The Trunk: Collections-nice.192.mcz

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The Trunk: Collections-nice.192.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-nice.192
Author: nice
Time: 16 November 2009, 1:25:56 am
UUID: ea8893b0-c42d-134b-8752-3d9ac395b62d
Ancestors: Collections-nice.191

Some changes for handling cr/lf/crlf line delimiters in String

=============== Diff against Collections-nice.191 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>lineCorrespondingToIndex: (in category 'accessing') -----
  lineCorrespondingToIndex: anIndex
+ "Answer a string containing the line at the given character position."
- "Answer a string containing the line at the given character position.  1/15/96 sw:  Inefficient first stab at this"
+ self lineIndicesDo: [:start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
+ anIndex <= end ifTrue: [^self copyFrom: start to: endWithoutDelimiters]].
+ ^''!
- | cr aChar answer |
- cr := Character cr.
- answer := ''.
- 1 to: self size do:
- [:i |
- aChar := self at: i.
- aChar = cr
- ifTrue:
- [i > anIndex
- ifTrue:
- [^ answer]
- ifFalse:
- [answer := '']]
- ifFalse:
- [answer := answer copyWith: aChar]].
- ^ answer!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>indentationIfBlank: (in category 'paragraph support') -----
  indentationIfBlank: aBlock
  "Answer the number of leading tabs in the receiver.  If there are
  no visible characters, pass the number of tabs to aBlock and return its value."
+ | reader leadingTabs lastSeparator tab ch |
- | reader leadingTabs lastSeparator cr tab ch |
- cr := Character cr.
  tab := Character tab.
  reader := ReadStream on: self.
  leadingTabs := 0.
  [reader atEnd not and: [(ch := reader next) = tab]]
  whileTrue: [leadingTabs := leadingTabs + 1].
+ lastSeparator := leadingTabs.
+ [reader atEnd not and: [ch isSeparator and: [(CSLineEnders includes: ch) not]]]
- lastSeparator := leadingTabs + 1.
- [reader atEnd not and: [ch isSeparator and: [ch ~= cr]]]
  whileTrue: [lastSeparator := lastSeparator + 1. ch := reader next].
+ (lastSeparator >= self size or: [CSLineEnders includes: ch])
- lastSeparator = self size | (ch = cr)
  ifTrue: [^aBlock value: leadingTabs].
+ ^ leadingTabs!
- ^ leadingTabs.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>lineNumber: (in category 'accessing') -----
  lineNumber: anIndex
+ "Answer a string containing the characters in the given line number."
- "Answer a string containing the characters in the given line number.  5/10/96 sw"
- | crString pos finalPos |
- crString := String with: Character cr.
- pos := 0.
- 1 to: anIndex - 1 do:
- [:i | pos := self findString: crString startingAt: pos + 1.
- pos = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]].
- finalPos := self findString: crString startingAt: pos + 1.
- finalPos = 0 ifTrue: [finalPos := self size + 1].
- ^ self copyFrom: pos + 1 to: finalPos - 1
+ | lineCount |
+ lineCount := 0.
+ self lineIndicesDo: [:start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
+ (lineCount := lineCount + 1) = anIndex ifTrue: [^self copyFrom: start to: endWithoutDelimiters]].
+ ^nil!
- "
- 'Fred
- the
- Bear' lineNumber: 3
- "!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>lastIndexOfAnyOf:startingAt:ifAbsent: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ lastIndexOfAnyOf: aCollection startingAt: lastIndex ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
+ "Answer the index of the last occurence of anElement within the  
+ receiver. If the receiver does not contain anElement, answer the
+ result of evaluating the argument, exceptionBlock."
+ lastIndex to: 1 by: -1 do:
+ [:index |
+ (aCollection includes: (self at: index)) ifTrue: [^ index]].
+ ^ exceptionBlock value!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>linesDo: (in category 'accessing') -----
  linesDo: aBlock
+ "Execute aBlock with each line in this string. The terminating line delimiters CR, LF or CRLF pairs are not included in what is passed to aBlock"
- "execute aBlock with each line in this string.  The terminating CR's are not included in what is passed to aBlock"
- | start end |
- start := 1.
- [ start <= self size ] whileTrue: [
- end := self indexOf: Character cr  startingAt: start  ifAbsent: [ self size + 1 ].
- end := end - 1.
+ self lineIndicesDo: [:start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
+ aBlock value: (self copyFrom: start to: endWithoutDelimiters)]!
- aBlock value: (self copyFrom: start  to: end).
- start := end + 2. ].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>lineCount (in category 'accessing') -----
+ "Answer the number of lines represented by the receiver, where every line delimiter CR, LF or CRLF pair adds one line."
- "Answer the number of lines represented by the receiver, where every cr adds one line.  5/10/96 sw"
+ | lineCount |
+ lineCount := 0.
+ self lineIndicesDo: [:start :endWithoutDelimiters :end |
+ lineCount := lineCount + 1].
+ ^lineCount!
- | cr count |
- cr := Character cr.
- count := 1  min: self size..
- 1 to: self size do:
- [:i | (self at: i) = cr ifTrue: [count := count + 1]].
- ^ count
- "
- 'Fred
- the
- Bear' lineCount
- "!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: String>>lineIndicesDo: (in category 'accessing') -----
+ lineIndicesDo: aBlock
+ "execute aBlock with 3 arguments for each line:
+ - start index of line
+ - end index of line without line delimiter
+ - end index of line including line delimiter(s) CR, LF or CRLF"
+ | start end endWithoutDelimiters |
+ start := 1.
+ [ start <= self size ] whileTrue: [
+ end := self indexOfAnyOf: CSLineEnders startingAt: start ifAbsent: [ self size + 1 ].
+ endWithoutDelimiters := end - 1.
+ (end < self size
+ and: [(self at: end + 1) = Character lf
+ and: [(self at: end) = Character cr]])
+ ifTrue: [end := end + 1].
+ aBlock value: start value: endWithoutDelimiters value: end.
+ start := end + 1]!