The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.8.mcz

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The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.8.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.8
Author: fbs
Time: 10 July 2013, 12:41:27.673 pm
UUID: 553a8cb9-0a14-494d-bfff-f46d843e380c

Deprecate FileList2. It looks like cruft. It has one user vocal enough to say he used it (Stephane Rollandin), and he says it's fine to remove it.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'45Deprecated'!

FileList subclass: #FileList2
        instanceVariableNames: 'showDirsInFileList currentDirectorySelected fileSelectionBlock dirSelectionBlock optionalButtonSpecs modalView directoryChangeBlock ok'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: '45Deprecated'!
FileList2 class
        instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!

!FileList2 commentStamp: 'BJP 11/19/2003 21:13' prior: 0!
Some variations on FileList that
- use a hierarchical pane to show folder structure
- use different pane combinations, button layouts and prefiltering for specific uses

FileList2 morphicView openInWorld "an alternative to the standard FileList"
FileList2 morphicViewNoFile openInWorld "useful for selecting, but not viewing"
FileList2 morphicViewProjectLoader openInWorld "useful for finding and loading projects"
FileList2 modalFolderSelector "allows the user to select a folder"

FileList2 class
        instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>addFullPanesTo:from: (in category 'utility') -----
addFullPanesTo: window from: aCollection


        aCollection do: [ :each | | frame |
                frame := LayoutFrame
                        fractions: each second
                        offsets: each third.
                window addMorph: each first fullFrame: frame.

----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window
        | result |
        result := window
                                fancyText: aString translated
                                font: Preferences standardEToysFont
                                color: textColor.
        result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
                 hResizing: #rigid;
                 extent: 100 @ 20;
                 layoutInset: 4;
                 borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
        aColor isNil
                ifFalse: [""result color: aColor. result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
        ^ result!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
        | result |
        result := window
                                fancyText: aString translated
font: Preferences standardEToysFont
                                color: textColor.
        result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
                 hResizing: #rigid;
                 extent: 100 @ 20;
                 layoutInset: 4;
                 borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
                 setBalloonText: balloonText.
                on: #mouseUp
                send: sel
                to: recip.
        aColor isNil
                ifFalse: [""
                        result color: aColor.
                        result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
        ^ result!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window
        ^ self
                blueButtonText: aString
                textColor: textColor
                color: nil
                inWindow: window!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
        ^ self
                blueButtonText: aString
                textColor: textColor
                color: nil
                inWindow: window
                balloonText: balloonText
                selector: sel
                recipient: recip !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>enableTypeButtons:info:forDir: (in category 'blue ui') -----
enableTypeButtons: typeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: aDirectory

        | foundSuffixes firstEnabled |

        firstEnabled := nil.
        foundSuffixes := (aDirectory ifNil: [ #()] ifNotNil: [ aDirectory fileNames]) collect: [ :each | (each findTokens: '.') last asLowercase].
        foundSuffixes := foundSuffixes asSet.
        fileTypeInfo with: typeButtons do: [ :info :button | | enableIt fileSuffixes |
                fileSuffixes := info second.
                enableIt := fileSuffixes anySatisfy: [ :patt | foundSuffixes includes: patt].
                        setProperty: #enabled
                        toValue: enableIt.
                enableIt ifTrue: [firstEnabled ifNil: [firstEnabled := button]].
        firstEnabled ifNotNil: [^firstEnabled mouseUp: nil].
        typeButtons do: [ :each | each color: Color gray].


----- Method: FileList2 class>>endingSpecs (in category 'blue ui') -----
        "Answer a collection of specs to build the selective 'find anything' tool called by the Navigator. This version uses the services registry to do so."
        "FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: World"
        | categories specs rejects |
        rejects := #(addFileToNewZip: compressFile: openInZipViewer: extractAllFrom: openOn:).
        categories := #(
                ('Art' ('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'jpeg' 'form' 'png' 'pcx' 'xbm' 'xpm' 'ppm' 'pbm'))
                ('Morphs' ('morph' 'morphs' 'sp'))
                ('Projects' ('extseg' 'project' 'pr'))
                ('MIDI' ('mid' 'midi'))
                ('Music' ('mp3'))
                ('Movies' ('movie' 'mpg' 'mpeg' 'qt' 'mov'))
                ('Flash' ('swf'))

                "('Books' ('bo'))"
                "('Code' ('st' 'cs'))"
                "('TrueType' ('ttf'))"
                "('3ds' ('3ds'))"
                "('Tape' ('tape'))"
                "('Wonderland' ('wrl'))"
                "('HTML' ('htm' 'html'))"

        categories first at: 2 put: ImageReadWriter allTypicalFileExtensions.
        specs := OrderedCollection new.
        categories do: [ :cat | | catSpecs catServices okExtensions services |
                services := Dictionary new.
                catSpecs := Array new: 3.
                catServices := OrderedCollection new.
                okExtensions := Set new.

                cat second do: [ :ext | (FileList itemsForFile: 'fred.',ext) do: [ :i |
                        (rejects includes: i selector) ifFalse: [
                                okExtensions add: ext.
                                services at: i label put: i ]]].
                services do: [ :svc | catServices add: svc ].
                services isEmpty ifFalse: [
                        catSpecs at: 1 put: cat first;
                                at: 2 put: okExtensions;
                                at: 3 put: catServices.
                        specs add: catSpecs ]

----- Method: FileList2 class>>hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
        ^[:dirName| (dirName sameAs: 'Squeaklets') not]!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Return the last selected directory or the default directory if no directory was selected so far."

        ^lastSelDir ifNil: [ lastSelDir := FileDirectory default ]!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir: (in category 'accessing') -----
lastSelDir: aFileDirectory
        "Store the last selected directory. This will be selected as default in newly opened file or folder selectors"
        ^lastSelDir := aFileDirectory!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----

        | window |

        window := self morphicViewFileSelector.
        window openCenteredInWorld.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^(window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel) getSelectedFile!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList

        | window aFileList |

        window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList.
        aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
        window openCenteredInWorld.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^aFileList getSelectedFile!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory

        | window aFileList |

        window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory.
        aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
        window openCenteredInWorld.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^aFileList getSelectedFile!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----

        ^self modalFolderSelector: self lastSelDir

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
modalFolderSelector: aDir

        | window fileModel |
        window := self morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir.
        fileModel := window model.
        window openInWorld: self currentWorld extent: 300@400.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProject: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
modalFolderSelectorForProject: aProject
FileList2 modalFolderSelectorForProject: Project current
        | window fileModel w |

        window := FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject.
        fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
        w := self currentWorld.
        window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
        w addMorphInLayer: window.
        w startSteppingSubmorphsOf: window.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProjectLoad (in category 'modal dialogs') -----

        | window fileModel w |

        window := self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: self currentWorld reallyLoad: false.
        fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
        w := self currentWorld.
        window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
        window openInWorld: w.
        self modalLoopOn: window.
        ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalLoopOn: (in category 'utility') -----
modalLoopOn: aMorph
        [aMorph world notNil] whileTrue: [
                aMorph outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----

        ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: nil

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList
        "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list."
        ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: self lastSelDir!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: dir
        "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list and the given directory."

        | aFileList window fixedSize midLine gap |
        aFileList := self new directory: dir.
        aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList okayAndCancelServices.
        aList ifNotNil:
                [aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [:entry :myPattern |
                        entry isDirectory
                                        [aList includes: (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)]]].
        window := BorderedMorph new
                layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new;
                color: Color lightBlue;
                borderColor: Color blue;
                borderWidth: 4;
                layoutInset: 4;
                extent: 600@400;
        window setProperty: #fileListModel toValue: aFileList.
        aFileList modalView: window.
        midLine := 0.4.
        fixedSize := 25.
        gap := 5.
        self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
                {self textRow: 'Please select a file'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
                {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
                                        gap @(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.
                {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
                                        gap@(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.

        aFileList postOpen.

        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----

        ^self morphicViewFolderSelector: FileDirectory default!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir
        "Answer a tool that allows the user to select a folder"

        | aFileList window fixedSize |
        aFileList := self new directory: aDir.
        aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForFolderSelector.
        window := (SystemWindow labelled: aDir pathName) model: aFileList.
        aFileList modalView: window.

        fixedSize := 25.
        self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
                {self textRow: 'Please select a folder'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
                                0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
                                0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
                {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: 1@1.
                                0@(fixedSize * 2) corner: 0@0}.
        aFileList postOpen.
        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: aWorld
FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: self currentWorld
        | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b fileTypeInfo fileTypeButtons fileTypeRow actionRow |

        fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
        window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
        window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
        textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
        aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
                fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock;
                modalView: window.
                setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
                borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
                borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;

        fileTypeButtons := fileTypeInfo collect: [ :each |
                (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: Color gray inWindow: window)
                        setProperty: #enabled toValue: true;
                        hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
        buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
                self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window

        treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane
                extent: 250@300;
                retractable: false;
                borderWidth: 0.
        fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
                extent: 350@300;
                retractable: false;
                borderWidth: 0.
        window addARow: {window fancyText: 'Find...' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1}.
        fileTypeRow := window addARowCentered: fileTypeButtons cellInset: 2.
        actionRow := window addARowCentered: {
                buttons first.
                (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
                buttons second
        } cellInset: 2.
                addARow: {
                                (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
                                        layoutInset: 0;
                                        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
                                        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
                                }) layoutInset: 10.
                                (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
                                        layoutInset: 0;
                                        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
                                        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
                                }) layoutInset: 10.
        window fullBounds.
        window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
        pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
        pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
        buttons do: [ :each |
                each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
        fileTypeButtons do: [ :each |
                        on: #mouseUp
                        send: #value:value:
                        to: [ :evt :morph |
                                self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph.
        buttons first on: #mouseUp send: #okHit to: aFileList.
        buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
        aFileList postOpen.
        window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
        aFileList directoryChangeBlock: [ :newDir |
                self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: nil.
                self enableTypeButtons: fileTypeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: newDir.
        aFileList directory: aFileList directory.
        window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
        window becomeModal.
        ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewImageViewer (in category 'morphic ui') -----

        | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |

        dir := FileDirectory default.
        aFileList := self new directory: dir.
        aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList specsForImageViewer.
        aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [ :entry :myPattern |
                entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
                ] ifFalse: [
                        #('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'form' 'png') includes:
                                         (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)
        window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.

        fixedSize := 25.
        midLine := 0.4.
        self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
                {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
                                0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
                                0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
                {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
                                0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
        aFileList postOpen.
        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewNoFile (in category 'morphic ui') -----

        | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |

        dir := FileDirectory default.
        aFileList := self new directory: dir.
        window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.

        fixedSize := 25.
        midLine := 0.4.
        self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
                {aFileList morphicPatternPane. 0@0 corner: 0.3@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0.3 @ 0 corner: 1@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
                {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
        aFileList postOpen.
        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader (in category 'morphic ui') -----

        | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |

        dir := FileDirectory default.
        aFileList := self new directory: dir.
        aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader.
        aFileList fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock.
        window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.

        fixedSize := 25.
        midLine := 0.4.
        self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
                {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
                {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
                {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
        aFileList postOpen.
        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld

        ^self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: true!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad: (in category 'blue ui') -----
morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean

                morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld
                reallyLoad: aBoolean
                dirFilterType: #initialDirectoryList

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad:dirFilterType: (in category 'blue ui') -----
morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean dirFilterType: aSymbol

        | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b treeExtent filesExtent |

        window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
        window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
        textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
        aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
                optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader;
                fileSelectionBlock: (
                        aSymbol == #limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList ifTrue: [
                                MessageSend receiver: self selector: #projectOnlySelectionMethod:
                        ] ifFalse: [
                                self projectOnlySelectionBlock
                "dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock;"
                modalView: window.
                setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
                borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
                borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
        buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
                self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window

        aWorld width < 800 ifTrue: [
                treeExtent := 150@300.
                filesExtent := 350@300.
        ] ifFalse: [
                treeExtent := 250@300.
                filesExtent := 350@300.
        (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol)
                extent: treeExtent;
                retractable: false;
                borderWidth: 0.
        fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
                extent: filesExtent;
                retractable: false;
                borderWidth: 0.
                addARow: {
                        window fancyText: 'Load A Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
                addARowCentered: {
                        buttons first.
                        (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
                        buttons second
                addARow: {
                        window fancyText: 'Please select a project' translated  font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
                addARow: {
                                (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
                                        layoutInset: 0;
                                        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
                                        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
                                }) layoutInset: 10.
                                (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
                                        layoutInset: 0;
                                        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
                                        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
                                }) layoutInset: 10.
        window fullBounds.
        window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
        pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
        pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
        buttons do: [ :each |
                each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
        buttons first
                on: #mouseUp
                send: (aBoolean ifTrue: [#okHitForProjectLoader] ifFalse: [#okHit])
                to: aFileList.
        buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
        aFileList postOpen.
        window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
        window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
        window becomeModal.
        ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectSaverFor: (in category 'blue ui') -----
morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject
(FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: Project current) openInWorld
        | window aFileList buttons treePane pane2 textColor1 option treeExtent buttonData buttonRow |

        textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
        aFileList := self new directory: ServerDirectory projectDefaultDirectory.
        aFileList dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock.
        window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
        window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
        aFileList modalView: window.
                setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
                borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
                borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;

        buttonData := Preferences enableLocalSave
                                ifTrue: [{
                                                        {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
                                                        {'Save on local disk only'. #saveLocalOnlyHit. 'saves in the Squeaklets folder'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
                                                        {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
                                ifFalse: [{
                                                        {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
                                                        {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
        buttons := buttonData collect: [ :each |
                (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each fourth inWindow: window)
                        setBalloonText: each third translated;
                        hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
                        on: #mouseUp send: each second to: aFileList

        option := aProject world
                valueOfProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions
                ifAbsent: [#initialDirectoryList].
        aProject world removeProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions.

        treeExtent := World height < 500
                                                ifTrue: [ 350@150 ]
                                                ifFalse: [ 350@300 ].

