The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.3.mcz

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The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.3.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.3
Author: fbs
Time: 3 May 2013, 1:30:48.116 pm
UUID: 52f8573f-fba9-4ab9-b573-400412a8f945
Ancestors: 45Deprecated-fbs.2

Move ScriptLoader to 45Deprecated.

=============== Diff against 45Deprecated-fbs.2 ===============

Item was added:
+ Object subclass: #ScriptLoader
+ instanceVariableNames: 'repository'
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: '45Deprecated'!
+ !ScriptLoader commentStamp: 'stephaneducasse 9/29/2005 18:48' prior: 0!
+ I'm a dummy class that is used to load packages to create release.
+ I should be merged into ReleaseBuilder in the future and ReleaseBuilder should be moved
+ out of system-support so that we do not create a new version of it each time!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>addRepositoryToPackageNamed: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ addRepositoryToPackageNamed: aString
+ |pa|
+ pa := MCPackage named: aString.
+ pa workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: self repository.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>bertLoadOneAfterTheOther:merge: (in category 'from bert') -----
+ bertLoadOneAfterTheOther: aCollection merge: aBoolean
+ ^ (self configurationFrom: aCollection) upgrade!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleanOldRepositories (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ cleanOldRepositories
+ "self new cleanOldRepositories"
+ "does not work since the interface of the repository group is not made for removing a repository only based on name"
+ MCWorkingCopy allManagers do: [:each |
+ each  repositoryGroup
+ removeRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: '');
+ removeRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: '')].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleanUpChanges (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ cleanUpChanges
+ "Clean up the change sets"
+ "self new cleanUpChanges"
+ | projectChangeSetNames |
+ "Delete all changesets except those currently used by existing projects."
+ projectChangeSetNames := Project allSubInstances collect: [:proj | proj changeSet name].
+ ChangeSet removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat:
+ [:cs | (projectChangeSetNames includes: cs) not].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleanUpEtoys (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ cleanUpEtoys
+ "self new cleanUpEtoys"
+ StandardScriptingSystem removeUnreferencedPlayers.
+ (self confirm: 'Remove all projects and players?')
+ ifFalse: [^self].
+ Project removeAllButCurrent.
+ #('Morphic-UserObjects' 'EToy-UserObjects' 'Morphic-Imported' )
+ do: [:each | SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: each].
+ Smalltalk
+ at: #Player
+ ifPresent: [:superCls | superCls
+ allSubclassesDo: [:cls |
+ cls isSystemDefined
+ ifFalse: [cls removeFromSystem].
+ ]].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleanUpMethods (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ cleanUpMethods
+ "Make sure that all methods in use are restarted"
+ WeakArray restartFinalizationProcess.
+ MethodChangeRecord allInstancesDo:[:x| x noteNewMethod: nil].
+ Delay startTimerEventLoop.
+ WorldState allInstancesDo:[:ws| ws convertAlarms; convertStepList].
+ ExternalDropHandler initialize.
+ ScrollBar initializeImagesCache.
+ Vocabulary initialize.
+ GradientFillStyle initPixelRampCache.
+ ProcessBrowser initialize.
+ DebuggerMethodMap voidMapCache.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ self assert: (CompiledMethod allInstances
+ reject:[:cm| cm hasNewPropertyFormat]) isEmpty.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleaningCS (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ cleaningCS
+ "self new cleaningCS"
+ ChangesOrganizer removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat: [:each | true].
