David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Chronology-Core to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Chronology-Core-dtl.17.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Chronology-Core-dtl.17 Author: dtl Time: 31 December 2018, 4:49:57.271035 am UUID: ae57904f-33ef-4614-9702-d2d148821f4f Ancestors: Chronology-Core-dtl.16 Bootstrap UTCDateAndTime, step 2 of 5 Start using LXDateAndTime instead of DateAndTime. Change instance creation in DateAndTime to create LXDateAndTime instances instead. In the postscript, have all DateAndTime instances become LXDateAndTime. =============== Diff against Chronology-Core-dtl.16 =============== Item was added: + ServiceProvider subclass: #ChronologyCoreServiceProvider + instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: '' + poolDictionaries: '' + category: 'Chronology-Core'! Item was added: + ----- Method: ChronologyCoreServiceProvider class>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- + initialize + ServiceRegistry current buildProvider: self new! Item was changed: ----- Method: DateAndTime class>>fromSeconds: (in category 'smalltalk-80') ----- fromSeconds: seconds "Answer a DateAndTime since the Squeak epoch: 1 January 1901" + ^ LXDateAndTime fromSeconds: seconds + + "| integerSeconds nanos | - | integerSeconds nanos | integerSeconds := seconds truncated. integerSeconds = seconds ifTrue: [nanos := 0] ifFalse: [nanos := (seconds - integerSeconds * NanosInSecond) asInteger]. ^ self basicNew ticks: (Array with: SqueakEpoch with: integerSeconds with: nanos) + offset: self localOffset"! - offset: self localOffset! Item was changed: ----- Method: DateAndTime class>>julianDayNumber:offset: (in category 'squeak protocol') ----- julianDayNumber: anInteger offset: aDuration + ^ LXDateAndTime julianDayNumber: anInteger offset: aDuration + + "^self basicNew - ^self basicNew setJdn: anInteger seconds: 0 nano: 0 + offset: aDuration"! - offset: aDuration! Item was changed: ----- Method: DateAndTime class>>now (in category 'ansi protocol') ----- now + + ^LXDateAndTime now. + + "| clockAndOffset localSeconds | - | clockAndOffset localSeconds | clockAndOffset := self clock utcMicrosecondClockWithOffset. localSeconds := self localOffset asSeconds. (self automaticTimezone and: [localSeconds ~= clockAndOffset second]) ifTrue: [self setLocalOffsetAutomatically: (Duration seconds: (localSeconds := clockAndOffset second))]. + ^self now: clockAndOffset first + (localSeconds * 1000000) offset: self localOffset"! - ^self now: clockAndOffset first + (localSeconds * 1000000) offset: self localOffset! Item was changed: ----- Method: LXDateAndTime>>= (in category 'ansi protocol') ----- = aDateAndTimeOrTimeStamp "Equal if the absolute time values match, regardless of local time transform" self == aDateAndTimeOrTimeStamp ifTrue: [ ^ true ]. ^aDateAndTimeOrTimeStamp species == DateAndTime + and: [ utcMicroseconds = aDateAndTimeOrTimeStamp asLXDateAndTime utcMicroseconds ]! - and: [ utcMicroseconds = aDateAndTimeOrTimeStamp utcMicroseconds ]! Item was added: + ----- Method: LXDateAndTime>>asLXTimeStamp (in category 'transitional - temporary') ----- + asLXTimeStamp + + ^ self as: LXTimeStamp! Item was changed: ----- Method: LXDateAndTime>>asTimeStamp (in category 'squeak protocol') ----- asTimeStamp + ^ self asDateAndTime asTimeStamp + ! - ^ self - asDateAndTime "FIXME LX hack for test support" - as: TimeStamp! Item was added: + ----- Method: LXDateAndTime>>hasEqualTicks: (in category 'private') ----- + hasEqualTicks: aDateAndTime + + ^ (self julianDayNumber = aDateAndTime julianDayNumber) + and: [ (self secondsSinceMidnight = aDateAndTime secondsSinceMidnight) + and: [ self nanoSecond = aDateAndTime nanoSecond ] ] + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: LXDateAndTime>>noTimezone (in category 'private') ----- + noTimezone + ^ false! Item was changed: ----- Method: TimeStamp class>>current (in category 'squeak protocol') ----- current + ^LXTimeStamp current + + "| ts ticks | - | ts ticks | ts := super now asTimeStamp. ticks := ts ticks. ticks at: 3 put: 0. ts ticks: ticks offset: ts offset. + ^ ts" - ^ ts ! Item was added: + ----- Method: TimeStamp class>>year:month:day:hour:minute:second:nanoSecond:offset: (in category 'squeak protocol') ----- + year: year month: month day: day hour: hour minute: minute second: second nanoSecond: nanoCount offset: offset + "Return a DateAndTime" + + ^ LXTimeStamp year: year month: month day: day hour: hour minute: minute second: second nanoSecond: nanoCount offset: offset + + ! Item was added: + ----- Method: TimeStamp>>asLXTimeStamp (in category 'LX-Kernel-Chronology') ----- + asLXTimeStamp + + ^self asLXDateAndTime asLXTimeStamp! Item was added: + (PackageInfo named: 'Chronology-Core') postscript: '"Convert all instances of DateAndTime and TimeStamp to the equivalent LXDateAndTime and LXTimeStamp." + + | oldInstances newInstances | + Smalltalk garbageCollect. + oldInstances := DateAndTime allInstances, TimeStamp allInstances. + newInstances := oldInstances collect: [ :each | + each class == DateAndTime + ifTrue: [ each asLXDateAndTime ] + ifFalse: [ each asLXTimeStamp ] ]. + oldInstances elementsForwardIdentityTo: newInstances. + Smalltalk garbageCollect. + '! |
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