        (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: option)
                extent: treeExtent;
                retractable: false;
                borderWidth: 0.
                addARowCentered: {
                        window fancyText: 'Publish This Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
        buttonRow := OrderedCollection new.
        buttons do: [:button | buttonRow add: button] separatedBy: [buttonRow add: ((Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent)].

" addARowCentered: {
                        buttons first.
                        (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
                        buttons second.
                        (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
                        buttons third
                addARowCentered: buttonRow;
                addARowCentered: { (window inAColumn: {(ProjectViewMorph on: aProject) lock}) layoutInset: 4};
                addARowCentered: {
                        window fancyText: 'Please select a folder' translated font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
                addARow: {
                                window inAColumn: {
                                        (pane2 := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
                                                layoutInset: 0;
                                                borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
                                                borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
                        ) layoutInset: 10
        window fullBounds.
        window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
        pane2 fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
        buttons do: [ :each |
                each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
        window setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: 11.
        aFileList postOpen.
        window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
        ^ window !

----- Method: FileList2 class>>openMorphicViewInWorld (in category 'instance creation') -----
        "FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld"
        ^self morphicView openInWorld!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----

        ^[ :entry :myPattern |
                entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
                ] ifFalse: [
                        #('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]

----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionMethod: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
projectOnlySelectionMethod: incomingEntries

        | versionsAccepted |

        "this shows only the latest version of each project"
        versionsAccepted := Dictionary new.
        incomingEntries do: [ :entry | | basicInfoTuple basicVersion basicName |
                entry isDirectory ifFalse: [
                        (#('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]) ifTrue: [
                                basicInfoTuple := Project parseProjectFileName: entry name.
                                basicName := basicInfoTuple first.
                                basicVersion := basicInfoTuple second.
                                ((versionsAccepted includesKey: basicName) and:
                                                [(versionsAccepted at: basicName) first > basicVersion]) ifFalse: [
                                        versionsAccepted at: basicName put: {basicVersion. entry}
        ^versionsAccepted asArray collect: [ :each | each second]!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>prototypicalToolWindow (in category 'instance creation') -----
        "Answer an example of myself seen in a tool window, for the benefit of parts-launching tools"

        ^ self morphicView applyModelExtent!

----- Method: FileList2 class>>selectionBlockForSuffixes: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
selectionBlockForSuffixes: anArray

        ^[ :entry :myPattern |
                entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
                ] ifFalse: [
                        anArray anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]

----- Method: FileList2 class>>textRow: (in category 'utility') -----
textRow: aString

        ^AlignmentMorph newRow
                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
                color: Color transparent;
                layoutInset: 0;
                addMorph: (
                        AlignmentMorph newColumn
                        wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
                        color: Color transparent;
                        vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
                        layoutInset: 0;
                        addMorph: (
                                AlignmentMorph newRow
                                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
                                color: Color transparent;
                                hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
                                vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
                                layoutInset: 0;
                                addMorph: ((StringMorph contents: aString) color: Color blue; lock)

----- Method: FileList2 class>>update:in:fileTypeRow:morphUp: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph

        | fileTypeInfo info2 buttons textColor1 fileSuffixes fileActions aFileList fileTypeString |

        (morph notNil and:[(morph valueOfProperty: #enabled) not]) ifTrue: [^self].
        fileTypeRow submorphsDo: [ :sub |
                sub color: (
                        sub == morph
                                ifTrue: [Color white]
                                ifFalse: [(sub valueOfProperty: #enabled)
                                                        ifTrue: [Color transparent] ifFalse: [Color gray]]
        fileTypeString := morph isNil ifTrue:['xxxx'] ifFalse:[morph valueOfProperty: #buttonText].

        aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
        textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
        actionRow removeAllMorphs.
        fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
        info2 := fileTypeInfo detect: [ :each | each first = fileTypeString] ifNone: [ nil ].
        info2 isNil
                        buttons := OrderedCollection new
                        fileSuffixes := info2 second.
                        fileActions := info2 third.
                        buttons := fileActions collect: [ :each | aFileList blueButtonForService: each textColor: textColor1 inWindow: window ].
                        buttons do: [ :each |
                                each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current okColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
        buttons addLast: (self
                                                                blueButtonText: 'Cancel'
                                                                textColor: textColor1
                                                                color: ColorTheme current cancelColor
                                                                inWindow: window
                                                                balloonText: 'Cancel this search' selector: #cancelHit recipient: aFileList).
        buttons do: [ :each | actionRow addMorphBack: each].
        window fullBounds.
        fileSuffixes isNil ifFalse:[
                aFileList fileSelectionBlock: (
                        self selectionBlockForSuffixes: (fileSuffixes collect: [ :each | '*.',each])
        aFileList updateFileList.!

----- Method: FileList2>>addNewDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
        super addNewDirectory.
        self updateDirectory.!

----- Method: FileList2>>blueButtonForService:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'user interface') -----
blueButtonForService: aService textColor: textColor inWindow: window
        | block result |
        block := [self fullName isNil
                                ifTrue: [self inform: 'Please select a file' translated]
                                ifFalse: [aService performServiceFor: self]].
        result := window
                                fancyText: aService buttonLabel capitalized translated
                                font: Preferences standardEToysFont
                                color: textColor.
        result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aService buttonLabel capitalized;
                 hResizing: #rigid;
                 extent: 100 @ 20;
                 layoutInset: 4;
                 borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
                 setBalloonText: aService label.
                on: #mouseUp
                send: #value
                to: block.
        ^ result!

----- Method: FileList2>>cancelHit (in category 'private') -----

        modalView delete.
        directory := fileName := currentDirectorySelected := nil.!

----- Method: FileList2>>changeDirectoryTo: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
changeDirectoryTo: aFileDirectory
        "Change directory as requested."

        self directory: aFileDirectory.
        self updateDirectory!

----- Method: FileList2>>currentDirectorySelected (in category 'private') -----
        ^ currentDirectorySelected

----- Method: FileList2>>deleteDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
        super deleteDirectory.
        self updateDirectory.!

----- Method: FileList2>>dirSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
dirSelectionBlock: aBlock
        dirSelectionBlock := aBlock!

----- Method: FileList2>>directory (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----


----- Method: FileList2>>directory: (in category 'initialization') -----
directory: dir
        "Set the path of the volume to be displayed."

        self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self].

        self modelSleep.
        directory := dir.
        self modelWakeUp.

        sortMode == nil ifTrue: [sortMode := #date].
        volList := Array with: '[]'.
        directory ifNotNil: [
                volList := volList, directory pathParts.  "Nesting suggestion from RvL"
        volList := volList withIndexCollect: [:each :i | ( String new: i-1 withAll: $ ), each].
        self changed: #relabel.
        self changed: #volumeList.
        self pattern: pattern.
        directoryChangeBlock ifNotNil: [directoryChangeBlock value: directory].!

----- Method: FileList2>>directoryChangeBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
directoryChangeBlock: aBlockOrNil

        directoryChangeBlock := aBlockOrNil.!

----- Method: FileList2>>directoryNamesFor: (in category 'private') -----
directoryNamesFor: item
        "item may be file directory or server directory"
        | entries |
        entries := item directoryNames.
        dirSelectionBlock ifNotNil:[entries := entries select: dirSelectionBlock].

----- Method: FileList2>>dropDestinationDirectory:event: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
dropDestinationDirectory: dest event: evt
        "Answer a FileDirectory representing the drop destination in the directory hierarchy morph dest"
self isThisEverCalled.
        ^ (dest itemFromPoint: evt position) withoutListWrapper!

----- Method: FileList2>>fileSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
fileSelectionBlock: aBlock

        fileSelectionBlock := aBlock!

----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedDirectory (in category 'private') -----
        ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
        ^ currentDirectorySelected

----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedFile (in category 'private') -----
        "Answer a filestream on the selected file.  If it cannot be opened for read/write, try read-only before giving up; answer nil if unsuccessful"

        ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
        directory ifNil: [^ nil].
        fileName ifNil: [^ nil].
        ^ (directory oldFileNamed: fileName) ifNil:
                [directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName]!

----- Method: FileList2>>importImage (in category 'own services') -----
        "Import the given image file and store the resulting Form in the default Imports"

        | fname image |
        fname := fileName sansPeriodSuffix.
        image := Form fromFileNamed: self fullName.
        Imports default importImage: image named: fname.

----- Method: FileList2>>initialDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----

        | dirList |
        dirList := (FileDirectory on: '') directoryNames collect: [ :each |
                FileDirectoryWrapper with: (FileDirectory on: each) name: each model: self].
        dirList isEmpty ifTrue:[
                dirList := Array with: (FileDirectoryWrapper
                        with: FileDirectory default
                        name: FileDirectory default localName
                        model: self)].
        dirList := dirList,(
                ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [ :n | | nameToShow dir |
                        dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
                        nameToShow := n.
                        (dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
                                balloonText: dir realUrl

----- Method: FileList2>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----

        super initialize.
        showDirsInFileList := false.
        fileSelectionBlock := [ :entry :myPattern |
                entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
                ] ifFalse: [
                        myPattern = '*' or: [myPattern match: entry name]
        dirSelectionBlock := [ :dirName | true].!

----- Method: FileList2>>isDirectoryList: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
isDirectoryList: aMorph
        ^aMorph isKindOf: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph!

----- Method: FileList2>>labelString (in category 'initialization') -----
        ^ (directory ifNil: [^'[]']) pathName contractTo: 50!

----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----

        | dirList localDirName localDir |

        dirList := OrderedCollection new.
        ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
                dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
                dir isProjectSwiki ifTrue: [
                        nameToShow := n.
                        dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
                                balloonText: dir realUrl)
        ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
                dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)
        "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
        localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
        localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
        ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
                        ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
        FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
                        ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
        (dirList anySatisfy: [:each | each withoutListWrapper acceptsUploads])
                ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].

----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiPublishDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----

        | dirList localDirName localDir |

        dirList := self publishingServers.
        ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
                dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)].

        "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
        localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
        localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
        ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
                        ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
        FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
                        ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].

----- Method: FileList2>>listForPattern: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
listForPattern: pat
        "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."

        | sizePad newList entries |
        directory ifNil: [^#()].
        entries := (Preferences eToyLoginEnabled
                and: [Utilities authorNamePerSe notNil])
                ifTrue: [directory matchingEntries: {'submittedBy: ' , Utilities authorName.} ]
                ifFalse: [directory entries].
        (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
                fileSelectionBlock arguments: {entries}.
                newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
                fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
        ] ifFalse: [
                newList := entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat].
        newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
        sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
                                        asStringWithCommas size - 1.
        ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!

----- Method: FileList2>>listForPatterns: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
listForPatterns: anArray
        "Make the list be those file names which match the patterns."

        | sizePad newList |
        directory ifNil: [^#()].
        (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
                fileSelectionBlock arguments: {directory entries}.
                newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
                fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
        ] ifFalse: [
                newList := Set new.
                anArray do: [ :pat |
                        newList addAll: (directory entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat]) ].
        newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
        sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
                                        asStringWithCommas size.
        ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!

----- Method: FileList2>>modalView: (in category 'private') -----
modalView: aSystemWindowOrSuch

        modalView := aSystemWindowOrSuch!

----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePane (in category 'user interface') -----

        ^self morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: #initialDirectoryList

----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: (in category 'user interface') -----
morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol
                on: self
                list: aSymbol
                selected: #currentDirectorySelected
                changeSelected: #setSelectedDirectoryTo:
                menu: #volumeMenu:
                keystroke: nil)
                        autoDeselect: false;
                        enableDrag: false;
                        enableDrop: true;

----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileContentsPane (in category 'user interface') -----

                on: self
                text: #contents
                accept: #put:
                readSelection: #contentsSelection
                menu: #fileContentsMenu:shifted:

----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileListPane (in category 'user interface') -----

                on: self
                list: #fileList
                selected: #fileListIndex
                changeSelected: #fileListIndex:
                menu: #fileListMenu:)
                        enableDrag: true;
                        enableDrop: false;


----- Method: FileList2>>morphicPatternPane (in category 'user interface') -----
   | pane |
    pane := PluggableTextMorph
                on: self
                text: #pattern
                accept: #pattern:.
    pane acceptOnCR: true.

----- Method: FileList2>>okHit (in category 'private') -----

        ok := true.
                ifNil: [ Beeper beep ]
                ifNotNil: [
                        self class lastSelDir: directory.
                        modalView delete ]!

----- Method: FileList2>>okHitForProjectLoader (in category 'private') -----

        | areaOfProgress |
        fileName ifNil: [^ self].
        ok := true.
        areaOfProgress := modalView firstSubmorph.
                areaOfProgress setProperty: #deleteOnProgressCompletion toValue: modalView.
                self openProjectFromFile.
                modalView delete. "probably won't get here"
                on: ProgressTargetRequestNotification
                do: [ :ex | ex resume: areaOfProgress].


----- Method: FileList2>>okayAndCancelServices (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer ok and cancel services"

        ^ {self serviceOkay. self serviceCancel}!