+ ChangeSet resetCurrentToNewUnnamedChangeSet !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>compileNewUpdateMethod (in category 'public helpers') -----
+ compileNewUpdateMethod
+ self class compile:
+ (self generateNewUpdateMethod)
+ classified: 'updates'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>compileScriptMethodWithCurrentPackages: (in category 'public helpers') -----
+ compileScriptMethodWithCurrentPackages: aNumber
+ "ScriptLoader new compileScriptMethodWithCurrentPackages: 9999"
+ self class compile:
+ (self generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages: aNumber)
+ classified: 'scripts'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>compileScriptMethodXXXWithCurrentPackages (in category 'public helpers') -----
+ compileScriptMethodXXXWithCurrentPackages
+ "ScriptLoader new compileScriptMethodXXXWithCurrentPackages"
+ self class compile: self generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages classified: 'scripts'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>configurationFrom: (in category 'from bert') -----
+ configurationFrom: aCollection
+ | spec |
+ spec := Array streamContents: [:s |
+          s nextPut: #repository; nextPut: {self repository description}.
+          aCollection do: [:ea | | pkg ver id |
+              pkg := ea copyUpToLast: $- .
+              ver := ea copyUpToLast: $. .
+              id := UUID nilUUID asString.
+              s nextPut: #dependency; nextPut: {pkg . ver . id}]].
+     ^MCConfiguration fromArray: spec.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>currentPackages (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ currentPackages
+ "ScriptLoader new currentPackages"
+ | copies |
+ copies := MCWorkingCopy allManagers asSortedCollection:
+ [ :a :b | a package name <= b package name ].
+ ^ copies select: [:each | '*Plus*' match: each package name ].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>currentVersions (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ currentVersions
+ "ScriptLoader new currentVersions"
+ | copies |
+ copies := MCWorkingCopy allManagers asSortedCollection:
+ [ :a :b | a package name <= b package name ].
+ ^ copies collect:
+ [:ea |  ea ancestry ancestorString ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>finalCleanup (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ finalCleanup
+ "self new finalCleanup"
+ DataStream initialize.
+ Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.
+ "The pointer to currentMethod is not realy needed (anybody care to fix this) and often holds on to obsolete bindings"
+ MethodChangeRecord allInstancesDo: [:each | each noteNewMethod: nil].
+ self cleanUpEtoys.
+ SmalltalkImage current fixObsoleteReferences.
+ Smalltalk flushClassNameCache.
+ SystemOrganization removeEmptyCategories.
+ Symbol compactSymbolTable.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>finalStripping (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ finalStripping
+ "self new finalStripping"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>fixObsoleteReferences (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ fixObsoleteReferences
+ "self new fixObsoleteReferences"
+ Preference allInstances do: [:each | | informee |
+ informee := each instVarNamed: #changeInformee.
+ ((informee isKindOf: Behavior)
+ and: [informee isObsolete])
+ ifTrue: [
+ Transcript show: each name; cr.
+ each instVarNamed: #changeInformee put: (Smalltalk at: (informee name copyReplaceAll: 'AnObsolete' with: '') asSymbol)]].
+ CompiledMethod allInstances do: [:method |
+ | obsoleteBindings |
+ obsoleteBindings := method literals select: [:literal |
+ literal isVariableBinding
+ and: [literal value isBehavior
+ and: [literal value isObsolete]]].
+ obsoleteBindings do: [:binding |
+ | obsName realName realClass |
+ obsName := binding value name.
+ Transcript show: obsName; cr.
+ realName := obsName copyReplaceAll: 'AnObsolete' with: ''.
+ realClass := Smalltalk at: realName asSymbol ifAbsent: [UndefinedObject].
+ binding isSpecialWriteBinding
+ ifTrue: [binding privateSetKey: binding key value: realClass]
+ ifFalse: [binding key: binding key value: realClass]]].
+ Behavior flushObsoleteSubclasses.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect; garbageCollect.
+ SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors size > 0
+ ifTrue: [SystemNavigation default obsoleteBehaviors inspect]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>flushCaches (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ flushCaches
+ MCFileBasedRepository flushAllCaches.
