The Trunk: 46Deprecated-mt.1.mcz

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The Trunk: 46Deprecated-mt.1.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of 46Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 46Deprecated-mt.1
Author: mt
Time: 1 May 2015, 2:33:12.046 pm
UUID: a2c7055c-a7ec-4442-b80a-8e076a79e39c

Some deprecations for 4.6 added.

==================== Snapshot ====================

----- Method: MorphicProject>>exportSegmentWithCatagories:classes:fileName:directory: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
exportSegmentWithCatagories: catList classes: classList fileName: aFileName directory: aDirectory
        "Store my project out on the disk as an *exported* ImageSegment.  All outPointers will be in a form that can be resolved in the target image.  Name it <project name>.extSeg.  What do we do about subProjects, especially if they are out as local image segments?  Force them to come in?
        Player classes are included automatically."

        | is str ans revertSeg roots holder |
        self flag: #toRemove.
        self halt.  "unused"
        "world == World ifTrue: [^ false]."
                "self inform: 'Can''t send the current world out'."
        world ifNil: [^ false].  world presenter ifNil: [^ false].

        ScrapBook default emptyScrapBook.
        world currentHand pasteBuffer: nil.  "don't write the paste buffer."
        world currentHand mouseOverHandler initialize.  "forget about any references here"
                "Display checkCurrentHandForObjectToPaste."
        Command initialize.
        world clearCommandHistory.
        world fullReleaseCachedState; releaseViewers.
        world cleanseStepList.
        world localFlapTabs size = world flapTabs size ifFalse: [
                self error: 'Still holding onto Global flaps'].
        world releaseSqueakPages.
        holder := Project allProjects. "force them in to outPointers, where DiskProxys are made"

        "Just export me, not my previous version"
        revertSeg := self parameterAt: #revertToMe.
        self projectParameters removeKey: #revertToMe ifAbsent: [].

        roots := OrderedCollection new.
        roots add: self; add: world; add: transcript; add: changeSet; add: thumbnail.
        roots add: world activeHand; addAll: classList; addAll: (classList collect: [:cls | cls class]).

        roots := roots reject: [ :x | x isNil]. "early saves may not have active hand or thumbnail"

        catList do: [:sysCat |
                (SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: sysCat asSymbol) do: [:symb |
                        roots add: (Smalltalk at: symb); add: (Smalltalk at: symb) class]].

        is := ImageSegment new copySmartRootsExport: roots asArray.
                "old way was (is := ImageSegment new copyFromRootsForExport: roots asArray)"

        is state = #tooBig ifTrue: [^ false].

        str := ''.
        "considered legal to save a project that has never been entered"
        (is outPointers includes: world) ifTrue: [
                str := str, '\Project''s own world is not in the segment.' withCRs].
        str isEmpty ifFalse: [
                ans := (UIManager default
                                 chooseFrom: #('Do not write file' 'Write file anyway' 'Debug')
                                 title: str).
                ans = 1 ifTrue: [
                        revertSeg ifNotNil: [self projectParameterAt: #revertToMe put: revertSeg].
                        ^ false].
                ans = 3 ifTrue: [self halt: 'Segment not written']].

        is writeForExportWithSources: aFileName inDirectory: aDirectory.
        revertSeg ifNotNil: [self projectParameterAt: #revertToMe put: revertSeg].
        world flapTabs do: [:ft |
                        (ft respondsTo: #unhibernate) ifTrue: [ft unhibernate]].
        is arrayOfRoots do: [:obj |
                obj isScriptEditorMorph ifTrue: [obj unhibernate]].
        ^ true

----- Method: Browser>>classComment:notifying: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
classComment: aText notifying: aPluggableTextMorph
        "The user has just entered aText.
        It may be all red (a side-effect of replacing the default comment), so remove the color if it is."

        | theClass cleanedText redRange |
        theClass := self selectedClassOrMetaClass.
                ifNotNil: [cleanedText := aText asText.
                        redRange := cleanedText rangeOf: TextColor red startingAt: 1.
                        redRange size = cleanedText size
                                ifTrue: [cleanedText
                                                removeAttribute: TextColor red
                                                from: 1
                                                to: redRange last ].
                        theClass comment: aText stamp: Utilities changeStamp].
        self changed: #classCommentText.
        ^ true!

----- Method: Browser>>defineMessage:notifying: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
defineMessage: aString notifying: aController
        self deprecated: 'Use Browser >> #defineMessageFrom:notifying:. This returns a Symbol or nil, not a Boolean.'.
        ^ (self defineMessageFrom: aString notifying: aController) notNil.!

----- Method: Browser>>messageListSingleton (in category '*46Deprecated') -----

        | name |
        name := self selectedMessageName.
        ^ name ifNil: [Array new]
                ifNotNil: [Array with: name]!

----- Method: Browser>>optionalAnnotationHeight (in category '*46Deprecated') -----

        ^ 10!

----- Method: Browser>>optionalButtonHeight (in category '*46Deprecated') -----

        ^ 10!

