Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-nice.194 Author: nice Time: 16 November 2009, 8:51:26 am UUID: e20ffd97-6350-4cf9-9424-d1576bc1ffb2 Ancestors: Collections-nice.193 Avoid an off end line index Add cr/lf/crlf support for one more message (with speed up versus simple cr version...) =============== Diff against Collections-nice.193 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>withNoLineLongerThan: (in category 'converting') ----- withNoLineLongerThan: aNumber "Answer a string with the same content as receiver, but rewrapped so that no line has more characters than the given number" - | listOfLines currentLast currentStart resultString putativeLast putativeLine crPosition | aNumber isNumber not | (aNumber < 1) ifTrue: [self error: 'too narrow']. + ^self class + new: self size * (aNumber + 1) // aNumber "provision for supplementary line breaks" + streamContents: [ :stream | + self lineIndicesDo: [ :start :endWithoutDelimiters :end | | lineStart | + lineStart := self indexOfAnyOf: CSNonSeparators startingAt: start ifAbsent: [endWithoutDelimiters + 1]. + [| lineEnd spacePosition | + lineEnd := 0. + spacePosition := lineStart. + [spacePosition := self indexOfAnyOf: CSSeparators startingAt: spacePosition + 1 ifAbsent: [lineStart + aNumber + 1]. + spacePosition - lineStart <= aNumber] + whileTrue: [lineEnd := spacePosition]. + lineEnd = 0 + ifTrue: ["no space - split arbitrarily" + lineEnd := lineStart + aNumber - 1 min: endWithoutDelimiters. + stream nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: lineStart to: lineEnd). + lineStart := lineEnd + 1] + ifFalse: ["split before space" + stream nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: lineStart to: lineEnd - 1). + "eliminate conscutive spaces at split" + lineStart := self indexOfAnyOf: CSNonSeparators startingAt: lineEnd + 1 ifAbsent: [endWithoutDelimiters + 1] ]. + lineStart <= endWithoutDelimiters ] + whileTrue: [stream cr]. + stream nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: endWithoutDelimiters + 1 to: end) ] ]! - listOfLines := OrderedCollection new. - currentLast := 0. - [currentLast < self size] whileTrue: - [currentStart := currentLast + 1. - putativeLast := (currentStart + aNumber - 1) min: self size. - putativeLine := self copyFrom: currentStart to: putativeLast. - (crPosition := putativeLine indexOf: Character cr) > 0 ifTrue: - [putativeLast := currentStart + crPosition - 1. - putativeLine := self copyFrom: currentStart to: putativeLast]. - currentLast := putativeLast == self size - ifTrue: - [putativeLast] - ifFalse: - [currentStart + putativeLine lastSpacePosition - 1]. - currentLast <= currentStart ifTrue: - ["line has NO spaces; baleout!!" - currentLast := putativeLast]. - listOfLines add: (self copyFrom: currentStart to: currentLast) withBlanksTrimmed]. - - listOfLines size > 0 ifFalse: [^ '']. - resultString := listOfLines first. - 2 to: listOfLines size do: - [:i | resultString := resultString, String cr, (listOfLines at: i)]. - ^ resultString - - "#(5 7 20) collect: - [:i | 'Fred the bear went down to the brook to read his book in silence' withNoLineLongerThan: i]"! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>lineIndicesDo: (in category 'accessing') ----- lineIndicesDo: aBlock "execute aBlock with 3 arguments for each line: - start index of line - end index of line without line delimiter - end index of line including line delimiter(s) CR, LF or CRLF" | start end endWithoutDelimiters | start := 1. [ start <= self size ] whileTrue: [ + end := self indexOfAnyOf: CSLineEnders startingAt: start ifAbsent: [ 0 ]. + end = 0 + ifTrue: [endWithoutDelimiters := end := self size] + ifFalse: [endWithoutDelimiters := end - 1. + (end < self size + and: [(self at: end + 1) = Character lf + and: [(self at: end) = Character cr]]) + ifTrue: [end := end + 1]]. - end := self indexOfAnyOf: CSLineEnders startingAt: start ifAbsent: [ self size + 1 ]. - endWithoutDelimiters := end - 1. - (end < self size - and: [(self at: end + 1) = Character lf - and: [(self at: end) = Character cr]]) - ifTrue: [end := end + 1]. aBlock value: start value: endWithoutDelimiters value: end. start := end + 1]! |
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