Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Collections-nice.174
Author: nice
Time: 30 October 2009, 11:37:32 am
UUID: 56b3b0ea-6199-4d3b-9961-89a635d5ed50
Ancestors: Collections-nice.173
A bit of cleanup before printing every Array with a Brace notation (unless they are literal of course)
=============== Diff against Collections-nice.173 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: WeakRegistry>>printElementsOn: (in category 'printing') -----
printElementsOn: aStream
+ accessLock ifNil: [^super printElementsOn: aStream].
+ aStream nextPutAll: '(<this WeakRegistry is locked>)'!
- aStream nextPut: $(.
- accessLock
- ifNil: [self do: [:element | aStream print: element; space]]
- ifNotNil: [aStream nextPutAll: '<this WeakRegistry is locked>; space'].
- self isEmpty ifFalse: [aStream skip: -1].
- aStream nextPut: $)!
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: WeakSet>>printElementsOn: (in category 'public') -----
- printElementsOn: aStream
- | oldPos |
- aStream nextPut: $(.
- oldPos := aStream position.
- self do: [:element | aStream print: element; space].
- aStream position > oldPos ifTrue: [aStream skip: -1 "remove the extra space"].
- aStream nextPut: $)!