David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Chronology-Tests to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Chronology-Tests-dtl.5.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Chronology-Tests-dtl.5
Author: dtl
Time: 4 December 2016, 10:38:28.08545 am
UUID: 4f5040e9-e8f0-4937-b978-db3e0ae7ce24
Ancestors: Chronology-Tests-pre.4
The correct number of elapsed seconds from the Smalltalk epoch to 2004-02-29T13:33:00+02:00 is 3255507180. Change DateAndTime>>testAsSeconds to assert this value.
=============== Diff against Chronology-Tests-pre.4 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: DateAndTimeLeapTest>>testAsSeconds (in category 'testing') -----
self assert: aDuration asSeconds = 48780.
+ self assert: aDateAndTime asSeconds = 3255507180!
- self assert: aDateAndTime asSeconds = 3255514380!