----- Method: FileList2>>openImageInWindow (in category 'own services') -----
        "Handle five file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, Form stoteOn: (run coded), and BMP.
        Fail if file format is not recognized."

        | image myStream |
        myStream := (directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName) binary.
        [image := Form fromBinaryStream: myStream.
        Project current openImage: image name: fileName saveResource: false]
                ensure: [myStream close]

----- Method: FileList2>>openProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
        "Reconstitute a Morph from the selected file, presumed to be represent
        a Morph saved via the SmartRefStream mechanism, and open it in an
        appropriate Morphic world."

        Project canWeLoadAProjectNow ifFalse: [^ self].
                openFromDirectory: directory
                andFileName: fileName

----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonRow (in category 'initialization') -----
        "Answer the button row associated with a file list"

        | aRow |
        aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow beSticky.
        aRow color: Color transparent.
        aRow clipSubmorphs: true.
        aRow layoutInset: 5@1; cellInset: 6.
        self universalButtonServices do:  "just the three sort-by items"
                        [:service |
                                aRow addMorphBack: (service buttonToTriggerIn: self).
                                (service selector  == #sortBySize)
                                                [aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: (4@0)]].
        aRow setNameTo: 'buttons'.
        aRow setProperty: #buttonRow toValue: true.  "Used for dynamic retrieval later on"
        ^ aRow!

----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs (in category 'initialization') -----

        ^optionalButtonSpecs ifNil: [super optionalButtonSpecs]!

----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs: (in category 'initialization') -----
optionalButtonSpecs: anArray

        optionalButtonSpecs := anArray!

----- Method: FileList2>>postOpen (in category 'private') -----

        directory ifNotNil: [
                self changed: #(openPath) , directory pathParts.

----- Method: FileList2>>publishingServers (in category 'initialization') -----

        | dirList |

        dirList := OrderedCollection new.
        ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
                dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
                (dir isProjectSwiki and: [dir acceptsUploads])
                         ifTrue: [
                                nameToShow := n.
                                dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
                                        balloonText: dir realUrl)]].

----- Method: FileList2>>removeLinefeeds (in category 'own services') -----
        "Remove any line feeds by converting to CRs instead.  This is a temporary implementation for 3.6 only... should be removed during 3.7alpha."
        | fileContents |
        fileContents := ((FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: self fullName) wantsLineEndConversion: true) contentsOfEntireFile.
        (FileStream newFileNamed: self fullName)
                nextPutAll: fileContents;

----- Method: FileList2>>saveLocalOnlyHit (in category 'private') -----
        ok := true.
        modalView delete.
        directory := fileName := nil.
        currentDirectorySelected := #localOnly.!

----- Method: FileList2>>serviceCancel (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer a service for hitting the cancel button"

        ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
                provider: self label: 'cancel' selector: #cancelHit
                description: 'hit here to cancel ')
                buttonLabel: 'cancel'!

----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOkay (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer a service for hitting the okay button"

        ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
                provider: self label: 'okay' selector: #okHit
                description: 'hit here to accept the current selection')
                buttonLabel: 'ok'!

----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOpenProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer a service for opening a .pr project file"

        ^ SimpleServiceEntry
                provider: self
                label: 'load as project'
                selector: #openProjectFromFile
                description: 'open project from file'
                buttonLabel: 'load'!

----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForFolderSelector (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer the ok and cancel servies for the folder selector"

        ^ self okayAndCancelServices!

----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForProjectLoader (in category 'own services') -----
        "Answer the services to show in the button pane for the project loader"

        ^ {self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize. self serviceOpenProjectFromFile}!

----- Method: FileList2>>setSelectedDirectoryTo: (in category 'private') -----
setSelectedDirectoryTo: aFileDirectoryWrapper
        currentDirectorySelected := aFileDirectoryWrapper.
        self directory: aFileDirectoryWrapper withoutListWrapper.
        brevityState := #FileList.
        "self addPath: path."
        self changed: #fileList.
        self changed: #contents.
        self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.!

----- Method: FileList2>>specsForImageViewer (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----

         ^{self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize }!

----- Method: FileList2>>universalButtonServices (in category 'initialization') -----
        "Answer the services to be reflected in the receiver's buttons"

        ^ self optionalButtonSpecs!

----- Method: FileList2>>updateDirectory (in category 'initialization') -----
        "directory has been changed externally, by calling directory:.
        Now change the view to reflect the change."
        self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.
        self postOpen.!

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Re: The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.8.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 10 July 2013 12:42,  <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.8
> Author: fbs
> Time: 10 July 2013, 12:41:27.673 pm
> UUID: 553a8cb9-0a14-494d-bfff-f46d843e380c
> Ancestors:
> Deprecate FileList2. It looks like cruft. It has one user vocal enough to say he used it (Stephane Rollandin), and he says it's fine to remove it.
> ==================== Snapshot ====================

This commit is completely bogus. Look at the Ancestors: field. I'm
pulling it from the update stream and will issue the correct change


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Re: The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.8.mcz

Levente Uzonyi-2
In reply to this post by commits-2
On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, [hidden email] wrote:

> Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project The Trunk:
> ==================== Summary ====================
> Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.8
> Author: fbs
> Time: 10 July 2013, 12:41:27.673 pm
> UUID: 553a8cb9-0a14-494d-bfff-f46d843e380c
> Ancestors:
> Deprecate FileList2. It looks like cruft. It has one user vocal enough to say he used it (Stephane Rollandin), and he says it's fine to remove it.

Hm. It has 26 users in my image. And I think it's the mainly used file
chooser. :)


