The Trunk: 60Deprecated-mt.10.mcz

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The Trunk: 60Deprecated-mt.10.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of 60Deprecated to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: 60Deprecated-mt.10
Author: mt
Time: 6 February 2018, 10:17:47.542461 am
UUID: 631fd266-800b-4b03-bce4-088fb80d5d99
Ancestors: 60Deprecated-mt.9

Deprecate some old inspector-related code.

=============== Diff against 60Deprecated-mt.9 ===============

Item was changed:
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'60Deprecated-Kernel-Methods'!
  SystemOrganization addCategory: #'60Deprecated-System-Support'!
+ SystemOrganization addCategory: #'60Deprecated-Tools-Inspector'!

Item was added:
+ Inspector subclass: #ExternalStructureInspector
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: '60Deprecated-Tools-Inspector'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureInspector>>fieldList (in category 'accessing') -----
+ fieldList
+ ^  (Array with: 'self: ', object defaultLabelForInspector with: 'all inst vars'), self recordFieldList!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureInspector>>recordFieldList (in category 'accessing') -----
+ recordFieldList
+ | fields |
+ fields := object class fields.
+ (fields first isKindOf: Array) ifFalse: [fields := Array with: fields].
+ ^fields collect: [ :field | field first ] thenSelect: [:name | name notNil]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureInspector>>replaceSelectionValue: (in category 'selecting') -----
+ replaceSelectionValue: anObject
+ "Add colon to fieldname to get setter selector, and send it to object with the argument.
+ Refer to the comment in Inspector|replaceSelectionValue:."
+ selectionIndex = 1
+ ifTrue: [^object]
+ ifFalse: [^object perform: ((self fieldList at: selectionIndex), ':') asSymbol with: anObject]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ExternalStructureInspector>>selection (in category 'selecting') -----
+ selection
+ "Refer to the comment in Inspector|selection."
+ selectionIndex = 0 ifTrue:[^object printString].
+ selectionIndex = 1 ifTrue: [^object].
+ selectionIndex = 2 ifTrue:[^object longPrintString].
+ selectionIndex > 2
+ ifTrue: [^object perform: (self fieldList at: selectionIndex)]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: StandardToolSet class>>inspectorClassOf: (in category '*60Deprecated-inspecting') -----
+ inspectorClassOf: anObject
+ self deprecated: 'Use #inspectorClass.'.
+ ^ anObject inspectorClass!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: ToolSet class>>inspectorClassOf: (in category '*60Deprecated-inspecting') -----
+ inspectorClassOf: anObject
+ self deprecated: 'Use #inspectorClass.'.
+ ^ anObject inspectorClass!