The Trunk: 60Deprecated-dtl.93.mcz

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The Trunk: 60Deprecated-dtl.93.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of 60Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 60Deprecated-dtl.93
Author: dtl
Time: 11 April 2021, 9:49:18.524698 pm
UUID: 332f4c4f-97b4-463d-b226-b3dcad07e8f8
Ancestors: 60Deprecated-mt.92

Symbol>>asMutator is used by Seaside, do not deprecate it. Instead let it be a synonym for the preferred Symbol>>asSimpleSetter.

=============== Diff against 60Deprecated-mt.92 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Symbol>>asMutator (in category '*60Deprecated-converting') -----
- asMutator
- "Return a setter message from a getter message. For example, #name asMutator returns #name:"
- self deprecated: 'Use #asSimpleSetter instead'.
- ^ self last = $:
- ifTrue: [ self ]
- ifFalse: [ (self copyWith: $:) asSymbol ]!