> ==================== Snapshot ====================
> SystemOrganization addCategory: #'45Deprecated'!
> FileList subclass: #FileList2
> instanceVariableNames: 'showDirsInFileList currentDirectorySelected fileSelectionBlock dirSelectionBlock optionalButtonSpecs modalView directoryChangeBlock ok'
> classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> category: '45Deprecated'!
> FileList2 class
> instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!
> !FileList2 commentStamp: 'BJP 11/19/2003 21:13' prior: 0!
> Some variations on FileList that
> - use a hierarchical pane to show folder structure
> - use different pane combinations, button layouts and prefiltering for specific uses
> FileList2 morphicView openInWorld "an alternative to the standard FileList"
> FileList2 morphicViewNoFile openInWorld "useful for selecting, but not viewing"
> FileList2 morphicViewProjectLoader openInWorld "useful for finding and loading projects"
> FileList2 modalFolderSelector "allows the user to select a folder"
> !
> FileList2 class
> instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>addFullPanesTo:from: (in category 'utility') -----
> addFullPanesTo: window from: aCollection
> aCollection do: [ :each | | frame |
> frame := LayoutFrame
> fractions: each second
> offsets: each third.
> window addMorph: each first fullFrame: frame.
> ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window
> | result |
> result := window
> fancyText: aString translated
> font: Preferences standardEToysFont
> color: textColor.
> result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
> hResizing: #rigid;
> extent: 100 @ 20;
> layoutInset: 4;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
> useRoundedCorners.
> aColor isNil
> ifFalse: [""result color: aColor. result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
> ^ result!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
> | result |
> result := window
> fancyText: aString translated
> font: Preferences standardEToysFont
> color: textColor.
> result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
> hResizing: #rigid;
> extent: 100 @ 20;
> layoutInset: 4;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
> useRoundedCorners;
> setBalloonText: balloonText.
> result
> on: #mouseUp
> send: sel
> to: recip.
> aColor isNil
> ifFalse: [""
> result color: aColor.
> result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
> ^ result!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window
> ^ self
> blueButtonText: aString
> textColor: textColor
> color: nil
> inWindow: window!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
> ^ self
> blueButtonText: aString
> textColor: textColor
> color: nil
> inWindow: window
> balloonText: balloonText
> selector: sel
> recipient: recip !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>enableTypeButtons:info:forDir: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> enableTypeButtons: typeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: aDirectory
> | foundSuffixes firstEnabled |
> firstEnabled := nil.
> foundSuffixes := (aDirectory ifNil: [ #()] ifNotNil: [ aDirectory fileNames]) collect: [ :each | (each findTokens: '.') last asLowercase].
> foundSuffixes := foundSuffixes asSet.
> fileTypeInfo with: typeButtons do: [ :info :button | | enableIt fileSuffixes |
> fileSuffixes := info second.
> enableIt := fileSuffixes anySatisfy: [ :patt | foundSuffixes includes: patt].
> button
> setProperty: #enabled
> toValue: enableIt.
> enableIt ifTrue: [firstEnabled ifNil: [firstEnabled := button]].
> ].
> firstEnabled ifNotNil: [^firstEnabled mouseUp: nil].
> typeButtons do: [ :each | each color: Color gray].
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>endingSpecs (in category 'blue ui') -----
> endingSpecs
> "Answer a collection of specs to build the selective 'find anything' tool called by the Navigator. This version uses the services registry to do so."
> "FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: World"
> | categories specs rejects |
> rejects := #(addFileToNewZip: compressFile: openInZipViewer: extractAllFrom: openOn:).
> categories := #(
> ('Art' ('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'jpeg' 'form' 'png' 'pcx' 'xbm' 'xpm' 'ppm' 'pbm'))
> ('Morphs' ('morph' 'morphs' 'sp'))
> ('Projects' ('extseg' 'project' 'pr'))
> ('MIDI' ('mid' 'midi'))
> ('Music' ('mp3'))
> ('Movies' ('movie' 'mpg' 'mpeg' 'qt' 'mov'))
> ('Flash' ('swf'))
> ).
> "('Books' ('bo'))"
> "('Code' ('st' 'cs'))"
> "('TrueType' ('ttf'))"
> "('3ds' ('3ds'))"
> "('Tape' ('tape'))"
> "('Wonderland' ('wrl'))"
> "('HTML' ('htm' 'html'))"
> categories first at: 2 put: ImageReadWriter allTypicalFileExtensions.
> specs := OrderedCollection new.
> categories do: [ :cat | | catSpecs catServices okExtensions services |
> services := Dictionary new.
> catSpecs := Array new: 3.
> catServices := OrderedCollection new.
> okExtensions := Set new.
> cat second do: [ :ext | (FileList itemsForFile: 'fred.',ext) do: [ :i |
> (rejects includes: i selector) ifFalse: [
> okExtensions add: ext.
> services at: i label put: i ]]].
> services do: [ :svc | catServices add: svc ].
> services isEmpty ifFalse: [
> catSpecs at: 1 put: cat first;
> at: 2 put: okExtensions;
> at: 3 put: catServices.
> specs add: catSpecs ]
> ].
> ^specs
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock
> ^[:dirName| (dirName sameAs: 'Squeaklets') not]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir (in category 'accessing') -----
> lastSelDir
> "Return the last selected directory or the default directory if no directory was selected so far."
> ^lastSelDir ifNil: [ lastSelDir := FileDirectory default ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir: (in category 'accessing') -----
> lastSelDir: aFileDirectory
> "Store the last selected directory. This will be selected as default in newly opened file or folder selectors"
> ^lastSelDir := aFileDirectory!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFileSelector
> | window |
> window := self morphicViewFileSelector.
> window openCenteredInWorld.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^(window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel) getSelectedFile!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList
> | window aFileList |
> window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList.
> aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
> window openCenteredInWorld.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^aFileList getSelectedFile!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory
> | window aFileList |
> window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory.
> aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
> window openCenteredInWorld.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^aFileList getSelectedFile!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFolderSelector
> ^self modalFolderSelector: self lastSelDir
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFolderSelector: aDir
> | window fileModel |
> window := self morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir.
> fileModel := window model.
> window openInWorld: self currentWorld extent: 300@400.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProject: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFolderSelectorForProject: aProject
> "
> FileList2 modalFolderSelectorForProject: Project current
> "
> | window fileModel w |
> window := FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject.
> fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
> w := self currentWorld.
> window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
> w addMorphInLayer: window.
> w startSteppingSubmorphsOf: window.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProjectLoad (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
> modalFolderSelectorForProjectLoad
> | window fileModel w |
> window := self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: self currentWorld reallyLoad: false.
> fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
> w := self currentWorld.
> window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
> window openInWorld: w.
> self modalLoopOn: window.
> ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalLoopOn: (in category 'utility') -----
> modalLoopOn: aMorph
> [aMorph world notNil] whileTrue: [
> aMorph outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.
> ].!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewFileSelector
> ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: nil
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList
> "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list."
> ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: self lastSelDir!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: dir
> "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list and the given directory."
> | aFileList window fixedSize midLine gap |
> aFileList := self new directory: dir.
> aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList okayAndCancelServices.
> aList ifNotNil:
> [aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [:entry :myPattern |
> entry isDirectory
> ifTrue:
> [false]
> ifFalse:
> [aList includes: (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)]]].
> window := BorderedMorph new
> layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new;
> color: Color lightBlue;
> borderColor: Color blue;
> borderWidth: 4;
> layoutInset: 4;
> extent: 600@400;
> useRoundedCorners.
> window setProperty: #fileListModel toValue: aFileList.
> aFileList modalView: window.
> midLine := 0.4.
> fixedSize := 25.
> gap := 5.
> self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
> {self textRow: 'Please select a file'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
> {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
> gap @(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.
> {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
> gap@(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.
> }.
> aFileList postOpen.
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewFolderSelector
> ^self morphicViewFolderSelector: FileDirectory default!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir
> "Answer a tool that allows the user to select a folder"
> | aFileList window fixedSize |
> aFileList := self new directory: aDir.
> aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForFolderSelector.
> window := (SystemWindow labelled: aDir pathName) model: aFileList.
> aFileList modalView: window.
> fixedSize := 25.
> self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
> {self textRow: 'Please select a folder'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
> 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
> 0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
> {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: 1@1.
> 0@(fixedSize * 2) corner: 0@0}.
> }.
> aFileList postOpen.
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: aWorld
> "
> FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: self currentWorld
> "
> | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b fileTypeInfo fileTypeButtons fileTypeRow actionRow |
> fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
> window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
> window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
> textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
> aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
> aFileList
> fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock;
> modalView: window.
> window
> setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
> useRoundedCorners.
> fileTypeButtons := fileTypeInfo collect: [ :each |
> (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: Color gray inWindow: window)
> setProperty: #enabled toValue: true;
> hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
> useSquareCorners
> ].
> buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
> self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window
> ].
> treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane
> extent: 250@300;
> retractable: false;
> borderWidth: 0.
> fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
> extent: 350@300;
> retractable: false;
> borderWidth: 0.
> window addARow: {window fancyText: 'Find...' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1}.
> fileTypeRow := window addARowCentered: fileTypeButtons cellInset: 2.
> actionRow := window addARowCentered: {
> buttons first.
> (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
> buttons second
> } cellInset: 2.
> window
> addARow: {
> (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
> useRoundedCorners;
> layoutInset: 0;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
> }) layoutInset: 10.
> (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
> useRoundedCorners;
> layoutInset: 0;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
> }) layoutInset: 10.
> }.
> window fullBounds.
> window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
> pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
> pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
> "
> buttons do: [ :each |
> each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
> ].
> "
> fileTypeButtons do: [ :each |
> each
> on: #mouseUp
> send: #value:value:
> to: [ :evt :morph |
> self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph.
> ]
> ].
> buttons first on: #mouseUp send: #okHit to: aFileList.
> buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
> aFileList postOpen.
> window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
> aFileList directoryChangeBlock: [ :newDir |
> self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: nil.
> self enableTypeButtons: fileTypeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: newDir.
> ].
> aFileList directory: aFileList directory.
> window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
> window becomeModal.
> ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewImageViewer (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewImageViewer
> | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
> dir := FileDirectory default.
> aFileList := self new directory: dir.
> aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList specsForImageViewer.
> aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [ :entry :myPattern |
> entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
> false
> ] ifFalse: [
> #('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'form' 'png') includes:
> (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)
> ]
> ].
> window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
> fixedSize := 25.
> midLine := 0.4.
> self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
> {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
> 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
> 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
> 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> }.
> aFileList postOpen.
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewNoFile (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewNoFile
> | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
> dir := FileDirectory default.
> aFileList := self new directory: dir.
> window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
> fixedSize := 25.
> midLine := 0.4.
> self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
> {aFileList morphicPatternPane. 0@0 corner: 0.3@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0.3 @ 0 corner: 1@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> }.
> aFileList postOpen.
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> morphicViewProjectLoader
> | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
> dir := FileDirectory default.
> aFileList := self new directory: dir.
> aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader.
> aFileList fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock.
> window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
> fixedSize := 25.
> midLine := 0.4.
> self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
> {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
> {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
> }.
> aFileList postOpen.
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld
> ^self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: true!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean
> ^self
> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld
> reallyLoad: aBoolean
> dirFilterType: #initialDirectoryList
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad:dirFilterType: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean dirFilterType: aSymbol
> | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b treeExtent filesExtent |
> window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
> window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
> textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
> aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
> aFileList
> optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader;
> fileSelectionBlock: (
> aSymbol == #limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList ifTrue: [
> MessageSend receiver: self selector: #projectOnlySelectionMethod:
> ] ifFalse: [
> self projectOnlySelectionBlock
> ]
> );
> "dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock;"
> modalView: window.
> window
> setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
> useRoundedCorners.
> buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
> self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window
> ].
> aWorld width < 800 ifTrue: [
> treeExtent := 150@300.
> filesExtent := 350@300.
> ] ifFalse: [
> treeExtent := 250@300.
> filesExtent := 350@300.
> ].
> (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol)
> extent: treeExtent;
> retractable: false;
> borderWidth: 0.
> fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
> extent: filesExtent;
> retractable: false;
> borderWidth: 0.
> window
> addARow: {
> window fancyText: 'Load A Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
> };
> addARowCentered: {
> buttons first.
> (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
> buttons second
> };
> addARow: {
> window fancyText: 'Please select a project' translated  font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
> };
> addARow: {
> (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
> useRoundedCorners;
> layoutInset: 0;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
> }) layoutInset: 10.
> (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
> useRoundedCorners;
> layoutInset: 0;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
> }) layoutInset: 10.
> }.
> window fullBounds.
> window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
> pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
> pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
> "
> buttons do: [ :each |
> each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
> ].
> "
> buttons first
> on: #mouseUp
> send: (aBoolean ifTrue: [#okHitForProjectLoader] ifFalse: [#okHit])
> to: aFileList.
> buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
> aFileList postOpen.
> window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
> window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
> window becomeModal.
> ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectSaverFor: (in category 'blue ui') -----
> morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject
> "
> (FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: Project current) openInWorld
> "
> | window aFileList buttons treePane pane2 textColor1 option treeExtent buttonData buttonRow |
> textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
> aFileList := self new directory: ServerDirectory projectDefaultDirectory.
> aFileList dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock.
> window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
> window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
> aFileList modalView: window.
> window
> setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
> useRoundedCorners.
> buttonData := Preferences enableLocalSave
> ifTrue: [{
> {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
> {'Save on local disk only'. #saveLocalOnlyHit. 'saves in the Squeaklets folder'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
> {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
> }]
> ifFalse: [{
> {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
> {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
> }].
> buttons := buttonData collect: [ :each |
> (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each fourth inWindow: window)
> setBalloonText: each third translated;
> hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
> on: #mouseUp send: each second to: aFileList
> ].
> option := aProject world
> valueOfProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions
> ifAbsent: [#initialDirectoryList].
> aProject world removeProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions.
> treeExtent := World height < 500
> ifTrue: [ 350@150 ]
> ifFalse: [ 350@300 ].
> (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: option)
> extent: treeExtent;
> retractable: false;
> borderWidth: 0.
> window
> addARowCentered: {
> window fancyText: 'Publish This Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
> }.
> buttonRow := OrderedCollection new.
> buttons do: [:button | buttonRow add: button] separatedBy: [buttonRow add: ((Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent)].
> " addARowCentered: {
> buttons first.
> (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
> buttons second.
> (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
> buttons third
> };"
> window
> addARowCentered: buttonRow;
> addARowCentered: { (window inAColumn: {(ProjectViewMorph on: aProject) lock}) layoutInset: 4};
> addARowCentered: {
> window fancyText: 'Please select a folder' translated font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
> };
> addARow: {
> (
> window inAColumn: {
> (pane2 := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
> useRoundedCorners;
> layoutInset: 0;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
> borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
> }
> ) layoutInset: 10
> }.
> window fullBounds.
> window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
> pane2 fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
> "
> buttons do: [ :each |
> each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
> ].
> "
> window setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: 11.
> aFileList postOpen.
> window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
> ^ window !
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>openMorphicViewInWorld (in category 'instance creation') -----
