Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Balloon to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Balloon-ul.30.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Balloon-ul.30
Author: ul
Time: 24 April 2017, 1:00:18.796732 pm
UUID: 15ea6361-1ff2-41af-bde1-171dc7c83dd4
Ancestors: Balloon-ul.29
- rewrote senders of #clone to use #shallowCopy
=============== Diff against Balloon-ul.29 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: BalloonBezierSimulation>>computeSplitAt: (in category 'computing') -----
computeSplitAt: t
"Split the receiver at the parametric value t"
| left right newVia1 newVia2 newPoint |
+ left := self shallowCopy.
+ right := self shallowCopy.
- left := self clone.
- right := self clone.
"Compute new intermediate points"
newVia1 := (via - start) * t + start.
newVia2 := (end - via) * t + via.
"Compute new point on curve"
newPoint := ((newVia1 - newVia2) * t + newVia2) asIntegerPoint.
left via: newVia1 asIntegerPoint.
left end: newPoint.
right start: newPoint.
right via: newVia2 asIntegerPoint.
^Array with: left with: right!
Item was changed:
----- Method: Bezier2Segment>>curveFrom:to: (in category 'vector functions') -----
curveFrom: param1 to: param2
"Return a new curve from param1 to param2"
| newStart newEnd newVia tan1 tan2 d1 d2 |
tan1 := via - start.
tan2 := end - via.
param1 <= 0.0 ifTrue:[
newStart := start.
] ifFalse:[
d1 := tan1 * param1 + start.
d2 := tan2 * param1 + via.
newStart := (d2 - d1) * param1 + d1
param2 >= 1.0 ifTrue:[
newEnd := end.
] ifFalse:[
d1 := tan1 * param2 + start.
d2 := tan2 * param2 + via.
newEnd := (d2 - d1) * param2 + d1.
tan2 := (tan2 - tan1 * param1 + tan1) * (param2 - param1).
newVia := newStart + tan2.
+ ^self shallowCopy from: newStart to: newEnd via: newVia.!
- ^self clone from: newStart to: newEnd via: newVia.!
Item was changed:
----- Method: LineSegment>>curveFrom:to: (in category 'vector functions') -----
curveFrom: parameter1 to: parameter2
"Create a new segment like the receiver but starting/ending at the given parametric values"
| delta |
delta := end - start.
+ ^self shallowCopy from: delta * parameter1 + start to: delta * parameter2 + start!
- ^self clone from: delta * parameter1 + start to: delta * parameter2 + start!