David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Collections-jar.924.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Collections-jar.924
Author: jar
Time: 7 February 2021, 9:42:07.649004 am
UUID: 073b26bc-8e5e-ba41-9aac-9d424bbe6848
Ancestors: Collections-dtl.923
Fixes SharedQueue >> nextOrNilSuchThat bug to pass the existing test
=============== Diff against Collections-dtl.923 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SharedQueue>>nextOrNilSuchThat: (in category 'accessing') -----
nextOrNilSuchThat: aBlock
"Answer the next object that satisfies aBlock, skipping any intermediate objects.
If no object has been sent, answer <nil> and leave me intact.
NOTA BENE: aBlock MUST NOT contain a non-local return (^)."
^accessProtect critical: [
| value readPos |
value := nil.
readPos := readPosition.
[ readPos < writePosition and: [ value isNil ] ] whileTrue: [
value := contentsArray at: readPos.
readPos := readPos + 1.
(aBlock value: value)
ifFalse: [ value := nil ]
ifTrue: [
readSynch waitIfLocked: [ ^nil ]. "We found the value, but someone else booked it."
+ readPos-1 to: readPosition+1 by: -1 do: [ :j | contentsArray at: j put: (contentsArray at: j-1) ].
+ contentsArray at: readPosition put: nil.
+ readPosition := readPosition+1 ] ].
- readPosition to: readPos - 1 do: [ :j | contentsArray at: j put: nil ].
- readPosition := readPos ] ].
value ].
q := SharedQueue new.
1 to: 10 do: [ :i | q nextPut: i].
c := OrderedCollection new.
v := q nextOrNilSuchThat: [ :e | e odd].
v notNil
] whileTrue: [
c add: {v. q size}
{c. q} explore