+ MCDefinition clearInstances.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ "Initialization required for tests: strange why this is not a teardwon method"
+ Smalltalk at: #SendCaches ifPresent:[:aClass| aClass initializeAllInstances].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>generateCS:fromUpdate:on: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ generateCS: extensionAndNumber fromUpdate: updateNumber on: st
+ st nextPutAll:
+ '"Postscript:
+ Leave the line above, and replace the rest of this comment by a useful one.
+ Executable statements should follow this comment, and should
+ be separated by periods, with no exclamation points (!!!!).
+ Be sure to put any further comments in double-quotes, like this one."
+ |repository|
+ repository := MCHttpRepository
+                 location: ''''
+                 user: ''''
+                 password: ''''.
+ (repository loadVersionFromFileNamed:' .
+ st nextPut: $' ; nextPutAll: 'ScriptLoader', extensionAndNumber, '.mcz'') load.'; cr.
+ st nextPutAll: 'ScriptLoader new updateFrom', (updateNumber-1) asString; nextPutAll: '.' ; cr.
+ st nextPutAll: '!!'.
+ ^ st contents
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>generateNewUpdateMethod (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ generateNewUpdateMethod
+ "ScriptLoader new compileNewUpdateMethod"
+ | str mthName |
+ str := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+ mthName := 'updateFrom', (self getLatestUpdateNumber + 1) asString.
+ str nextPutAll: mthName ; cr ; cr ; tab.
+ str nextPutAll: '"self new ', mthName, '"' ; cr.
+ str nextPutAll: ' self script' , self getLatestScriptNumber asString, '.'.
+ str nextPutAll: '
+ self flushCaches.
+ '.
+ ^ str contents!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>generateScriptTemplateWithAllCurrentPackages (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ generateScriptTemplateWithAllCurrentPackages
+ "ScriptLoader new generateScriptTemplateWithAllCurrentPackages"
+ | str |
+ str := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+ str nextPutAll: 'scriptXXX' ; cr ; cr ; tab.
+ str nextPutAll: '| names|'; cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'names := '.
+ str nextPut: $'.
+ self currentVersions do:
+ [:each |
+ str nextPutAll: each ; nextPutAll: '.mcz']
+ separatedBy: [str nextPut: Character cr].
+ str nextPut: $'; nextPut: Character cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'findTokens: '' '', String cr.
+ self loadTogether: names merge: false.'.
+ ^ str contents!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages
+ "ScriptLoader new generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages"
+ | str withoutScriptLoader |
+ str := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+ str nextPutAll: 'scriptXXX' ; cr ; cr ; tab.
+ str nextPutAll: '| names|'; cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'names := '.
+ str nextPut: $'.
+ withoutScriptLoader := self currentVersions reject: [:each| ('*ScriptLoader*' match: each)].
+ withoutScriptLoader
+ do: [ :each |
+ str nextPutAll: each ; nextPutAll: '.mcz']
+ separatedBy: [str nextPut: Character cr].
+ str nextPut: $'; nextPut: Character cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'findTokens: '' '', String cr.
+ self loadTogether: names merge: false.'.
+ ^ str contents!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages: aNumber
+ "ScriptLoader new generateScriptTemplateWithCurrentPackages"
+ | str withoutScriptLoader |
+ str := ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 1000).
+ str nextPutAll: 'script', aNumber asString ; cr ; cr ; tab.
+ str nextPutAll: '| names|'; cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'names := '.
+ str nextPut: $'.
+ withoutScriptLoader := self currentVersions reject: [:each| ('*ScriptLoader*' match: each)].
+ withoutScriptLoader
+ do: [ :each |
+ str nextPutAll: each ; nextPutAll: '.mcz']
+ separatedBy: [str nextPut: Character cr].
+ str nextPut: $'; nextPut: Character cr.
+ str nextPutAll: 'findTokens: '' '', String cr.
+ self loadTogether: names merge: false.'.
+ ^ str contents!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>getLatestScriptNumber (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ getLatestScriptNumber
+ | upfroms |
+ upfroms := self class selectors select: [:each | 'script*' match: each ].