----- Method: Browser>>potentialClassNames (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
        "Answer the names of all the classes that could be viewed in this browser.  This hook is provided so that HierarchyBrowsers can indicate their restricted subset.  For generic Browsers, the entire list of classes known to Smalltalk is provided, though of course that really only is accurate in the case of full system browsers."

        ^ Smalltalk classNames!

----- Method: CodeHolder>>abbreviatedWordingFor: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
abbreviatedWordingFor: aButtonSelector
        "Answer the abbreviated form of wording, from a static table.  Answer nil if there is no entry -- in which case the long form will be used on the corresponding browser button."

        (browseMethodFull 'browse')
        (browseSendersOfMessages   'senders')
        (browseMessages 'impl')
        (browseVersions 'vers')
        (methodHierarchy 'inher')
        (classHierarchy 'hier')
        (browseVariableReferences 'refs')
        (offerMenu 'menu')) do:

                [:pair | pair first == aButtonSelector ifTrue: [^ pair second]].
        ^ nil!

----- Method: CodeHolder>>showingDiffsString (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
        "Answer a string representing whether I'm showing diffs.  Not sent any more but retained so that prexisting buttons that sent this will not raise errors."

        ^ (self showingRegularDiffs
                        ['<no>']), 'showDiffs'!

----- Method: CodeHolder>>toggleDiff (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
        "Retained for backward compatibility with existing buttons in existing images"

        self toggleDiffing!

----- Method: HierarchyBrowser>>potentialClassNames (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
        "Answer the names of all the classes that could be viewed in this browser"
        ^ self classList collect:
                [:aName | aName copyWithout: $ ]!

----- Method: ScrollPane>>alwaysShowHScrollBar: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
alwaysShowHScrollBar: bool
        self flag: #deprecated.
        self setProperty: #hScrollBarAlways toValue: bool.

                ifTrue: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #always]
                ifFalse: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded].
        self hHideOrShowScrollBar.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>alwaysShowScrollBars: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
alwaysShowScrollBars: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.
                alwaysShowHScrollBar: bool;
                alwaysShowVScrollBar: bool.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>alwaysShowVScrollBar: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
alwaysShowVScrollBar: bool

        self flag: #deprecated.
        self setProperty: #vScrollBarAlways toValue: bool.
                ifTrue: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #always]
                ifFalse: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded].
        self vHideOrShowScrollBar.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>hInitScrollBarTEMPORARY (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
"This is called lazily before the hScrollBar is accessed in a couple of places. It is provided to transition old ScrollPanes lying around that do not have an hScrollBar. Once it has been in the image for awhile, and all ScrollPanes have an hScrollBar, this method and it's references can be removed. "

                "Temporary method for filein of changeset"
                hScrollBar ifNil:
                        [hScrollBar := ScrollBar new model: self slotName: 'hScrollBar'.
                        hScrollBar borderWidth: 1; borderColor: Color black.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>hideHScrollBarIndefinitely: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
hideHScrollBarIndefinitely: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.
        self setProperty: #noHScrollBarPlease toValue: bool.
                ifTrue: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #never]
                ifFalse: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded].
        self hHideOrShowScrollBar.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>hideScrollBarsIndefinitely: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
hideScrollBarsIndefinitely: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.

        self hideVScrollBarIndefinitely: bool.
        self hideHScrollBarIndefinitely: bool.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>hideVScrollBarIndefinitely: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
hideVScrollBarIndefinitely: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.
        self setProperty: #noVScrollBarPlease toValue: bool.
                ifTrue: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #never]
                ifFalse: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded].
        self vHideOrShowScrollBar.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>isAScrollbarShowing (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
        "Return true if a either retractable scroll bar is currently showing"
        self flag: #deprectaed. "mt: Use #isAnyScrollbarShowing"
        retractableScrollBar ifFalse:[^true].
        ^self hIsScrollbarShowing or: [self vIsScrollbarShowing]

----- Method: ScrollPane>>showHScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
showHScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.

        self setProperty: #noHScrollBarPlease toValue: bool not.
        self setProperty: #hScrollBarAlways toValue: bool not.
                ifTrue: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded]
                ifFalse: [self hScrollBarPolicy: #never].
        self hHideOrShowScrollBar.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>showScrollBarsOnlyWhenNeeded: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
showScrollBarsOnlyWhenNeeded: bool

        self flag: #deprecated.
        self showHScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: bool.
        self showVScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: bool.

----- Method: ScrollPane>>showVScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: (in category '*46Deprecated') -----
showVScrollBarOnlyWhenNeeded: bool
        "Get rid of scroll bar for short panes that don't want it shown."

        self flag: #deprecated.

        self setProperty: #noVScrollBarPlease toValue: bool not.
        self setProperty: #vScrollBarAlways toValue: bool not.
                ifTrue: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #whenNeeded]
                ifFalse: [self vScrollBarPolicy: #never].
        self vHideOrShowScrollBar.