Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Balloon to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Balloon-nice.15 Author: nice Time: 27 December 2009, 3:22:58 am UUID: 6cf1cdb7-9cbf-4778-98a1-b8c596d6004d Ancestors: Balloon-nice.14 Cosmetic: move or remove a few temps inside closures =============== Diff against Balloon-nice.14 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: LineSegment>>bezierClipInterval: (in category 'bezier clipping') ----- bezierClipInterval: aCurve "Compute the new bezier clip interval for the argument, based on the fat line (the direction aligned bounding box) of the receiver. Note: This could be modified so that multiple clip intervals are returned. The idea is that for a distance curve like x x tMax---- --\-----/---\------- x x tMin------------------------- all the intersections intervals with tMin/tMax are reported, therefore minimizing the iteration count. As it is, the process will slowly iterate against tMax and then the curve will be split. " + | nrm tStep pts eps inside tValue tMin tMax last lastV lastT lastInside next nextV nextT nextInside vMin vMax | - | nrm tStep pts eps inside vValue vMin vMax tValue tMin tMax - last lastV lastT lastInside next nextV nextT nextInside | eps := 0.00001. "distance epsilon" nrm := (start y - end y) @ (end x - start x). "normal direction for (end-start)" "Map receiver's control point into fat line; compute vMin and vMax" vMin := vMax := nil. + self controlPointsDo:[:pt| | vValue | - self controlPointsDo:[:pt| vValue := (nrm x * pt x) + (nrm y * pt y). "nrm dotProduct: pt." vMin == nil ifTrue:[ vMin := vMax := vValue] ifFalse:[vValue < vMin ifTrue:[vMin := vValue]. vValue > vMax ifTrue:[vMax := vValue]]]. "Map the argument into fat line; compute tMin, tMax for clip" tStep := 1.0 / aCurve degree. pts := aCurve controlPoints. last := pts at: pts size. lastV := (nrm x * last x) + (nrm y * last y). "nrm dotProduct: last." lastT := 1.0. lastInside := lastV+eps < vMin ifTrue:[-1] ifFalse:[lastV-eps > vMax ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]]. "Now compute new minimal and maximal clip boundaries" inside := false. "assume we're completely outside" tMin := 2.0. tMax := -1.0. "clip interval" 1 to: pts size do:[:i| next := pts at: i. nextV := (nrm x * next x) + (nrm y * next y). "nrm dotProduct: next." false ifTrue:[ (nextV - vMin / (vMax - vMin)) printString displayAt: 0@ (i-1*20)]. nextT := i-1 * tStep. nextInside := nextV+eps < vMin ifTrue:[-1] ifFalse:[nextV-eps > vMax ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]]. nextInside = 0 ifTrue:[ inside := true. tValue := nextT. tValue < tMin ifTrue:[tMin := tValue]. tValue > tMax ifTrue:[tMax := tValue]. ]. lastInside = nextInside ifFalse:["At least one clip boundary" inside := true. "See if one is below vMin" (lastInside + nextInside <= 0) ifTrue:[ tValue := lastT + ((nextT - lastT) * (vMin - lastV) / (nextV - lastV)). tValue < tMin ifTrue:[tMin := tValue]. tValue > tMax ifTrue:[tMax := tValue]. ]. "See if one is above vMax" (lastInside + nextInside >= 0) ifTrue:[ tValue := lastT + ((nextT - lastT) * (vMax - lastV) / (nextV - lastV)). tValue < tMin ifTrue:[tMin := tValue]. tValue > tMax ifTrue:[tMax := tValue]. ]. ]. last := next. lastT := nextT. lastV := nextV. lastInside := nextInside. ]. inside ifTrue:[^Array with: tMin with: tMax] ifFalse:[^nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: BalloonEngineConstants class>>initializeInstVarNames:prefixedBy: (in category 'pool definition') ----- initializeInstVarNames: aClass prefixedBy: aString + | token | + aClass instVarNames doWithIndex:[:instVarName :index| | value | - | token value | - aClass instVarNames doWithIndex:[:instVarName :index| token := (aString, instVarName first asUppercase asString, (instVarName copyFrom: 2 to: instVarName size),'Index') asSymbol. value := index - 1. (self bindingOf: token) ifNil:[self addClassVarName: token]. (self bindingOf: token) value: value. ]. token := (aString, aClass name,'Size') asSymbol. (self bindingOf: token) ifNil:[self addClassVarName: token]. (self bindingOf: token) value: aClass instSize.! Item was changed: ----- Method: GradientFillStyle>>computePixelRampOfSize: (in category 'private') ----- computePixelRampOfSize: length "Compute the pixel ramp in the receiver" + | bits lastValue ramp lastColor lastIndex lastWord | - | bits lastColor lastIndex nextIndex nextColor distance theta lastValue ramp lastWord nextWord step | ramp := colorRamp asSortedCollection:[:a1 :a2| a1 key < a2 key]. bits := Bitmap new: length. lastColor := ramp first value. lastWord := lastColor pixelWordForDepth: 32. lastIndex := 0. + ramp do:[:assoc| | nextIndex nextColor distance theta step nextWord | - ramp do:[:assoc| nextIndex := (assoc key * length) rounded. nextColor := assoc value. nextWord := nextColor pixelWordForDepth: 32. distance := (nextIndex - lastIndex). distance = 0 ifTrue:[distance := 1]. step := 1.0 / distance asFloat. theta := 0.0. lastIndex+1 to: nextIndex do:[:i| theta := theta + step. "The following is an open-coded version of: color := nextColor alphaMixed: theta with: lastColor. bits at: i put: (color scaledPixelValue32). " bits at: i put: (self scaledAlphaMix: theta of: lastWord with: nextWord). ]. lastIndex := nextIndex. lastColor := nextColor. lastWord := nextWord. ]. lastValue := lastColor scaledPixelValue32. lastIndex+1 to: length do:[:i| bits at: i put: lastValue]. ^bits! |
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