> openMorphicViewInWorld
> "FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld"
> ^self morphicView openInWorld!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> projectOnlySelectionBlock
> ^[ :entry :myPattern |
> entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
> false
> ] ifFalse: [
> #('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]
> ]
> ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionMethod: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> projectOnlySelectionMethod: incomingEntries
> | versionsAccepted |
> "this shows only the latest version of each project"
> versionsAccepted := Dictionary new.
> incomingEntries do: [ :entry | | basicInfoTuple basicVersion basicName |
> entry isDirectory ifFalse: [
> (#('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]) ifTrue: [
> basicInfoTuple := Project parseProjectFileName: entry name.
> basicName := basicInfoTuple first.
> basicVersion := basicInfoTuple second.
> ((versionsAccepted includesKey: basicName) and:
> [(versionsAccepted at: basicName) first > basicVersion]) ifFalse: [
> versionsAccepted at: basicName put: {basicVersion. entry}
> ].
> ]
> ]
> ].
> ^versionsAccepted asArray collect: [ :each | each second]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>prototypicalToolWindow (in category 'instance creation') -----
> prototypicalToolWindow
> "Answer an example of myself seen in a tool window, for the benefit of parts-launching tools"
> ^ self morphicView applyModelExtent!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>selectionBlockForSuffixes: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> selectionBlockForSuffixes: anArray
> ^[ :entry :myPattern |
> entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
> false
> ] ifFalse: [
> anArray anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]
> ]
> ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>textRow: (in category 'utility') -----
> textRow: aString
> ^AlignmentMorph newRow
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
> color: Color transparent;
> layoutInset: 0;
> addMorph: (
> AlignmentMorph newColumn
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
> color: Color transparent;
> vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
> layoutInset: 0;
> addMorph: (
> AlignmentMorph newRow
> wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
> color: Color transparent;
> hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
> vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
> layoutInset: 0;
> addMorph: ((StringMorph contents: aString) color: Color blue; lock)
> )
> )!
> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>update:in:fileTypeRow:morphUp: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
> update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph
> | fileTypeInfo info2 buttons textColor1 fileSuffixes fileActions aFileList fileTypeString |
> (morph notNil and:[(morph valueOfProperty: #enabled) not]) ifTrue: [^self].
> fileTypeRow submorphsDo: [ :sub |
> sub color: (
> sub == morph
> ifTrue: [Color white]
> ifFalse: [(sub valueOfProperty: #enabled)
> ifTrue: [Color transparent] ifFalse: [Color gray]]
> ).
> ].
> fileTypeString := morph isNil ifTrue:['xxxx'] ifFalse:[morph valueOfProperty: #buttonText].
> aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
> textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
> actionRow removeAllMorphs.
> fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
> info2 := fileTypeInfo detect: [ :each | each first = fileTypeString] ifNone: [ nil ].
> info2 isNil
> ifTrue:[
> buttons := OrderedCollection new
> ]
> ifFalse:[
> fileSuffixes := info2 second.
> fileActions := info2 third.
> buttons := fileActions collect: [ :each | aFileList blueButtonForService: each textColor: textColor1 inWindow: window ].
> buttons do: [ :each |
> each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current okColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
> ].
> ].
> buttons addLast: (self
> blueButtonText: 'Cancel'
> textColor: textColor1
> color: ColorTheme current cancelColor
> inWindow: window
> balloonText: 'Cancel this search' selector: #cancelHit recipient: aFileList).
> buttons do: [ :each | actionRow addMorphBack: each].
> window fullBounds.
> fileSuffixes isNil ifFalse:[
> aFileList fileSelectionBlock: (
> self selectionBlockForSuffixes: (fileSuffixes collect: [ :each | '*.',each])
> ).
> ].
> aFileList updateFileList.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>addNewDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
> addNewDirectory
> super addNewDirectory.
> self updateDirectory.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>blueButtonForService:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'user interface') -----
> blueButtonForService: aService textColor: textColor inWindow: window
> | block result |
> block := [self fullName isNil
> ifTrue: [self inform: 'Please select a file' translated]
> ifFalse: [aService performServiceFor: self]].
> result := window
> fancyText: aService buttonLabel capitalized translated
> font: Preferences standardEToysFont
> color: textColor.
> result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aService buttonLabel capitalized;
> hResizing: #rigid;
> extent: 100 @ 20;
> layoutInset: 4;
> borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
> useRoundedCorners;
> setBalloonText: aService label.
> result
> on: #mouseUp
> send: #value
> to: block.
> ^ result!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>cancelHit (in category 'private') -----
> cancelHit
> modalView delete.
> directory := fileName := currentDirectorySelected := nil.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>changeDirectoryTo: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
> changeDirectoryTo: aFileDirectory
> "Change directory as requested."
> self directory: aFileDirectory.
> self updateDirectory!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>currentDirectorySelected (in category 'private') -----
> currentDirectorySelected
> ^ currentDirectorySelected
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>deleteDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
> deleteDirectory
> super deleteDirectory.
> self updateDirectory.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>dirSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
> dirSelectionBlock: aBlock
> dirSelectionBlock := aBlock!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>directory (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
> directory
> ^directory!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>directory: (in category 'initialization') -----
> directory: dir
> "Set the path of the volume to be displayed."
> self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self].
> self modelSleep.
> directory := dir.
> self modelWakeUp.
> sortMode == nil ifTrue: [sortMode := #date].
> volList := Array with: '[]'.
> directory ifNotNil: [
> volList := volList, directory pathParts.  "Nesting suggestion from RvL"
> ].
> volList := volList withIndexCollect: [:each :i | ( String new: i-1 withAll: $ ), each].
> self changed: #relabel.
> self changed: #volumeList.
> self pattern: pattern.
> directoryChangeBlock ifNotNil: [directoryChangeBlock value: directory].!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>directoryChangeBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
> directoryChangeBlock: aBlockOrNil
> directoryChangeBlock := aBlockOrNil.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>directoryNamesFor: (in category 'private') -----
> directoryNamesFor: item
> "item may be file directory or server directory"
> | entries |
> entries := item directoryNames.
> dirSelectionBlock ifNotNil:[entries := entries select: dirSelectionBlock].
> ^entries!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>dropDestinationDirectory:event: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
> dropDestinationDirectory: dest event: evt
> "Answer a FileDirectory representing the drop destination in the directory hierarchy morph dest"
> self isThisEverCalled.
> ^ (dest itemFromPoint: evt position) withoutListWrapper!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>fileSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
> fileSelectionBlock: aBlock
> fileSelectionBlock := aBlock!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedDirectory (in category 'private') -----
> getSelectedDirectory
> ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
> ^ currentDirectorySelected
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedFile (in category 'private') -----
> getSelectedFile
> "Answer a filestream on the selected file.  If it cannot be opened for read/write, try read-only before giving up; answer nil if unsuccessful"
> ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
> directory ifNil: [^ nil].
> fileName ifNil: [^ nil].
> ^ (directory oldFileNamed: fileName) ifNil:
> [directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName]!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>importImage (in category 'own services') -----
> importImage
> "Import the given image file and store the resulting Form in the default Imports"
> | fname image |
> fname := fileName sansPeriodSuffix.
> image := Form fromFileNamed: self fullName.
> Imports default importImage: image named: fname.
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>initialDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
> initialDirectoryList
> | dirList |
> dirList := (FileDirectory on: '') directoryNames collect: [ :each |
> FileDirectoryWrapper with: (FileDirectory on: each) name: each model: self].
> dirList isEmpty ifTrue:[
> dirList := Array with: (FileDirectoryWrapper
> with: FileDirectory default
> name: FileDirectory default localName
> model: self)].
> dirList := dirList,(
> ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [ :n | | nameToShow dir |
> dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
> nameToShow := n.
> (dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
> balloonText: dir realUrl
> ]
> ).
> ^dirList!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
> initialize
> super initialize.
> showDirsInFileList := false.
> fileSelectionBlock := [ :entry :myPattern |
> entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
> showDirsInFileList
> ] ifFalse: [
> myPattern = '*' or: [myPattern match: entry name]
> ]
> ].
> dirSelectionBlock := [ :dirName | true].!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>isDirectoryList: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
> isDirectoryList: aMorph
> ^aMorph isKindOf: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>labelString (in category 'initialization') -----
> labelString
> ^ (directory ifNil: [^'[]']) pathName contractTo: 50!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
> limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList
> | dirList localDirName localDir |
> dirList := OrderedCollection new.
> ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
> dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
> dir isProjectSwiki ifTrue: [
> nameToShow := n.
> dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
> balloonText: dir realUrl)
> ].
> ].
> ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
> dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)
> ].
> "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
> localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
> localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
> ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
> ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
> FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
> ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
> (dirList anySatisfy: [:each | each withoutListWrapper acceptsUploads])
> ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
> ^dirList!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiPublishDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
> limitedSuperSwikiPublishDirectoryList
> | dirList localDirName localDir |
> dirList := self publishingServers.
> ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
> dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)].
> "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
> localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
> localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
> ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
> ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
> FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
> ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
> ^dirList!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPattern: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
> listForPattern: pat
> "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
> | sizePad newList entries |
> directory ifNil: [^#()].
> entries := (Preferences eToyLoginEnabled
> and: [Utilities authorNamePerSe notNil])
> ifTrue: [directory matchingEntries: {'submittedBy: ' , Utilities authorName.} ]
> ifFalse: [directory entries].
> (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
> fileSelectionBlock arguments: {entries}.
> newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
> fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
> ] ifFalse: [
> newList := entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat].
> ].
> newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
> sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
> asStringWithCommas size - 1.
> ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPatterns: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
> listForPatterns: anArray
> "Make the list be those file names which match the patterns."
> | sizePad newList |
> directory ifNil: [^#()].
> (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
> fileSelectionBlock arguments: {directory entries}.
> newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
> fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
> ] ifFalse: [
> newList := Set new.
> anArray do: [ :pat |
> newList addAll: (directory entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat]) ].
> ].
> newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
> sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
> asStringWithCommas size.
> ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>modalView: (in category 'private') -----
> modalView: aSystemWindowOrSuch
> modalView := aSystemWindowOrSuch!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePane (in category 'user interface') -----
> morphicDirectoryTreePane
> ^self morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: #initialDirectoryList
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: (in category 'user interface') -----
> morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol
> ^(SimpleHierarchicalListMorph
> on: self
> list: aSymbol
> selected: #currentDirectorySelected
> changeSelected: #setSelectedDirectoryTo:
> menu: #volumeMenu:
> keystroke: nil)
> autoDeselect: false;
> enableDrag: false;
> enableDrop: true;
> yourself
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileContentsPane (in category 'user interface') -----
> morphicFileContentsPane
> ^PluggableTextMorph
> on: self
> text: #contents
> accept: #put:
> readSelection: #contentsSelection
> menu: #fileContentsMenu:shifted:
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileListPane (in category 'user interface') -----
> morphicFileListPane
> ^(PluggableListMorph
> on: self
> list: #fileList
> selected: #fileListIndex
> changeSelected: #fileListIndex:
> menu: #fileListMenu:)
> enableDrag: true;
> enableDrop: false;
> yourself
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicPatternPane (in category 'user interface') -----
> morphicPatternPane
>   | pane |
>    pane := PluggableTextMorph
> on: self
> text: #pattern
> accept: #pattern:.
>    pane acceptOnCR: true.
>   ^pane
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>okHit (in category 'private') -----
> okHit
> ok := true.
> currentDirectorySelected
> ifNil: [ Beeper beep ]
> ifNotNil: [
> self class lastSelDir: directory.
> modalView delete ]!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>okHitForProjectLoader (in category 'private') -----
> okHitForProjectLoader
> | areaOfProgress |
> fileName ifNil: [^ self].
> ok := true.
> areaOfProgress := modalView firstSubmorph.
> [
> areaOfProgress setProperty: #deleteOnProgressCompletion toValue: modalView.
> self openProjectFromFile.
> modalView delete. "probably won't get here"
> ]
> on: ProgressTargetRequestNotification
> do: [ :ex | ex resume: areaOfProgress].
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>okayAndCancelServices (in category 'own services') -----
> okayAndCancelServices
> "Answer ok and cancel services"
> ^ {self serviceOkay. self serviceCancel}!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>openImageInWindow (in category 'own services') -----
> openImageInWindow
> "Handle five file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, Form stoteOn: (run coded), and BMP.
> Fail if file format is not recognized."
> | image myStream |
> myStream := (directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName) binary.
> [image := Form fromBinaryStream: myStream.
> Project current openImage: image name: fileName saveResource: false]
> ensure: [myStream close]
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>openProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
> openProjectFromFile
> "Reconstitute a Morph from the selected file, presumed to be represent
> a Morph saved via the SmartRefStream mechanism, and open it in an
> appropriate Morphic world."
> Project canWeLoadAProjectNow ifFalse: [^ self].
> ProjectViewMorph
> openFromDirectory: directory
> andFileName: fileName
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonRow (in category 'initialization') -----
> optionalButtonRow
> "Answer the button row associated with a file list"
> | aRow |
> aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow beSticky.
> aRow color: Color transparent.
> aRow clipSubmorphs: true.
> aRow layoutInset: 5@1; cellInset: 6.
> self universalButtonServices do:  "just the three sort-by items"
> [:service |
> aRow addMorphBack: (service buttonToTriggerIn: self).
> (service selector  == #sortBySize)
> ifTrue:
> [aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: (4@0)]].
> aRow setNameTo: 'buttons'.
> aRow setProperty: #buttonRow toValue: true.  "Used for dynamic retrieval later on"
> ^ aRow!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs (in category 'initialization') -----
> optionalButtonSpecs
> ^optionalButtonSpecs ifNil: [super optionalButtonSpecs]!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs: (in category 'initialization') -----
> optionalButtonSpecs: anArray
> optionalButtonSpecs := anArray!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>postOpen (in category 'private') -----
> postOpen
> directory ifNotNil: [
> self changed: #(openPath) , directory pathParts.
> ].
> !
> ----- Method: FileList2>>publishingServers (in category 'initialization') -----
> publishingServers
> | dirList |
> dirList := OrderedCollection new.
> ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
> dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
> (dir isProjectSwiki and: [dir acceptsUploads])
> ifTrue: [
> nameToShow := n.
> dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
> balloonText: dir realUrl)]].
> ^dirList!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>removeLinefeeds (in category 'own services') -----
> removeLinefeeds
> "Remove any line feeds by converting to CRs instead.  This is a temporary implementation for 3.6 only... should be removed during 3.7alpha."
> | fileContents |
> fileContents := ((FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: self fullName) wantsLineEndConversion: true) contentsOfEntireFile.
> (FileStream newFileNamed: self fullName)
> nextPutAll: fileContents;
> close.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>saveLocalOnlyHit (in category 'private') -----
> saveLocalOnlyHit
> ok := true.
> modalView delete.
> directory := fileName := nil.
> currentDirectorySelected := #localOnly.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceCancel (in category 'own services') -----
> serviceCancel
> "Answer a service for hitting the cancel button"
> ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
> provider: self label: 'cancel' selector: #cancelHit
> description: 'hit here to cancel ')
> buttonLabel: 'cancel'!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOkay (in category 'own services') -----
> serviceOkay
> "Answer a service for hitting the okay button"
> ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
> provider: self label: 'okay' selector: #okHit
> description: 'hit here to accept the current selection')
> buttonLabel: 'ok'!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOpenProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
> serviceOpenProjectFromFile
> "Answer a service for opening a .pr project file"
> ^ SimpleServiceEntry
> provider: self
> label: 'load as project'
> selector: #openProjectFromFile
> description: 'open project from file'
> buttonLabel: 'load'!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForFolderSelector (in category 'own services') -----
> servicesForFolderSelector
> "Answer the ok and cancel servies for the folder selector"
> ^ self okayAndCancelServices!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForProjectLoader (in category 'own services') -----
> servicesForProjectLoader
> "Answer the services to show in the button pane for the project loader"
> ^ {self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize. self serviceOpenProjectFromFile}!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>setSelectedDirectoryTo: (in category 'private') -----
> setSelectedDirectoryTo: aFileDirectoryWrapper
> currentDirectorySelected := aFileDirectoryWrapper.
> self directory: aFileDirectoryWrapper withoutListWrapper.
> brevityState := #FileList.
> "self addPath: path."
> self changed: #fileList.
> self changed: #contents.
> self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>specsForImageViewer (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
> specsForImageViewer
> ^{self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize }!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>universalButtonServices (in category 'initialization') -----
> universalButtonServices
> "Answer the services to be reflected in the receiver's buttons"
> ^ self optionalButtonSpecs!
> ----- Method: FileList2>>updateDirectory (in category 'initialization') -----
> updateDirectory
> "directory has been changed externally, by calling directory:.
> Now change the view to reflect the change."
> self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.
> self postOpen.!

