Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Collections-ct.849
Author: ct
Time: 14 August 2019, 11:35:57.1364 pm
UUID: aa322791-50ce-234e-9f55-40b28674c13f
Ancestors: Collections-fn.847
Refine #findSelector
1. Ignore leading $#
2. Don't fall over colons as part of arguments in a selected message send
I hope this is no performance sensitive method, but as it should be called only once per user interaction, I don't think so.
=============== Diff against Collections-fn.847 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: String>>findSelector (in category 'converting') -----
"Dan's code for hunting down selectors with keyword parts; while this doesn't give a true parse, in most cases it does what we want, in where it doesn't, we're none the worse for it."
| sel possibleParens |
sel := self withBlanksTrimmed.
(sel includes: $:) ifTrue:
+ [sel := sel copyWithRegex: '''[^'']*''' matchesReplacedWith: '''a string'''.
+ sel := sel copyWithRegex: '#[^\s\.$]*' matchesReplacedWith: '#aSymbol'.
+ sel := sel copyReplaceAll: ':' with: ': '. "for the style (aa max:bb) with no space"
- [sel := sel copyReplaceAll: ':' with: ': '. "for the style (aa max:bb) with no space"
sel := sel copyReplaceAll: '[:' with: '[ :'. "for the style ([:a) with no space"
possibleParens := sel findTokens: Character separators.
sel := self class streamContents:
[:s | | level |
level := 0.
possibleParens do:
[:token |
(level = 0 and: [token endsWith: ':'])
ifTrue: [s nextPutAll: token]
ifFalse: [level := level
+ (token occurrencesOf: $() - (token occurrencesOf: $))
+ (token occurrencesOf: $[) - (token occurrencesOf: $])
+ (token occurrencesOf: ${) - (token occurrencesOf: $})]]]].
+ (sel at: 1 ifAbsent: [^ nil]) = $# ifTrue: [sel := sel allButFirst].
sel isEmpty ifTrue: [^ nil].
sel isOctetString ifTrue: [sel := sel asOctetString].
Symbol hasInterned: sel ifTrue:
[:aSymbol | ^ aSymbol].
^ nil!