Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of 51Deprecated to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: 51Deprecated-ct.55 Author: ct Time: 15 August 2019, 5:40:12.950735 pm UUID: b38691b1-fb52-6344-b640-8c59bec7545f Ancestors: 51Deprecated-ct.54 Mark further methods as deprecated (and check their senders) =============== Diff against 51Deprecated-ct.54 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: DisplayScreen class>>depth:width:height:fullscreen: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- depth: depthInteger width: widthInteger height: heightInteger fullscreen: aBoolean "Force Squeak's window (if there's one) into a new size and depth." "DisplayScreen depth: 8 width: 1024 height: 768 fullscreen: false" <primitive: 92> + self deprecated: 'Use ', #(hostWindowExtent: fullScreenOn fullScreenOff) asCommaStringAnd. self primitiveFailed! Item was added: + ----- Method: DisplayScreen class>>hostWindowSize: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- + hostWindowSize: aPoint + self deprecated: 'Use ', #hostWindowExtent:. + self primitiveWindowSize: self hostWindowIndex width: aPoint x heigth: aPoint y + ! Item was changed: ----- Method: DockingBarMorph>>useRoundedCorners (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- useRoundedCorners + self deprecated. self cornerStyle: #rounded! Item was changed: ----- Method: DockingBarMorph>>useSquareCorners (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- useSquareCorners + self deprecated. self cornerStyle: #square! Item was changed: ----- Method: DummyUIManager>>restoreDisplay (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- + restoreDisplay + + self deprecated.! - restoreDisplay! Item was changed: ----- Method: ExternalDropHandler class>>registerStandardExternalDropHandlers (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- registerStandardExternalDropHandlers "ExternalDropHandler registerStandardExternalDropHandlers" + self deprecated. self registeredHandlers add: ( ExternalDropHandler type: 'image/' extension: nil action: [:stream :pasteUp :event | pasteUp addMorph: (Project current world drawingClass withForm: (Form fromBinaryStream: stream binary)) centeredNear: event position])! Item was changed: ----- Method: KeyboardEvent>>setType:buttons:position:keyValue:charCode:hand:stamp: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- setType: aSymbol buttons: anInteger position: pos keyValue: aValue charCode: ignoredUsedInOBTesting hand: aHand stamp: stamp + self deprecated: 'Use ', #setType:buttons:position:keyValue:hand:stamp:. self setType: aSymbol buttons: anInteger position: pos keyValue: aValue hand: aHand stamp: stamp! Item was changed: ----- Method: MVCProject>>pauseSoundPlayers (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- pauseSoundPlayers "Pause sound players, subject to preference settings" + self deprecated. Smalltalk at: #ScorePlayer ifPresent:[:playerClass| playerClass allSubInstancesDo: [:player | player pause]]! Item was changed: ----- Method: NewParagraph>>insertionPointColor (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- insertionPointColor + self deprecated. self focused ifFalse: [^ Color transparent]. ^ Display depth <= 2 ifTrue: [Color black] ifFalse: [Preferences insertionPointColor]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Object>>dragAnimationFor:transferMorph: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- dragAnimationFor: item transferMorph: transferMorph + "Default do nothing" + self deprecated.! - "Default do nothing"! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableButtonMorph>>useRoundedCorners (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- useRoundedCorners + self deprecated. self cornerStyle: #rounded! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableButtonMorph>>useSquareCorners (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- useSquareCorners + self deprecated. self cornerStyle: #square! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project class>>interruptName: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- interruptName: labelString "Create a Notifier on the active scheduling process with the given label." + self deprecated: 'Send this message to Project current'. - self flag: #toRemove. "after restarting the user interrupt watcher process" ^ self current interruptName: labelString ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project class>>spawnNewProcess (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- spawnNewProcess "Meaningful only for a Morphic project, but retained here to protect for possible references from e.g. image segments" + self deprecated: 'Send this message to Project current'. self current spawnNewProcess! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project class>>spawnNewProcessAndTerminateOld: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- spawnNewProcessAndTerminateOld: terminate "Meaningful only for a Morphic project, but retained here to protect for possible references from e.g. image segments" + self deprecated: 'Send this message to Project current'. ^ self current spawnNewProcessAndTerminateOld: terminate ! Item was changed: ----- Method: Project class>>spawnNewProcessIfThisIsUI: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- spawnNewProcessIfThisIsUI: suspendedProcess "Meaningful only for a Morphic project, but retained here to protect for possible references from e.g. image segments" + self deprecated: 'Send this message to Project current'. self current spawnNewProcessIfThisIsUI: suspendedProcess ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>createArrowOfDirection:in: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- createArrowOfDirection: aSymbol in: aRectangle "PRIVATE - create an arrow bounded in aRectangle" | arrow vertices | + self deprecated: 'See ArrowImagesCache'. vertices := Preferences alternativeButtonsInScrollBars ifTrue: [self verticesForComplexArrow: aRectangle] ifFalse: [self verticesForSimpleArrow: aRectangle]. "" arrow := PolygonMorph vertices: vertices color: Color transparent borderWidth: 0 borderColor: Color black. "" arrow bounds: (arrow bounds insetBy: (aRectangle width / 6) rounded). "" Preferences alternativeButtonsInScrollBars ifTrue: [arrow rotationDegrees: 45]. "" aSymbol == #right ifTrue: [arrow rotationDegrees: arrow rotationDegrees + 90]. aSymbol == #bottom ifTrue: [arrow rotationDegrees: arrow rotationDegrees + 180]. aSymbol == #left ifTrue: [arrow rotationDegrees: arrow rotationDegrees + 270]. "" ^arrow! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>createBoxIn: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- createBoxIn: aRectangle "PRIVATE - create an box bounded in aRectangle" | box | + self deprecated: 'See ArrowImagesCache'. box := RectangleMorph new. box extent: (aRectangle scaleBy: 1 / 2) extent rounded; borderWidth: 0. "" ^ box! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>updateScrollBarButtonAspect:color: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- updateScrollBarButtonAspect: aMorph color: aColor "update aMorph with aColor" | fill direction | + self deprecated. aMorph isNil ifTrue: [^ self]. "" aMorph color: aColor. self gradientScrollBar ifFalse: [^ self]. "" fill := GradientFillStyle ramp: { 0.0 -> aColor twiceLighter twiceLighter. 1.0 -> aColor twiceDarker}. "" direction := ((aMorph width min: aMorph height) + ((aMorph width - aMorph height) abs * 0.3)) rounded. "" fill origin: aMorph topLeft + (direction // 8). fill direction: direction @ direction. fill radial: true. "" aMorph fillStyle: fill! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>updateScrollBarButtonsAspect:color: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- updateScrollBarButtonsAspect: aCollection color: aColor "update aCollection of morphs with aColor" + self deprecated. - aCollection do: [:each | self updateScrollBarButtonAspect: each color: aColor]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>verticesForComplexArrow: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- verticesForComplexArrow: aRectangle "PRIVATE - answer a collection of vertices to draw a complex arrow" | vertices aux | + self deprecated: 'See ArrowImagesCache'. vertices := OrderedCollection new. "" vertices add: aRectangle bottomLeft. vertices add: aRectangle topLeft. vertices add: aRectangle topRight. "" aux := (aRectangle width / 3) rounded. vertices add: aRectangle topRight + (0 @ aux). vertices add: aRectangle topLeft + aux. vertices add: aRectangle bottomLeft + (aux @ 0). "" ^ vertices! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar class>>verticesForSimpleArrow: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- verticesForSimpleArrow: aRectangle "PRIVATE - answer a collection of vertices to draw a simple arrow" | vertices | + self deprecated: 'See ArrowImagesCache'. vertices := OrderedCollection new. "" vertices add: aRectangle bottomLeft. vertices add: aRectangle center x @ (aRectangle top + (aRectangle width / 8)). vertices add: aRectangle bottomRight. "" ^ vertices! