The Inbox: Tools-fbs.443.mcz

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The Inbox: Tools-fbs.443.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of Tools to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-fbs.443
Author: fbs
Time: 30 January 2013, 6:34:37.998 pm
UUID: 87e2130b-9bfd-49a7-a2a4-665d41f7e639
Ancestors: Tools-fbs.442

Kernel-fbs.735 gives us a more uniform API. Use it.

=============== Diff against Tools-fbs.442 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>createMethod (in category 'private') -----
  "Should only be called when this Debugger was created in response to a
  MessageNotUnderstood exception. Create a stub for the method that was
  missing and proceed into it."
  | msg chosenClass |
  msg := self contextStackTop exceptionMessage.
  chosenClass := self
  askForSuperclassOf: self contextStackTop receiver class
  toImplement: msg selector
  ifCancel: [^self].
+ self implement: msg inClass: chosenClass.!
- self implement: msg message inClass: chosenClass.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>createOverridingMethod (in category 'private') -----
  "Should only be called when this Debugger was created in response to a
  SubclassResponsibility exception. Create a stub for the method that was
  missing and proceed into it."
+ | msg |
+ msg := self contextStackTop exceptionMessage.
+ self implement: msg inClass: self contextStackTop receiver class inCategory: self contextStackTop selectorCategory.!
- | msgSend |
- msgSend := self contextStackTop exceptionMessage.
- self implement: msgSend asMessage inClass: msgSend receiver class inCategory: msgSend selectorCategory.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Debugger>>implement:inClass:inCategory: (in category 'context stack menu') -----
  implement: aMessage inClass: aClass inCategory: aSymbol
  compile: aMessage createStubMethod
  classified: aSymbol.
  self setContentsToForceRefetch.
  self selectedContext privRefreshWith: (aClass lookupSelector: aMessage selector).
  aMessage numArgs > 0 ifTrue:
  [aMessage arguments withIndexDo:
  [:arg :index|
  self selectedContext tempAt: index put: arg]].
  self resetContext: self selectedContext.
  self debug.