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Re: The Trunk: 45Deprecated-fbs.8.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 13 Jul 2013, at 14:45, Levente Uzonyi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Jul 2013, [hidden email] wrote:
>> Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of 45Deprecated to project The Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: 45Deprecated-fbs.8
>> Author: fbs
>> Time: 10 July 2013, 12:41:27.673 pm
>> UUID: 553a8cb9-0a14-494d-bfff-f46d843e380c
>> Ancestors:
>> Deprecate FileList2. It looks like cruft. It has one user vocal enough to say he used it (Stephane Rollandin), and he says it's fine to remove it.
> Hm. It has 26 users in my image. And I think it's the mainly used file chooser. :)

Yeah, hence my reversion by deleting the broken commit that removed it. I still don't like it, but I'd be happy if someone respecified its UI in ToolBuilder.


> Levente
>> ==================== Snapshot ====================
>> SystemOrganization addCategory: #'45Deprecated'!
>> FileList subclass: #FileList2
>>    instanceVariableNames: 'showDirsInFileList currentDirectorySelected fileSelectionBlock dirSelectionBlock optionalButtonSpecs modalView directoryChangeBlock ok'
>>    classVariableNames: ''
>>    poolDictionaries: ''
>>    category: '45Deprecated'!
>> FileList2 class
>>    instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!
>> !FileList2 commentStamp: 'BJP 11/19/2003 21:13' prior: 0!
>> Some variations on FileList that
>> - use a hierarchical pane to show folder structure
>> - use different pane combinations, button layouts and prefiltering for specific uses
>> FileList2 morphicView openInWorld                "an alternative to the standard FileList"
>> FileList2 morphicViewNoFile openInWorld            "useful for selecting, but not viewing"
>> FileList2 morphicViewProjectLoader openInWorld    "useful for finding and loading projects"
>> FileList2 modalFolderSelector                        "allows the user to select a folder"
>> !
>> FileList2 class
>>    instanceVariableNames: 'lastSelDir'!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>addFullPanesTo:from: (in category 'utility') -----
>> addFullPanesTo: window from: aCollection
>>    aCollection do: [ :each | | frame |
>>        frame := LayoutFrame
>>            fractions: each second
>>            offsets: each third.
>>        window addMorph: each first fullFrame: frame.
>>    ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window
>>    | result |
>>    result := window
>>                fancyText: aString translated
>>                font: Preferences standardEToysFont
>>                color: textColor.
>>    result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
>>         hResizing: #rigid;
>>         extent: 100 @ 20;
>>         layoutInset: 4;
>>         borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
>>         useRoundedCorners.
>>    aColor isNil
>>        ifFalse: [""result color: aColor. result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
>>    ^ result!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:color:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor color: aColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
>>    | result |
>>    result := window
>>                fancyText: aString translated
>> font: Preferences standardEToysFont
>>                color: textColor.
>>    result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aString;
>>         hResizing: #rigid;
>>         extent: 100 @ 20;
>>         layoutInset: 4;
>>         borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
>>         useRoundedCorners;
>>         setBalloonText: balloonText.
>>    result
>>        on: #mouseUp
>>        send: sel
>>        to: recip.
>>    aColor isNil
>>        ifFalse: [""
>>            result color: aColor.
>>            result borderColor: aColor muchDarker].
>>    ^ result!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window
>>    ^ self
>>        blueButtonText: aString
>>        textColor: textColor
>>        color: nil
>>        inWindow: window!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>blueButtonText:textColor:inWindow:balloonText:selector:recipient: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> blueButtonText: aString textColor: textColor inWindow: window balloonText: balloonText selector: sel recipient: recip
>>    ^ self
>>        blueButtonText: aString
>>        textColor: textColor
>>        color: nil
>>        inWindow: window
>>        balloonText: balloonText
>>        selector: sel
>>        recipient: recip !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>enableTypeButtons:info:forDir: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> enableTypeButtons: typeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: aDirectory
>>    | foundSuffixes firstEnabled |
>>    firstEnabled := nil.
>>    foundSuffixes := (aDirectory ifNil: [ #()] ifNotNil: [ aDirectory fileNames]) collect: [ :each | (each findTokens: '.') last asLowercase].
>>    foundSuffixes := foundSuffixes asSet.
>>    fileTypeInfo with: typeButtons do: [ :info :button | | enableIt fileSuffixes |
>>        fileSuffixes := info second.
>>        enableIt := fileSuffixes anySatisfy: [ :patt | foundSuffixes includes: patt].
>>        button
>>            setProperty: #enabled
>>            toValue: enableIt.
>>        enableIt ifTrue: [firstEnabled ifNil: [firstEnabled := button]].
>>    ].
>>    firstEnabled ifNotNil: [^firstEnabled mouseUp: nil].
>>    typeButtons do: [ :each | each color: Color gray].
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>endingSpecs (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> endingSpecs
>>    "Answer a collection of specs to build the selective 'find anything' tool called by the Navigator. This version uses the services registry to do so."
>>    "FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: World"
>>    | categories specs rejects |
>>    rejects := #(addFileToNewZip: compressFile: openInZipViewer: extractAllFrom: openOn:).
>>    categories := #(
>>        ('Art' ('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'jpeg' 'form' 'png' 'pcx' 'xbm' 'xpm' 'ppm' 'pbm'))
>>        ('Morphs' ('morph' 'morphs' 'sp'))
>>        ('Projects' ('extseg' 'project' 'pr'))
>>        ('MIDI' ('mid' 'midi'))
>>        ('Music' ('mp3'))
>>        ('Movies' ('movie' 'mpg' 'mpeg' 'qt' 'mov'))
>>        ('Flash' ('swf'))
>>    ).
>>        "('Books' ('bo'))"
>>        "('Code' ('st' 'cs'))"
>>        "('TrueType' ('ttf'))"
>>        "('3ds' ('3ds'))"
>>        "('Tape' ('tape'))"
>>        "('Wonderland' ('wrl'))"
>>        "('HTML' ('htm' 'html'))"
>>    categories first at: 2 put: ImageReadWriter allTypicalFileExtensions.
>>    specs := OrderedCollection new.
>>    categories do: [ :cat | | catSpecs catServices okExtensions services |
>>        services := Dictionary new.
>>        catSpecs := Array new: 3.
>>        catServices := OrderedCollection new.
>>        okExtensions := Set new.
>>        cat second do: [ :ext | (FileList itemsForFile: 'fred.',ext) do: [ :i |
>>            (rejects includes: i selector) ifFalse: [
>>                okExtensions add: ext.
>>                services at: i label put: i ]]].
>>        services do: [ :svc | catServices add: svc ].
>>        services isEmpty ifFalse: [
>>            catSpecs at: 1 put: cat first;
>>                at: 2 put: okExtensions;
>>                at: 3 put: catServices.
>>            specs add: catSpecs ]
>>    ].
>>    ^specs
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock
>>    ^[:dirName| (dirName sameAs: 'Squeaklets') not]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir (in category 'accessing') -----
>> lastSelDir
>>    "Return the last selected directory or the default directory if no directory was selected so far."
>>    ^lastSelDir ifNil: [ lastSelDir := FileDirectory default ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>lastSelDir: (in category 'accessing') -----
>> lastSelDir: aFileDirectory
>>    "Store the last selected directory. This will be selected as default in newly opened file or folder selectors"
>>    ^lastSelDir := aFileDirectory!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFileSelector
>>    | window |
>>    window := self morphicViewFileSelector.
>>    window openCenteredInWorld.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^(window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel) getSelectedFile!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList
>>    | window aFileList |
>>    window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList.
>>    aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
>>    window openCenteredInWorld.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^aFileList getSelectedFile!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory
>>    | window aFileList |
>>    window := self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: aDirectory.
>>    aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #fileListModel.
>>    window openCenteredInWorld.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^aFileList getSelectedFile!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFolderSelector
>>    ^self modalFolderSelector: self lastSelDir
>>    !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelector: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFolderSelector: aDir
>>    | window fileModel |
>>    window := self morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir.
>>    fileModel := window model.
>>    window openInWorld: self currentWorld extent: 300@400.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProject: (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFolderSelectorForProject: aProject
>> "
>> FileList2 modalFolderSelectorForProject: Project current
>> "
>>    | window fileModel w |
>>    window := FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject.
>>    fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
>>    w := self currentWorld.
>>    window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
>>    w addMorphInLayer: window.
>>    w startSteppingSubmorphsOf: window.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalFolderSelectorForProjectLoad (in category 'modal dialogs') -----
>> modalFolderSelectorForProjectLoad
>>    | window fileModel w |
>>    window := self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: self currentWorld reallyLoad: false.
>>    fileModel := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
>>    w := self currentWorld.
>>    window position: w topLeft + (w extent - window extent // 2).
>>    window openInWorld: w.
>>    self modalLoopOn: window.
>>    ^fileModel getSelectedDirectory withoutListWrapper!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>modalLoopOn: (in category 'utility') -----
>> modalLoopOn: aMorph
>>    [aMorph world notNil] whileTrue: [
>>        aMorph outermostWorldMorph doOneCycle.
>>    ].!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewFileSelector
>>    ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: nil
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList
>>    "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list."
>>    ^self morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: self lastSelDir!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes:directory: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewFileSelectorForSuffixes: aList directory: dir
>>    "Answer a morphic file-selector tool for the given suffix list and the given directory."
>>    | aFileList window fixedSize midLine gap |
>>    aFileList := self new directory: dir.
>>    aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList okayAndCancelServices.
>>    aList ifNotNil:
>>        [aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [:entry :myPattern |
>>            entry isDirectory
>>                ifTrue:
>>                    [false]
>>                ifFalse:
>>                    [aList includes: (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)]]].
>>    window := BorderedMorph new
>>        layoutPolicy: ProportionalLayout new;
>>        color: Color lightBlue;
>>        borderColor: Color blue;
>>        borderWidth: 4;
>>        layoutInset: 4;
>>        extent: 600@400;
>>        useRoundedCorners.
>>    window setProperty: #fileListModel toValue: aFileList.
>>    aFileList modalView: window.
>>    midLine := 0.4.
>>    fixedSize := 25.
>>    gap := 5.
>>    self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
>>        {self textRow: 'Please select a file'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
>>        {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
>>                    gap @(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.
>>        {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
>>                    gap@(fixedSize * 2) corner: gap negated@0}.
>>    }.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewFolderSelector
>>    ^self morphicViewFolderSelector: FileDirectory default!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewFolderSelector: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewFolderSelector: aDir
>>    "Answer a tool that allows the user to select a folder"
>>    | aFileList window fixedSize |
>>    aFileList := self new directory: aDir.
>>    aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForFolderSelector.
>>    window := (SystemWindow labelled: aDir pathName) model: aFileList.
>>    aFileList modalView: window.
>>    fixedSize := 25.
>>    self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
>>        {self textRow: 'Please select a folder'. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
>>                0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
>>                0@fixedSize corner: 0@(fixedSize * 2)}.
>>        {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: 1@1.
>>                0@(fixedSize * 2) corner: 0@0}.
>>    }.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: aWorld
>> "
>> FileList2 morphicViewGeneralLoaderInWorld: self currentWorld
>> "
>>    | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b fileTypeInfo fileTypeButtons fileTypeRow actionRow |
>>    fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
>>    window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
>>    window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
>>    textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
>>    aFileList
>>        fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock;
>>        modalView: window.
>>    window
>>        setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
>>        wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
>>        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
>>        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
>>        useRoundedCorners.
>>    fileTypeButtons := fileTypeInfo collect: [ :each |
>>        (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: Color gray inWindow: window)
>>            setProperty: #enabled toValue: true;
>>            hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
>>            useSquareCorners
>>    ].
>>    buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
>>        self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window
>>    ].
>>    treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane
>>        extent: 250@300;
>>        retractable: false;
>>        borderWidth: 0.
>>    fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
>>        extent: 350@300;
>>        retractable: false;
>>        borderWidth: 0.
>>    window addARow: {window fancyText: 'Find...' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1}.
>>    fileTypeRow := window addARowCentered: fileTypeButtons cellInset: 2.
>>    actionRow := window addARowCentered: {
>>        buttons first.
>>        (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
>>        buttons second
>>    } cellInset: 2.
>>    window
>>        addARow: {
>>                (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
>>                    useRoundedCorners;
>>                    layoutInset: 0;
>>                    borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
>>                    borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
>>                }) layoutInset: 10.
>>                (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
>>                    useRoundedCorners;
>>                    layoutInset: 0;
>>                    borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
>>                    borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
>>                }) layoutInset: 10.
>>        }.
>>    window fullBounds.
>>    window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
>>    pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
>>    pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
>> "
>>    buttons do: [ :each |
>>        each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
>>    ].
>> "
>>    fileTypeButtons do: [ :each |
>>        each
>>            on: #mouseUp
>>            send: #value:value:
>>            to: [ :evt :morph |
>>                self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph.
>>            ]
>>    ].
>>    buttons first on: #mouseUp send: #okHit to: aFileList.
>>    buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
>>    aFileList directoryChangeBlock: [ :newDir |
>>        self update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: nil.
>>        self enableTypeButtons: fileTypeButtons info: fileTypeInfo forDir: newDir.
>>    ].
>>    aFileList directory: aFileList directory.
>>    window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
>>    window becomeModal.
>>    ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewImageViewer (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewImageViewer
>>    | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
>>    dir := FileDirectory default.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: dir.
>>    aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList specsForImageViewer.
>>    aFileList fileSelectionBlock: [ :entry :myPattern |
>>        entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
>>            false
>>        ] ifFalse: [
>>            #('bmp' 'gif' 'jpg' 'form' 'png') includes:
>>                     (FileDirectory extensionFor: entry name asLowercase)
>>        ]
>>    ].
>>    window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
