The Inbox: Tools-fbs.308.mcz

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The Inbox: Tools-fbs.308.mcz

A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-fbs.308
Author: fbs
Time: 9 March 2011, 12:52:17.982 pm
UUID: a4a01eda-1384-3544-901c-ab17b8875fc4
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.307

Renamed HierarchyBrowser's classList instvar to classDisplayList - the name was confusing because this list and self classList contained _similar_ but not identical data, namely that the instvar used spaces to indicate the subclass relationships between classes. Class comment added to indicate same.

=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.307 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ClassListBrowser>>initForClassesNamed:title: (in category 'initialization') -----
  initForClassesNamed: nameList title: aTitle
  "Initialize the receiver for the class-name-list and title provided"
  self systemOrganizer: SystemOrganization.
  metaClassIndicated := false.
  defaultTitle := aTitle.
+ classDisplayList := nameList copy.
- classList := nameList copy.
  self class openBrowserView:  (self openSystemCatEditString: nil)
  label: aTitle
  "ClassListBrowser new initForClassesNamed: #(Browser CategoryViewer) title: 'Frogs'"!

Item was changed:
  Browser subclass: #HierarchyBrowser
+ instanceVariableNames: 'classDisplayList centralClass'
- instanceVariableNames: 'classList centralClass'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'Tools-Browser'!
+ !HierarchyBrowser commentStamp: 'fbs 3/9/2011 12:02' prior: 0!
+ I provide facilities to explore classes in the context of their subclass hierarchy.
+ My classDisplayList instvar uses indentation to show the subclassing relationship between the displayed classes.
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HierarchyBrowser>>classList (in category 'class list') -----
+ classDisplayList := classDisplayList select: [:each | Smalltalk includesKey: each withBlanksTrimmed asSymbol].
+ ^ classDisplayList!
- classList := classList select: [:each | Smalltalk includesKey: each withBlanksTrimmed asSymbol].
- ^ classList!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HierarchyBrowser>>classListIndex: (in category 'initialization') -----
  classListIndex: newIndex
  "Cause system organization to reflect appropriate category"
  | newClassName ind |
  newIndex ~= 0 ifTrue:
+ [newClassName := (classDisplayList at: newIndex) copyWithout: $ .
- [newClassName := (classList at: newIndex) copyWithout: $ .
  selectedSystemCategory := (systemOrganizer categories at:
  (systemOrganizer numberOfCategoryOfElement: newClassName))].
  ind := super classListIndex: newIndex.
  self changed: #systemCategorySingleton.
  ^ ind!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HierarchyBrowser>>initAlphabeticListing (in category 'initialization') -----
  | tab stab index |
  self systemOrganizer: SystemOrganization.
  metaClassIndicated := false.
+ classDisplayList := Smalltalk classNames.!
- classList := Smalltalk classNames.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: HierarchyBrowser>>initHierarchyForClass: (in category 'initialization') -----
  initHierarchyForClass: aClassOrMetaClass
  | index nonMetaClass tab |
  centralClass := aClassOrMetaClass.
  nonMetaClass := aClassOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass.
  self systemOrganizer: SystemOrganization.
  metaClassIndicated := aClassOrMetaClass isMeta.
+ classDisplayList := OrderedCollection new.
- classList := OrderedCollection new.
  tab := ''.
  nonMetaClass allSuperclasses reverseDo:
  [:aClass |
+ classDisplayList add: tab , aClass name.
- classList add: tab , aClass name.
  tab := tab , '  '].
+ index := classDisplayList size + 1.
- index := classList size + 1.
  nonMetaClass allSubclassesWithLevelDo:
  [:aClass :level | | stab |
  stab := ''.  1 to: level do: [:i | stab := stab , '  '].
+ classDisplayList add: tab , stab , aClass name]
- classList add: tab , stab , aClass name]
  startingLevel: 0.
  self classListIndex: index!