+ upfroms := upfroms collect: [:each | (each asString allButFirst: 6)].
+ upfroms := upfroms reject: [:each | '*Log*' match: each ].
+ upfroms := upfroms reject: [:each | '*XXX*' match: each ].
+ upfroms := upfroms collect: [:each | each asNumber].
+ ^ upfroms asSortedCollection last
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>getLatestUpdateNumber (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ getLatestUpdateNumber
+ | upfroms |
+ upfroms := self class selectors select: [:each | 'updateFrom*' match: each ].
+ upfroms := upfroms collect: [:each | (each asString last: 4) asNumber].
+ ^ upfroms asSortedCollection last!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>inboxRepository (in category 'accessing') -----
+ inboxRepository
+ repository isNil
+ ifTrue: [ repository :=
+ MCHttpRepository
+ location: ''
+ user: ''
+ password: ''].
+ ^ repository!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>initialCleanup (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ initialCleanup
+ "Perform various image cleanups in preparation for making a Squeak gamma release candidate image."
+ "self new initialCleanup"
+ Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys.
+ StandardScriptingSystem initialize.
+ self resetToolSet.
+ AppRegistry removeObsolete.
+ FileServices removeObsolete.
+ (Object classPool at: #DependentsFields) size > 1 ifTrue: [self error:'Still have dependents'].
+ Undeclared isEmpty ifFalse: [self error:'Please clean out Undeclared'].
+ Smalltalk at: #Browser ifPresent:[:br| br initialize].
+ ScriptingSystem deletePrivateGraphics.  "?"
+ self cleanUpChanges.
+ ChangeSet current clear.
+ ChangeSet current name: 'Unnamed'.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ "Reinitialize DataStream; it may hold on to some zapped entitities"
+ DataStream initialize.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ ScheduledControllers := nil.
+ Smalltalk garbageCollect.
+ "SMSqueakMap default purge.  does not work"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>installInBoxAnd39 (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ installInBoxAnd39
+ "self new installInBoxAnd39"
+ MCWorkingCopy allManagers do: [:each |
+ each  repositoryGroup
+ addRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: '' ; user: ''; password: '');
+ addRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: '' ; user: '' ; password: '')].
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>installPreferences (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ installPreferences
+ Preferences initialize.
+ "Preferences chooseInitialSettings."
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>installRepository:for: (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ installRepository: aString for: packageName
+ (MCWorkingCopy allManagers select: [:each | each package name = packageName])
+ first repositoryGroup
+ addRepository: (MCHttpRepository new location: aString ; user: 'squeak' ; password: 'squeak')
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>installVersionInfo (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ installVersionInfo
+ "self new installVersionInfo"
+ | highestUpdate newVersion |
+ highestUpdate := SystemVersion current highestUpdate.
+ (self confirm: 'Reset highest update (' , highestUpdate printString , ')?')
+ ifTrue: [SystemVersion current highestUpdate: 0].
+ newVersion := UIManager default request: 'New version designation:' initialAnswer: '3.9' , highestUpdate printString.
+ SystemVersion newVersion: newVersion.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>installingDefaultRepositoriesToPackages (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ installingDefaultRepositoriesToPackages
+ "self new installingDefaultRepositoriesToPackages"
+ self installInBoxAnd39.
+ self packagesAndHome do: [:each |
+ self installRepository: each second for: each first].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>loadOneAfterTheOther:merge: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ loadOneAfterTheOther: aCollection merge: aBoolean
+ (self newerVersionsIn: aCollection)
+ do: [:fn | | loader |
+ loader := aBoolean
+ ifTrue: [ MCVersionMerger new ]
+ ifFalse: [ MCVersionLoader new].
+ loader addVersion: (self repository loadVersionFromFileNamed: fn).
