName] - ifFalse: ['a' , externalName]. - bindingName := externalName withFirstCharacterDownshifted , reference identityHash printString. - targetMorph correctSelectionWithString: bindingName , ' '. (self bindingOf: bindingName) value: reference. + targetMorph correctSelectionWithString: bindingName , ' '. (dropee isKindOf: TransferMorph) ifFalse: [dropee rejectDropMorphEvent: evt]. + ^ true "success"! - ^ true"success"! Item was changed: ----- Method: Workspace>>addModelItemsToWindowMenu: (in category 'menu commands') ----- addModelItemsToWindowMenu: aMenu aMenu addLine. aMenu + add: 'save contents to file...' translated - add: 'save contents to file...' target: self action: #saveContentsInFile. aMenu + add: 'inspect variables' translated - add: 'inspect variables' target: self action: #inspectBindings. aMenu + add: 'reset variables' translated - add: 'reset variables' target: self + action: #resetBindings. - action: #initializeBindings. aMenu addUpdating: #mustDeclareVariableWording target: self action: #toggleVariableDeclarationMode. aMenu addUpdating: #acceptDroppedMorphsWording target: self action: #toggleDroppingMorphForReference. + self addToggleStylingMenuItemTo: aMenu.! - self addToggleStylingMenuItemTo: aMenu. - ! Item was added: + ----- Method: Workspace>>resetBindings (in category 'menu commands') ----- + resetBindings + + (self bindings notEmpty ==> [self confirm: ('Are you sure you would like to remove {1} variables?' translated format: {self bindings size})]) + ifFalse: [^ self]. + self initializeBindings.! |
Hi Christoph. > - Ask for a useful variable name when dropping something into a workspace Note that adding a disruptive prompt for the user is a substantial change to existing workflows. It would be better if one could come up with a better variable name automatically instead of prompting the user. What about using String >> #findFeatures and a serial number that starts at 1 for each new workspace? a BorderedMorph(3550942) -> #(bordered morph) -> morph1 Best, Marcel
Hi Marcel,
I have found myself never being happy with a generated name - just because a computer cannot not know the semantics and the role I would like to give the just-dropped object. The first thing I do after dropping a variable is assigning it to another variable by hand, so for me, such a prompt would be really helpful. What about a preference for this particular behavior? :-)
> What about using String >> #findFeatures and a serial number that starts at 1 for each new workspace? As a proposed value - interesting! But don't we want to support #externalName here?
Von: Squeak-dev <[hidden email]> im Auftrag von Taeumel, Marcel
Gesendet: Montag, 23. März 2020 10:54:33 An: gettimothy via Squeak-dev Betreff: Re: [squeak-dev] The Inbox: Tools-ct.962.mcz
Hi Christoph.
> - Ask for a useful variable name when dropping something into a workspace
Note that adding a disruptive prompt for the user is a substantial change to existing workflows. It would be better if one could come up with a better variable name automatically instead
of prompting the user.
What about using String >> #findFeatures and a serial number that starts at 1 for each new workspace?
a BorderedMorph(3550942) -> #(bordered morph) -> morph1
Carpe Squeak!
On 25/03/20 12:03 AM, Thiede, Christoph wrote:
> The first thing I do after > dropping a variable is assigning it to another variable by hand, so for > me, such a prompt would be really helpful. What about a preference for > this particular behavior? :-) You could generate a name and leave it selected, like in the result of printIt. If you don't like the name, just type the new name as usual. But if the name is okay, then press right arrow and continue with the rest of the line. This will go with the flow. Regards .. Subbu |
Sounds good. It is also very easy to rename the generated variable. In the workspace just type: "preferredName := " then drop the object. No need for a disruptive dialog window. Still -1 for the extra dialog window. Best, Marcel
> What about a preference for this particular behavior? :-) That's even worse for this issue here. ;-) I think we can do better. Best, Marcel
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