>>    fixedSize := 25.
>>    midLine := 0.4.
>>    self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
>>        {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0.
>>                0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1.
>>                0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>        {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1.
>>                0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>    }.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewNoFile (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewNoFile
>>    | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
>>    dir := FileDirectory default.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: dir.
>>    window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
>>    fixedSize := 25.
>>    midLine := 0.4.
>>    self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
>>        {aFileList morphicPatternPane. 0@0 corner: 0.3@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0.3 @ 0 corner: 1@0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>        {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>    }.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> morphicViewProjectLoader
>>    | dir aFileList window midLine fixedSize |
>>    dir := FileDirectory default.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: dir.
>>    aFileList optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader.
>>    aFileList fileSelectionBlock: self projectOnlySelectionBlock.
>>    window := (SystemWindow labelled: dir pathName) model: aFileList.
>>    fixedSize := 25.
>>    midLine := 0.4.
>>    self addFullPanesTo: window from: {
>>        {aFileList optionalButtonRow. 0 @ 0 corner: 1 @ 0. 0@0 corner: 0@fixedSize}.
>>        {aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePane. 0@0 corner: midLine@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>        {aFileList morphicFileListPane. midLine @ 0 corner: 1@1. 0@fixedSize corner: 0@0}.
>>    }.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld
>>    ^self morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: true!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean
>>    ^self
>>        morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld
>>        reallyLoad: aBoolean
>>        dirFilterType: #initialDirectoryList
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld:reallyLoad:dirFilterType: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> morphicViewProjectLoader2InWorld: aWorld reallyLoad: aBoolean dirFilterType: aSymbol
>>    | window aFileList buttons treePane textColor1 fileListPane pane2a pane2b treeExtent filesExtent |
>>    window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
>>    window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
>>    textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: FileDirectory default.
>>    aFileList
>>        optionalButtonSpecs: aFileList servicesForProjectLoader;
>>        fileSelectionBlock: (
>>            aSymbol == #limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList ifTrue: [
>>                MessageSend receiver: self selector: #projectOnlySelectionMethod:
>>            ] ifFalse: [
>>                self projectOnlySelectionBlock
>>            ]
>>        );
>>        "dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock;"
>>        modalView: window.
>>    window
>>        setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
>>        wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
>>        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
>>        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
>>        useRoundedCorners.
>>    buttons := {{'OK'. ColorTheme current okColor}. {'Cancel'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}} collect: [ :each |
>>        self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each second inWindow: window
>>    ].
>>    aWorld width < 800 ifTrue: [
>>        treeExtent := 150@300.
>>        filesExtent := 350@300.
>>    ] ifFalse: [
>>        treeExtent := 250@300.
>>        filesExtent := 350@300.
>>    ].
>>    (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol)
>>        extent: treeExtent;
>>        retractable: false;
>>        borderWidth: 0.
>>    fileListPane := aFileList morphicFileListPane
>>        extent: filesExtent;
>>        retractable: false;
>>        borderWidth: 0.
>>    window
>>        addARow: {
>>            window fancyText: 'Load A Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
>>        };
>>        addARowCentered: {
>>            buttons first.
>>            (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
>>            buttons second
>>        };
>>        addARow: {
>>            window fancyText: 'Please select a project' translated  font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
>>        };
>>        addARow: {
>>                (window inAColumn: {(pane2a := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
>>                    useRoundedCorners;
>>                    layoutInset: 0;
>>                    borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
>>                    borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
>>                }) layoutInset: 10.
>>                (window inAColumn: {(pane2b := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {fileListPane}})
>>                    useRoundedCorners;
>>                    layoutInset: 0;
>>                    borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
>>                    borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
>>                }) layoutInset: 10.
>>        }.
>>    window fullBounds.
>>    window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
>>    pane2a fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
>>    pane2b fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
>> "
>>    buttons do: [ :each |
>>        each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
>>    ].
>> "
>>    buttons first
>>        on: #mouseUp
>>        send: (aBoolean ifTrue: [#okHitForProjectLoader] ifFalse: [#okHit])
>>        to: aFileList.
>>    buttons second on: #mouseUp send: #cancelHit to: aFileList.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    window position: aWorld topLeft + (aWorld extent - window extent // 2).
>>    window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
>>    window becomeModal.
>>    ^ window openInWorld: aWorld.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>morphicViewProjectSaverFor: (in category 'blue ui') -----
>> morphicViewProjectSaverFor: aProject
>> "
>> (FileList2 morphicViewProjectSaverFor: Project current) openInWorld
>> "
>>    | window aFileList buttons treePane pane2 textColor1 option treeExtent buttonData buttonRow |
>>    textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
>>    aFileList := self new directory: ServerDirectory projectDefaultDirectory.
>>    aFileList dirSelectionBlock: self hideSqueakletDirectoryBlock.
>>    window := AlignmentMorphBob1 newColumn.
>>    window hResizing: #shrinkWrap; vResizing: #shrinkWrap.
>>    aFileList modalView: window.
>>    window
>>        setProperty: #FileList toValue: aFileList;
>>        wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
>>        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogBorderWidth;
>>        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogBorderColor;
>>        useRoundedCorners.
>>    buttonData := Preferences enableLocalSave
>>                ifTrue: [{
>>                            {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
>>                            {'Save on local disk only'. #saveLocalOnlyHit. 'saves in the Squeaklets folder'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
>>                            {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
>>                        }]
>>                ifFalse: [{
>>                            {'Save'. #okHit. 'Save in the place specified below, and in the Squeaklets folder on your local disk'. ColorTheme current okColor}.
>>                            {'Cancel'. #cancelHit. 'return without saving'. ColorTheme current cancelColor}
>>                        }].
>>    buttons := buttonData collect: [ :each |
>>        (self blueButtonText: each first textColor: textColor1 color: each fourth inWindow: window)
>>            setBalloonText: each third translated;
>>            hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
>>            on: #mouseUp send: each second to: aFileList
>>    ].
>>    option := aProject world
>>        valueOfProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions
>>        ifAbsent: [#initialDirectoryList].
>>    aProject world removeProperty: #SuperSwikiPublishOptions.
>>    treeExtent := World height < 500
>>                        ifTrue: [ 350@150 ]
>>                        ifFalse: [ 350@300 ].
>>    (treePane := aFileList morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: option)
>>        extent: treeExtent;
>>        retractable: false;
>>        borderWidth: 0.
>>    window
>>        addARowCentered: {
>>            window fancyText: 'Publish This Project' translated font: Preferences standardEToysTitleFont color: textColor1
>>        }.
>>    buttonRow := OrderedCollection new.
>>    buttons do: [:button | buttonRow add: button] separatedBy: [buttonRow add: ((Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent)].
>> "    addARowCentered: {
>>            buttons first.
>>            (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
>>            buttons second.
>>            (Morph new extent: 30@5) color: Color transparent.
>>            buttons third
>>        };"
>>    window
>>        addARowCentered: buttonRow;
>>        addARowCentered: { (window inAColumn: {(ProjectViewMorph on: aProject) lock}) layoutInset: 4};
>>        addARowCentered: {
>>            window fancyText: 'Please select a folder' translated font: Preferences standardEToysFont color: textColor1
>>        };
>>        addARow: {
>>            (
>>                window inAColumn: {
>>                    (pane2 := window inARow: {window inAColumn: {treePane}})
>>                        useRoundedCorners;
>>                        layoutInset: 0;
>>                        borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderWidth;
>>                        borderColor: ColorTheme current dialogPaneBorderColor
>>                }
>>            ) layoutInset: 10
>>        }.
>>    window fullBounds.
>>    window fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogRampOrColor oriented: 0.65.
>>    pane2 fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogPaneRampOrColor oriented: (0.7 @ 0.35).
>> "
>>    buttons do: [ :each |
>>        each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current dialogButtonsRampOrColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
>>    ].
>> "
>>    window setProperty: #morphicLayerNumber toValue: 11.
>>    aFileList postOpen.
>>    window adoptPaneColor: (Color r: 0.548 g: 0.677 b: 1.0).
>>    ^ window !
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>openMorphicViewInWorld (in category 'instance creation') -----
>> openMorphicViewInWorld
>>    "FileList2 openMorphicViewInWorld"
>>    ^self morphicView openInWorld!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionBlock (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> projectOnlySelectionBlock
>>    ^[ :entry :myPattern |
>>        entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
>>            false
>>        ] ifFalse: [
>>            #('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]
>>        ]
>>    ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>projectOnlySelectionMethod: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> projectOnlySelectionMethod: incomingEntries
>>    | versionsAccepted |
>>    "this shows only the latest version of each project"
>>    versionsAccepted := Dictionary new.
>>    incomingEntries do: [ :entry | | basicInfoTuple basicVersion basicName |
>>        entry isDirectory ifFalse: [
>>            (#('*.pr' '*.pr.gz' '*.project') anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]) ifTrue: [
>>                basicInfoTuple := Project parseProjectFileName: entry name.
>>                basicName := basicInfoTuple first.
>>                basicVersion := basicInfoTuple second.
>>                ((versionsAccepted includesKey: basicName) and:
>>                        [(versionsAccepted at: basicName) first > basicVersion]) ifFalse: [
>>                    versionsAccepted at: basicName put: {basicVersion. entry}
>>                ].
>>            ]
>>        ]
>>    ].
>>    ^versionsAccepted asArray collect: [ :each | each second]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>prototypicalToolWindow (in category 'instance creation') -----
>> prototypicalToolWindow
>>    "Answer an example of myself seen in a tool window, for the benefit of parts-launching tools"
>>    ^ self morphicView applyModelExtent!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>selectionBlockForSuffixes: (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> selectionBlockForSuffixes: anArray
>>    ^[ :entry :myPattern |
>>        entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
>>            false
>>        ] ifFalse: [
>>            anArray anySatisfy: [ :each | each match: entry name]
>>        ]
>>    ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>textRow: (in category 'utility') -----
>> textRow: aString
>>    ^AlignmentMorph newRow
>>        wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
>>        color: Color transparent;
>>        layoutInset: 0;
>>        addMorph: (
>>            AlignmentMorph newColumn
>>            wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #topCenter;
>>            color: Color transparent;
>>            vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
>>            layoutInset: 0;
>>            addMorph: (
>>                AlignmentMorph newRow
>>                wrapCentering: #center; cellPositioning: #leftCenter;
>>                color: Color transparent;
>>                hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
>>                vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
>>                layoutInset: 0;
>>                addMorph: ((StringMorph contents: aString) color: Color blue; lock)
>>            )
>>        )!
>> ----- Method: FileList2 class>>update:in:fileTypeRow:morphUp: (in category 'morphic ui') -----
>> update: actionRow in: window fileTypeRow: fileTypeRow morphUp: morph
>>    | fileTypeInfo info2 buttons textColor1 fileSuffixes fileActions aFileList fileTypeString |
>>    (morph notNil and:[(morph valueOfProperty: #enabled) not]) ifTrue: [^self].
>>    fileTypeRow submorphsDo: [ :sub |
>>        sub color: (
>>            sub == morph
>>                ifTrue: [Color white]
>>                ifFalse: [(sub valueOfProperty: #enabled)
>>                            ifTrue: [Color transparent] ifFalse: [Color gray]]
>>        ).
>>    ].
>>    fileTypeString := morph isNil ifTrue:['xxxx'] ifFalse:[morph valueOfProperty: #buttonText].
>>    aFileList := window valueOfProperty: #FileList.
>>    textColor1 := Color r: 0.742 g: 0.839 b: 1.0.
>>    actionRow removeAllMorphs.
>>    fileTypeInfo := self endingSpecs.
>>    info2 := fileTypeInfo detect: [ :each | each first = fileTypeString] ifNone: [ nil ].
>>    info2 isNil
>>        ifTrue:[
>>            buttons := OrderedCollection new
>>        ]
>>        ifFalse:[
>>            fileSuffixes := info2 second.
>>            fileActions := info2 third.
>>            buttons := fileActions collect: [ :each | aFileList blueButtonForService: each textColor: textColor1 inWindow: window ].
>>            buttons do: [ :each |
>>                each fillWithRamp: ColorTheme current okColor oriented: (0.75 @ 0).
>>            ].
>>        ].
>>    buttons addLast: (self
>>                                blueButtonText: 'Cancel'
>>                                textColor: textColor1
>>                                color: ColorTheme current cancelColor
>>                                inWindow: window
>>                                balloonText: 'Cancel this search' selector: #cancelHit recipient: aFileList).
>>    buttons do: [ :each | actionRow addMorphBack: each].
>>    window fullBounds.
>>    fileSuffixes isNil ifFalse:[
>>        aFileList fileSelectionBlock: (
>>            self selectionBlockForSuffixes: (fileSuffixes collect: [ :each | '*.',each])
>>        ).
>>    ].
>>    aFileList updateFileList.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>addNewDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
>> addNewDirectory
>>    super addNewDirectory.
>>    self updateDirectory.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>blueButtonForService:textColor:inWindow: (in category 'user interface') -----
>> blueButtonForService: aService textColor: textColor inWindow: window
>>    | block result |
>>    block := [self fullName isNil
>>                ifTrue: [self inform: 'Please select a file' translated]
>>                ifFalse: [aService performServiceFor: self]].
>>    result := window
>>                fancyText: aService buttonLabel capitalized translated
>>                font: Preferences standardEToysFont
>>                color: textColor.
>>    result setProperty: #buttonText toValue: aService buttonLabel capitalized;
>>         hResizing: #rigid;
>>         extent: 100 @ 20;
>>         layoutInset: 4;
>>         borderWidth: ColorTheme current dialogButtonBorderWidth;
>>         useRoundedCorners;
>>         setBalloonText: aService label.
>>    result
>>        on: #mouseUp
>>        send: #value
>>        to: block.
>>    ^ result!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>cancelHit (in category 'private') -----
>> cancelHit
>>    modalView delete.
>>    directory := fileName := currentDirectorySelected := nil.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>changeDirectoryTo: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
>> changeDirectoryTo: aFileDirectory
>>    "Change directory as requested."
>>    self directory: aFileDirectory.
>>    self updateDirectory!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>currentDirectorySelected (in category 'private') -----
>> currentDirectorySelected
>>    ^ currentDirectorySelected
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>deleteDirectory (in category 'own services') -----
>> deleteDirectory
