A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:
http://source.squeak.org/inbox/Tools-fbs.221.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Tools-fbs.221
Author: fbs
Time: 31 March 2010, 10:50:58.687 pm
UUID: da949c92-70b6-e447-8327-524502fe452c
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.220
Bug from ancestor: selectorListIndex can be nil, if the selectorList is empty.
=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.220 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MessageNames>>selectedClassOrMetaClass (in category 'class list') -----
"Answer the currently selected class (or metaclass)."
messageListIndex > 0 ifTrue: [
^ self setClassAndSelectorIn: [:c :s | ^c]].
+ (selectorListIndex isNil not and: [selectorListIndex > 0]) ifTrue: [^Smalltalk classNamed: (self selectorList at: selectorListIndex)].
- selectorListIndex > 0 ifTrue: [^Smalltalk classNamed: (self selectorList at: selectorListIndex)].
^ nil.