Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Collections-ar.354
Author: ar
Time: 9 April 2010, 9:28:03.969 pm
UUID: 2d199e05-1bfe-db49-89c9-00dacb98f80d
Ancestors: Collections-ar.353
Fix a bug in RunArray which would cause Texts with empty runs to lose their emphasis.
=============== Diff against Collections-ar.353 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Text>>setString:setRunsChecking: (in category 'private') -----
setString: aString setRunsChecking: aRunArray
"Check runs and do the best you can to make them fit..."
string := aString.
"check the runs"
aRunArray ifNil: [^ aString asText].
(aRunArray isKindOf: RunArray) ifFalse: [^ aString asText].
aRunArray runs size = aRunArray values size ifFalse: [^ aString asText].
- (aRunArray values includes: #()) ifTrue: [^ aString asText]. "not allowed?"
aRunArray size = aString size ifFalse: [^ aString asText].
runs := aRunArray.!