>>    super deleteDirectory.
>>    self updateDirectory.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>dirSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
>> dirSelectionBlock: aBlock
>>    dirSelectionBlock := aBlock!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>directory (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
>> directory
>>    ^directory!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>directory: (in category 'initialization') -----
>> directory: dir
>>    "Set the path of the volume to be displayed."
>>    self okToChange ifFalse: [^ self].
>>    self modelSleep.
>>    directory := dir.
>>    self modelWakeUp.
>>    sortMode == nil ifTrue: [sortMode := #date].
>>    volList := Array with: '[]'.
>>    directory ifNotNil: [
>>        volList := volList, directory pathParts.  "Nesting suggestion from RvL"
>>    ].
>>    volList := volList withIndexCollect: [:each :i | ( String new: i-1 withAll: $ ), each].
>>    self changed: #relabel.
>>    self changed: #volumeList.
>>    self pattern: pattern.
>>    directoryChangeBlock ifNotNil: [directoryChangeBlock value: directory].!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>directoryChangeBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
>> directoryChangeBlock: aBlockOrNil
>>    directoryChangeBlock := aBlockOrNil.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>directoryNamesFor: (in category 'private') -----
>> directoryNamesFor: item
>>    "item may be file directory or server directory"
>>    | entries |
>>    entries := item directoryNames.
>>    dirSelectionBlock ifNotNil:[entries := entries select: dirSelectionBlock].
>>    ^entries!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>dropDestinationDirectory:event: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
>> dropDestinationDirectory: dest event: evt
>>    "Answer a FileDirectory representing the drop destination in the directory hierarchy morph dest"
>> self isThisEverCalled.
>>    ^ (dest itemFromPoint: evt position) withoutListWrapper!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>fileSelectionBlock: (in category 'initialization') -----
>> fileSelectionBlock: aBlock
>>    fileSelectionBlock := aBlock!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedDirectory (in category 'private') -----
>> getSelectedDirectory
>>    ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
>>    ^ currentDirectorySelected
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>getSelectedFile (in category 'private') -----
>> getSelectedFile
>>    "Answer a filestream on the selected file.  If it cannot be opened for read/write, try read-only before giving up; answer nil if unsuccessful"
>>    ok == true ifFalse: [^ nil].
>>    directory ifNil: [^ nil].
>>    fileName ifNil: [^ nil].
>>    ^ (directory oldFileNamed: fileName) ifNil:
>>        [directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>importImage (in category 'own services') -----
>> importImage
>>    "Import the given image file and store the resulting Form in the default Imports"
>>    | fname image |
>>    fname := fileName sansPeriodSuffix.
>>    image := Form fromFileNamed: self fullName.
>>    Imports default importImage: image named: fname.
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>initialDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
>> initialDirectoryList
>>    | dirList |
>>    dirList := (FileDirectory on: '') directoryNames collect: [ :each |
>>        FileDirectoryWrapper with: (FileDirectory on: each) name: each model: self].
>>    dirList isEmpty ifTrue:[
>>        dirList := Array with: (FileDirectoryWrapper
>>            with: FileDirectory default
>>            name: FileDirectory default localName
>>            model: self)].
>>    dirList := dirList,(
>>        ServerDirectory serverNames collect: [ :n | | nameToShow dir |
>>            dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
>>            nameToShow := n.
>>            (dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
>>                balloonText: dir realUrl
>>        ]
>>    ).
>>    ^dirList!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>initialize (in category 'initialize-release') -----
>> initialize
>>    super initialize.
>>    showDirsInFileList := false.
>>    fileSelectionBlock := [ :entry :myPattern |
>>        entry isDirectory ifTrue: [
>>            showDirsInFileList
>>        ] ifFalse: [
>>            myPattern = '*' or: [myPattern match: entry name]
>>        ]
>>    ].
>>    dirSelectionBlock := [ :dirName | true].!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>isDirectoryList: (in category 'drag''n''drop') -----
>> isDirectoryList: aMorph
>>    ^aMorph isKindOf: SimpleHierarchicalListMorph!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>labelString (in category 'initialization') -----
>> labelString
>>    ^ (directory ifNil: [^'[]']) pathName contractTo: 50!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
>> limitedSuperSwikiDirectoryList
>>    | dirList localDirName localDir |
>>    dirList := OrderedCollection new.
>>    ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
>>        dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
>>        dir isProjectSwiki ifTrue: [
>>            nameToShow := n.
>>            dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
>>                balloonText: dir realUrl)
>>        ].
>>    ].
>>    ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
>>        dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)
>>    ].
>>    "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
>>    localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
>>    localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
>>    ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
>>            ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
>>    FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
>>            ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
>>    (dirList anySatisfy: [:each | each withoutListWrapper acceptsUploads])
>>        ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
>>    ^dirList!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>limitedSuperSwikiPublishDirectoryList (in category 'initialization') -----
>> limitedSuperSwikiPublishDirectoryList
>>    | dirList localDirName localDir |
>>    dirList := self publishingServers.
>>    ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories do: [ :each |
>>        dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: each name: each localName model: self)].
>>    "Make sure the following are always shown, but not twice"
>>    localDirName := SecurityManager default untrustedUserDirectory.
>>    localDir := FileDirectory on: localDirName.
>>    ((ServerDirectory localProjectDirectories collect: [:each | each pathName]) includes: localDirName)
>>            ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: localDir name: localDir localName model: self)].
>>    FileDirectory default pathName = localDirName
>>            ifFalse: [dirList add: (FileDirectoryWrapper with: FileDirectory default name: FileDirectory default localName model: self)].
>>    ^dirList!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPattern: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
>> listForPattern: pat
>>    "Make the list be those file names which match the pattern."
>>    | sizePad newList entries |
>>    directory ifNil: [^#()].
>>    entries := (Preferences eToyLoginEnabled
>>        and: [Utilities authorNamePerSe notNil])
>>        ifTrue: [directory matchingEntries: {'submittedBy: ' , Utilities authorName.} ]
>>        ifFalse: [directory entries].
>>    (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
>>        fileSelectionBlock arguments: {entries}.
>>        newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
>>        fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
>>    ] ifFalse: [
>>        newList := entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat].
>>    ].
>>    newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
>>    sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
>>                    asStringWithCommas size - 1.
>>    ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>listForPatterns: (in category 'volume list and pattern') -----
>> listForPatterns: anArray
>>    "Make the list be those file names which match the patterns."
>>    | sizePad newList |
>>    directory ifNil: [^#()].
>>    (fileSelectionBlock isKindOf: MessageSend) ifTrue: [
>>        fileSelectionBlock arguments: {directory entries}.
>>        newList := fileSelectionBlock value.
>>        fileSelectionBlock arguments: #().
>>    ] ifFalse: [
>>        newList := Set new.
>>        anArray do: [ :pat |
>>            newList addAll: (directory entries select: [:entry | fileSelectionBlock value: entry value: pat]) ].
>>    ].
>>    newList := newList asArray sort: self sortBlock.
>>    sizePad := (newList inject: 0 into: [:mx :entry | mx max: entry fileSize])
>>                    asStringWithCommas size.
>>    ^newList collect: [ :e | self fileNameFormattedFrom: e sizePad: sizePad ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>modalView: (in category 'private') -----
>> modalView: aSystemWindowOrSuch
>>    modalView := aSystemWindowOrSuch!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePane (in category 'user interface') -----
>> morphicDirectoryTreePane
>>    ^self morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: #initialDirectoryList
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: (in category 'user interface') -----
>> morphicDirectoryTreePaneFiltered: aSymbol
>>    ^(SimpleHierarchicalListMorph
>>        on: self
>>        list: aSymbol
>>        selected: #currentDirectorySelected
>>        changeSelected: #setSelectedDirectoryTo:
>>        menu: #volumeMenu:
>>        keystroke: nil)
>>            autoDeselect: false;
>>            enableDrag: false;
>>            enableDrop: true;
>>            yourself
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileContentsPane (in category 'user interface') -----
>> morphicFileContentsPane
>>    ^PluggableTextMorph
>>        on: self
>>        text: #contents
>>        accept: #put:
>>        readSelection: #contentsSelection
>>        menu: #fileContentsMenu:shifted:
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicFileListPane (in category 'user interface') -----
>> morphicFileListPane
>>    ^(PluggableListMorph
>>        on: self
>>        list: #fileList
>>        selected: #fileListIndex
>>        changeSelected: #fileListIndex:
>>        menu: #fileListMenu:)
>>            enableDrag: true;
>>            enableDrop: false;
>>            yourself
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>morphicPatternPane (in category 'user interface') -----
>> morphicPatternPane
>>  | pane |
>>   pane := PluggableTextMorph
>>        on: self
>>        text: #pattern
>>        accept: #pattern:.
>>   pane acceptOnCR: true.
>>  ^pane
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>okHit (in category 'private') -----
>> okHit
>>    ok := true.
>>    currentDirectorySelected
>>        ifNil: [ Beeper beep ]
>>        ifNotNil: [
>>            self class lastSelDir: directory.
>>            modalView delete ]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>okHitForProjectLoader (in category 'private') -----
>> okHitForProjectLoader
>>    | areaOfProgress |
>>    fileName ifNil: [^ self].
>>    ok := true.
>>    areaOfProgress := modalView firstSubmorph.
>>    [
>>        areaOfProgress setProperty: #deleteOnProgressCompletion toValue: modalView.
>>        self openProjectFromFile.
>>        modalView delete.    "probably won't get here"
>>    ]
>>        on: ProgressTargetRequestNotification
>>        do: [ :ex | ex resume: areaOfProgress].
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>okayAndCancelServices (in category 'own services') -----
>> okayAndCancelServices
>>    "Answer ok and cancel services"
>>    ^ {self serviceOkay. self serviceCancel}!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>openImageInWindow (in category 'own services') -----
>> openImageInWindow
>>    "Handle five file formats: GIF, JPG, PNG, Form stoteOn: (run coded), and BMP.
>>    Fail if file format is not recognized."
>>    | image myStream |
>>    myStream := (directory readOnlyFileNamed: fileName) binary.
>>    [image := Form fromBinaryStream: myStream.
>>    Project current openImage: image name: fileName saveResource: false]
>>        ensure: [myStream close]
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>openProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
>> openProjectFromFile
>>    "Reconstitute a Morph from the selected file, presumed to be represent
>>    a Morph saved via the SmartRefStream mechanism, and open it in an
>>    appropriate Morphic world."
>>    Project canWeLoadAProjectNow ifFalse: [^ self].
>>    ProjectViewMorph
>>        openFromDirectory: directory
>>        andFileName: fileName
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonRow (in category 'initialization') -----
>> optionalButtonRow
>>    "Answer the button row associated with a file list"
>>    | aRow |
>>    aRow := AlignmentMorph newRow beSticky.
>>    aRow color: Color transparent.
>>    aRow clipSubmorphs: true.
>>    aRow layoutInset: 5@1; cellInset: 6.
>>    self universalButtonServices do:  "just the three sort-by items"
>>            [:service |
>>                aRow addMorphBack: (service buttonToTriggerIn: self).
>>                (service selector  == #sortBySize)
>>                    ifTrue:
>>                        [aRow addTransparentSpacerOfSize: (4@0)]].
>>    aRow setNameTo: 'buttons'.
>>    aRow setProperty: #buttonRow toValue: true.  "Used for dynamic retrieval later on"
>>    ^ aRow!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs (in category 'initialization') -----
>> optionalButtonSpecs
>>    ^optionalButtonSpecs ifNil: [super optionalButtonSpecs]!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>optionalButtonSpecs: (in category 'initialization') -----
>> optionalButtonSpecs: anArray
>>    optionalButtonSpecs := anArray!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>postOpen (in category 'private') -----
>> postOpen
>>    directory ifNotNil: [
>>        self changed: #(openPath) , directory pathParts.
>>    ].
>> !
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>publishingServers (in category 'initialization') -----
>> publishingServers
>>    | dirList |
>>    dirList := OrderedCollection new.
>>    ServerDirectory serverNames do: [ :n | | dir nameToShow |
>>        dir := ServerDirectory serverNamed: n.
>>        (dir isProjectSwiki and: [dir acceptsUploads])
>>             ifTrue: [
>>                nameToShow := n.
>>                dirList add: ((dir directoryWrapperClass with: dir name: nameToShow model: self)
>>                    balloonText: dir realUrl)]].
>>    ^dirList!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>removeLinefeeds (in category 'own services') -----
>> removeLinefeeds
>>    "Remove any line feeds by converting to CRs instead.  This is a temporary implementation for 3.6 only... should be removed during 3.7alpha."
>>    | fileContents |
>>    fileContents := ((FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: self fullName) wantsLineEndConversion: true) contentsOfEntireFile.
>>    (FileStream newFileNamed: self fullName)
>>        nextPutAll: fileContents;
>>        close.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>saveLocalOnlyHit (in category 'private') -----
>> saveLocalOnlyHit
>>    ok := true.
>>    modalView delete.
>>    directory := fileName := nil.
>>    currentDirectorySelected := #localOnly.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceCancel (in category 'own services') -----
>> serviceCancel
>>    "Answer a service for hitting the cancel button"
>>    ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
>>        provider: self label: 'cancel' selector: #cancelHit
>>        description: 'hit here to cancel ')
>>        buttonLabel: 'cancel'!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOkay (in category 'own services') -----
>> serviceOkay
>>    "Answer a service for hitting the okay button"
>>    ^ (SimpleServiceEntry new
>>        provider: self label: 'okay' selector: #okHit
>>        description: 'hit here to accept the current selection')
>>        buttonLabel: 'ok'!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>serviceOpenProjectFromFile (in category 'own services') -----
>> serviceOpenProjectFromFile
>>    "Answer a service for opening a .pr project file"
>>    ^ SimpleServiceEntry
>>        provider: self
>>        label: 'load as project'
>>        selector: #openProjectFromFile
>>        description: 'open project from file'
>>        buttonLabel: 'load'!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForFolderSelector (in category 'own services') -----
>> servicesForFolderSelector
>>    "Answer the ok and cancel servies for the folder selector"
>>    ^ self okayAndCancelServices!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>servicesForProjectLoader (in category 'own services') -----
>> servicesForProjectLoader
>>    "Answer the services to show in the button pane for the project loader"
>>    ^ {self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize. self serviceOpenProjectFromFile}!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>setSelectedDirectoryTo: (in category 'private') -----
>> setSelectedDirectoryTo: aFileDirectoryWrapper
>>    currentDirectorySelected := aFileDirectoryWrapper.
>>    self directory: aFileDirectoryWrapper withoutListWrapper.
>>    brevityState := #FileList.
>>    "self addPath: path."
>>    self changed: #fileList.
>>    self changed: #contents.
>>    self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>specsForImageViewer (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
>> specsForImageViewer
>>     ^{self serviceSortByName. self serviceSortByDate. self serviceSortBySize }!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>universalButtonServices (in category 'initialization') -----
>> universalButtonServices
>>    "Answer the services to be reflected in the receiver's buttons"
>>    ^ self optionalButtonSpecs!
>> ----- Method: FileList2>>updateDirectory (in category 'initialization') -----
>> updateDirectory
>>    "directory has been changed externally, by calling directory:.
>>    Now change the view to reflect the change."
>>    self changed: #currentDirectorySelected.
>>    self postOpen.!