+ aBoolean
+ ifTrue: [[loader merge] on: MCMergeResolutionRequest do: [:request |
+ request merger conflicts isEmpty
+ ifTrue: [request resume: true]
+ ifFalse: [request pass]]]
+ ifFalse: [loader load]]
+     displayingProgress: 'Loading versions...'.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>loadTogether:merge: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ loadTogether: aCollection merge: aBoolean
+ | loader |
+ loader := aBoolean
+ ifTrue: [ MCVersionMerger new ]
+ ifFalse: [ MCVersionLoader new].
+ (self newerVersionsIn: aCollection)
+ do: [:fn | loader addVersion: (self repository loadVersionFromFileNamed: fn)]
+     displayingProgress: 'Adding versions...'.
+ aBoolean
+ ifTrue: [[loader merge] on: MCMergeResolutionRequest do: [:request |
+ request merger conflicts isEmpty
+ ifTrue: [request resume: true]
+ ifFalse: [request pass]]]
+ ifFalse: [loader load]
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>mergePackagesNamed: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ mergePackagesNamed: names
+ | vm  |
+ repository := MCHttpRepository
+                 location: ''
+                 user: ''
+                 password: ''.
+ vm := MCVersionMerger new.
+ names
+ do: [:fn | vm addVersion: (repository loadVersionFromFileNamed: fn)]
+ displayingProgress: 'Adding versions...'.
+ [vm merge]
+ on: MCMergeResolutionRequest do: [:request |
+ request merger conflicts isEmpty
+ ifTrue: [request resume: true]
+ ifFalse: [request pass]]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>methodsForNewVersion (in category 'public helpers') -----
+ methodsForNewVersion
+ "self new methodsForNewVersion"
+ self compileScriptMethodWithCurrentPackages: (self getLatestScriptNumber + 1).
+ self compileNewUpdateMethod.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>newerVersionsIn: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ newerVersionsIn: aCollection
+ ^aCollection reject: [:each |
+ MCWorkingCopy allManagers anySatisfy: [:workingcopy |
+ workingcopy ancestry ancestorString , '.mcz' = each]].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>packagesAndHome (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ packagesAndHome
+ ^ #(
+ ('MonticelloConfigurations'
+ '')
+ ('Balloon'
+ '')
+ ('Compression'
+ '')
+ ('Flash'
+ '')
+ ('Graphics'
+ '')
+ ('GraphicsTests'
+ '')
+ ('ToolBuilder-Kernel'
+ '')
+ ('ToolBuilder-MVC'
+ '')
+ ('ToolBuilder-Morphic'
+ '')
+ ('ToolBuilder-SUnit'
+ '')
+ ('TrueType'
+ '')
+ ('PackageInfo'
+ '')
+ ('SMBase'
+ '')
+ ('SMLoader'
+ '')
+ ('Network'
+ '')
+ ('NetworkTests'
+ '')
+ ('VersionNumber'
+ '')
+ ('OB-Standard'
+ '')
+ ('OmniBrowser'
+ '')
+ ('Monticello'
+ '')
+ )
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>packagesToUnload (in category 'log') -----
+ packagesToUnload
+ ^ #('*PlusTools*' '*FixInvisible*')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>packagesWithProblemsForAssignments (in category 'log') -----
+ packagesWithProblemsForAssignments
+ "FixUnderscores fixPackages: #()"
+ "when I tried to reload with the package fixed with underscores
+ I got problems so I just rollbacked for now."
+ ^#('PackageInfo')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>prepareReleaseImage (in category 'cleaning') -----
+ prepareReleaseImage
+ "Perform various image cleanups in preparation for making a Squeak gamma release candidate image."
+ "self new prepareReleaseImage"
+ (self confirm: 'Are you sure you want to prepare a release image?
+ This will perform several irreversible cleanups on this image.')
+ ifFalse: [^ self].
+ self
+ "unloadPackages;"
+ initialCleanup;
+ installPreferences;
+ finalStripping;
+ finalCleanup
+ "installVersionInfo"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>repository (in category 'accessing') -----
+ repository
+ repository isNil  
+ ifTrue: [ repository :=
+ MCHttpRepository
+ location:  ''
+ user: ''
+ password: ''].
