Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of 46Deprecated to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/46Deprecated-eem.6.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: 46Deprecated-eem.6 Author: eem Time: 3 July 2017, 4:18:34.838848 pm UUID: 026768f4-9d02-4f20-b6f3-fc112cd2c4b0 Ancestors: 46Deprecated-topa.5 Use the abstract class-side interface for image segment use now that we have both LegacyImageSegment and NativeImageSegment. =============== Diff against 46Deprecated-topa.5 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MorphicProject>>exportSegmentWithCatagories:classes:fileName:directory: (in category '*46Deprecated') ----- exportSegmentWithCatagories: catList classes: classList fileName: aFileName directory: aDirectory "Store my project out on the disk as an *exported* ImageSegment. All outPointers will be in a form that can be resolved in the target image. Name it <project name>.extSeg. What do we do about subProjects, especially if they are out as local image segments? Force them to come in? Player classes are included automatically." | is str ans revertSeg roots holder | self flag: #toRemove. self halt. "unused" "world == World ifTrue: [^ false]." "self inform: 'Can''t send the current world out'." world ifNil: [^ false]. world presenter ifNil: [^ false]. ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook. world currentHand pasteBuffer: nil. "don't write the paste buffer." world currentHand mouseOverHandler initialize. "forget about any references here" "Display checkCurrentHandForObjectToPaste." Command initialize. world clearCommandHistory. world fullReleaseCachedState; releaseViewers. world cleanseStepList. world localFlapTabs size = world flapTabs size ifFalse: [ self error: 'Still holding onto Global flaps']. world releaseSqueakPages. holder := Project allProjects. "force them in to outPointers, where DiskProxys are made" "Just export me, not my previous version" revertSeg := self parameterAt: #revertToMe. self projectParameters removeKey: #revertToMe ifAbsent: []. roots := OrderedCollection new. roots add: self; add: world; add: transcript; add: changeSet; add: thumbnail. roots add: world activeHand; addAll: classList; addAll: (classList collect: [:cls | cls class]). roots := roots reject: [ :x | x isNil]. "early saves may not have active hand or thumbnail" catList do: [:sysCat | (SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: sysCat asSymbol) do: [:symb | roots add: (Smalltalk at: symb); add: (Smalltalk at: symb) class]]. + is := ImageSegment copySmartRootsExport: roots asArray. - is := ImageSegment new copySmartRootsExport: roots asArray. "old way was (is := ImageSegment new copyFromRootsForExport: roots asArray)" is state = #tooBig ifTrue: [^ false]. str := ''. "considered legal to save a project that has never been entered" (is outPointers includes: world) ifTrue: [ str := str, '\Project''s own world is not in the segment.' withCRs]. str isEmpty ifFalse: [ ans := (UIManager default chooseFrom: #('Do not write file' 'Write file anyway' 'Debug') title: str). ans = 1 ifTrue: [ revertSeg ifNotNil: [self projectParameterAt: #revertToMe put: revertSeg]. ^ false]. ans = 3 ifTrue: [self halt: 'Segment not written']]. is writeForExportWithSources: aFileName inDirectory: aDirectory. revertSeg ifNotNil: [self projectParameterAt: #revertToMe put: revertSeg]. holder. world flapTabs do: [:ft | (ft respondsTo: #unhibernate) ifTrue: [ft unhibernate]]. is arrayOfRoots do: [:obj | obj isScriptEditorMorph ifTrue: [obj unhibernate]]. ^ true ! |
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