The Inbox: Tools-jl.725.mcz

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The Inbox: Tools-jl.725.mcz

A new version of Tools was added to project The Inbox:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Tools-jl.725
Author: jl
Time: 1 September 2016, 3:38:08.183565 pm
UUID: c1f63020-54e3-3d46-bef0-958eef4c73ae
Ancestors: Tools-tfel.724

fixed project load dialog in etoys

=============== Diff against Tools-tfel.724 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad:dirFilterType: (in category 'blue ui') -----
  morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean dirFilterType: aSymbol
  | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b treeExtent filesExtent |
  window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
  window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
  textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
+ aFileList := self new.
- aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
  optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader;
  fileSelectionBlock: (
  aSymbol == #limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList ifTrue: [
  MessageSend receiver: self selector: #projectOnlySelectionMethod:
  ] ifFalse: [
  self projectOnlySelectionBlock
  "dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock;"
  modalView: window.
+ aFileList directory: FileDirectory default.
  setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
  wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
  borderWidth: 1;
  borderColor: (Color r: 0.9 g: 0.801 b: 0.2);
  buttons := {{'OK'. Color lightGreen}. {'Cancel'. Color lightRed}} collect: [ :each |
  self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window
  aWorld width < 800 ifTrue: [
  treeExtent := 150@300.
  filesExtent := 350@300.
  ] ifFalse: [
+ treeExtent := 350@500.
+ filesExtent := 550@500.
- treeExtent := 250@300.
- filesExtent := 350@300.
  (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol)
  extent: treeExtent;
  retractable: false;
  borderWidth: 0.
  fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
  extent: filesExtent;
  retractable: false;
  borderWidth: 0.
  addARow: {
  window fancyText: 'Load A Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
  addARowCentered: {
  buttons first.
  (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
  buttons second
  addARow: {
  window fancyText: 'Please select a project' translated  font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
  addARow: {
  (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
  layoutInset: 0;
  borderWidth: 1;
  borderColor: (Color r: 0.6 g: 0.7 b: 1)
  }) layoutInset: 10.
  (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
  layoutInset: 0;
  borderWidth: 1;
  borderColor: (Color r: 0.6 g: 0.7 b: 1)
  }) layoutInset: 10.
  window fullBounds.
  window fillWithRamp: (Color r: 1 g: 0.85 b: 0.975) oriented: 0.65.
  pane2a fillWithRamp: (Color r: 0.85 g: 0.9 b: 1) oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
  pane2b fillWithRamp: (Color r: 0.85 g: 0.9 b: 1) oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
  buttons do: [ :each |
  each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
  buttons first
  on: #mouseUp
  send: (aBoolean ifTrue: [#okHitForProjectLoader] ifFalse: [#okHit])
  to: aFileList.
  buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
  aFileList postOpen.
  window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
  window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
  window becomeModal.
  ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!