+ ^ repository!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>resetToolSet (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ resetToolSet
+ ToolSet default: nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>test (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ test
+ "self new test"
+ |pa|
+ pa := MCPackage named: 'FlexibleVocabularies'.
+ pa workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: self repository.
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>treatedPackagesForAssignments (in category 'log') -----
+ treatedPackagesForAssignments
+ "FixUnderscores fixPackages: #()"
+ ^#('38Deprecated' 'Tests' 'SUnit' 'SUnitGUI' '39Deprecated' 'CollectionsTests' 'Compression' 'Files' 'FlexibleVocabularies' 'Monticello' 'MonticelloConfigurations' 'Movies' 'Nebraska' 'PackageInfo' 'PreferenceBrowser'  'Protocols' 'ToolBuilder-Kernel' 'StarSqueak' 'Sound' 'VersionNumber' 'Tools' 'ToolBuilder-SUnit' 'ToolBuilder-MVC' 'Services-Base' 'SmaCC' 'SMLoader' 'SMBase' 'ToolBuilder-Morphic' 'Speech' 'ReleaseBuilder')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>unloadFFI (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ unloadFFI
+ "ScriptLoader new unloadFFI"
+ | copies namesOfpackagesToUnload |
+ namesOfpackagesToUnload := #('*FFI*').
+ copies := MCWorkingCopy allManagers asSortedCollection:
+ [ :a :b | a package name <= b package name ].
+ (copies select: [:each | namesOfpackagesToUnload anySatisfy: [:ea | ea match: each package name ]])
+ do: [:z | z unload].
+ Smalltalk recreateSpecialObjectsArray!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>unloadPackages (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ unloadPackages
+ "ScriptLoader new unloadPackages"
+ | copies namesOfpackagesToUnload |
+ namesOfpackagesToUnload := self packagesToUnload.
+ copies := MCWorkingCopy allManagers asSortedCollection:
+ [ :a :b | a package name <= b package name ].
+ (copies select: [:each | namesOfpackagesToUnload anySatisfy: [:ea | ea match: each package name ]])
+ do: [:z | z unload].!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>unloadableFailedPackages (in category 'log') -----
+ unloadableFailedPackages
+ "list of the packages that I succeeded to remove pressing unload"
+ ^ #('Nebraska' 'TrueType')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>unloadablePackages (in category 'log') -----
+ unloadablePackages
+ "list of the packages that I succeeded to remove pressing unload"
+ "Note that this does not mean that the system is working after, just that it
+ was possible to unload the package without crashing Squeak"
+ ^ #('OmniBrowser' 'PlusTools' 'Flash' 'FFI' 'StarSqueak' 'Speech' 'Movie' 'FlexibleVocabularies' '39Deprecated' '39Deprecated' 'PreferenceBrowser' 'ReleaseBuilder'
+ 'SUnitUI' 'Protocols' 'Sounds')!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>writeCS:forUpdate: (in category 'private helpers') -----
+ writeCS: extensionAndNumber forUpdate: updateNumber
+ "ScriptLoader new writeCS: '-sd.210' forUpdate: 7037"
+ self writeCS: extensionAndNumber forUpdate: updateNumber withName: 'changeMe'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ScriptLoader>>writeCS:forUpdate:withName: (in category 'public helpers') -----
+ writeCS: extensionAndNumber forUpdate: updateNumber withName: aSt
+ "ScriptLoader new writeCS: '-md.2929' forUpdate: 7049 withName: 'cleanUpMethods'"
+ | str |
+ str := FileDirectory default forceNewFileNamed:  updateNumber asString, 'update', aSt, '.cs'.
+ self generateCS: extensionAndNumber fromUpdate: updateNumber on: str.
+ str close.!