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>scrollDown (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- scrollDown + self deprecated: 'Use ', #doScrollDown. - self flag: #obsolete. downButton eventHandler: nil. downButton on: #mouseDown send: #scrollDownInit to: self. downButton on: #mouseUp send: #finishedScrolling to: self. ^self scrollDownInit! Item was changed: ----- Method: ScrollBar>>scrollUp (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- scrollUp + self deprecated: 'Use ', #doScrollUp. - self flag: #obsolete. upButton eventHandler: nil. upButton on: #mouseDown send: #scrollUpInit to: self. upButton on: #mouseUp send: #finishedScrolling to: self. ^self scrollUpInit! Item was changed: ----- Method: StandardFileStream>>asHtml (in category '*51Deprecated-Files-Kernel') ----- asHtml "Convert me in to an HtmlFileStream. 4/11/96 tk" + self deprecated: 'Use self as: HtmlFileStream'. ^ self as: HtmlFileStream ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SystemWindow>>setLabelFont: (in category '*51Deprecated') ----- setLabelFont: aFont + self deprecated. label ifNil: [^ self]. label font: aFont. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: TheWorldMenu>>inspectWorldModel (in category '*51Deprecated-Tools') ----- inspectWorldModel + self deprecated. myWorld model inspect.! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primLocalMicrosecondClock (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primLocalMicrosecondClock "Answer the local microseconds since the Smalltalk epoch. The value is derived from the Posix epoch with a constant offset corresponding to elapsed microseconds between the two epochs according to RFC 868, and with an offset duration corresponding to the current offset of local time from UTC." <primitive: 241> + self deprecated. ^0! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primMicrosecondClock (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primMicrosecondClock "Answer the number of microseconds since the microsecond clock was last reset or rolled over. Answer zero if the primitive fails." <primitive: 'primitiveMicrosecondClock'> + self deprecated. ^ 0! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primMillisecondClock (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primMillisecondClock "Primitive. Answer the number of milliseconds since the millisecond clock was last reset or rolled over. Answer zero if the primitive fails. Optional. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive." <primitive: 135> + self deprecated. ^ 0! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primMillisecondClockMask (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primMillisecondClockMask "Answer the mask value used for millisecond clock rollover in the virtual machine, or nil if the VM cannot support the request." <primitive: 'primitiveMillisecondClockMask'> + self deprecated. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primSecondsClock (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primSecondsClock "Answer the number of seconds since 00:00 on the morning of January 1, 1901 (a 32-bit unsigned number). Essential. See Object documentation whatIsAPrimitive. " <primitive: 137> + self deprecated. self primitiveFailed! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>primUTCMicrosecondClock (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- primUTCMicrosecondClock "Answer the UTC microseconds since the Smalltalk epoch. The value is derived from the Posix epoch with a constant offset corresponding to elapsed microseconds between the two epochs according to RFC 868." <primitive: 240> + self deprecated. ^0! Item was changed: ----- Method: Time class>>secondsWhenClockTicks (in category '*51Deprecated-primitives') ----- secondsWhenClockTicks "waits for the moment when a new second begins" | lastSecond delay | + self deprecated: 'DIY based on Time now'. + - delay := Delay forMilliseconds: 1. lastSecond := self primSecondsClock. [ lastSecond = self primSecondsClock ] whileTrue: [ delay wait ]. ^ lastSecond + 1! Item was changed: ----- Method: WorldState>>handleFatalDrawingError: (in category '*51Deprecated-Morphic') ----- handleFatalDrawingError: errMsg "Handle a fatal drawing error." + self deprecated: 'Send this message to Project current'. - self flag: #toRemove. "Implementation moved to Project, but are there external packages with senders?" Project current handleFatalDrawingError: errMsg ! |
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