Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Collections-nice.296
Author: nice
Time: 8 February 2010, 10:25:43.56 am
UUID: dacf815d-700c-8142-96be-528521efc1a4
Ancestors: Collections-ar.295
Change String>>initialize to force an initialization.
An initialization is required because current definition of CSNonSeparators class var does not handle WideString correctly.
Example: (String with: 375 asCharacter) withBlanksTrimmed should not be empty...
=============== Diff against Collections-ar.295 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: String class>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
initialize "self initialize"
| order |
AsciiOrder := (0 to: 255) as: ByteArray.
CaseInsensitiveOrder := AsciiOrder copy.
($a to: $z) do:
[:c | CaseInsensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1
put: (CaseInsensitiveOrder at: c asUppercase asciiValue +1)].
"Case-sensitive compare sorts space, digits, letters, all the rest..."
CaseSensitiveOrder := ByteArray new: 256 withAll: 255.
order := -1.
' 0123456789' do: "0..10"
[:c | CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1)].
($a to: $z) do: "11-64"
[:c | CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asUppercase asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1).
CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1)].
1 to: CaseSensitiveOrder size do:
[:i | (CaseSensitiveOrder at: i) = 255 ifTrue:
[CaseSensitiveOrder at: i put: (order := order+1)]].
order = 255 ifFalse: [self error: 'order problem'].
"a table for translating to lower case"
LowercasingTable := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect: [:c | c asLowercase]).
"a table for translating to upper case"
UppercasingTable := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect: [:c | c asUppercase]).
"a table for testing tokenish (for fast numArgs)"
Tokenish := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect:
[:c | c tokenish ifTrue: [c] ifFalse: [$~]]).
"CR and LF--characters that terminate a line"
+ CSLineEnders := CharacterSet crlf.
- CSLineEnders := CharacterSet empty.
- CSLineEnders add: Character cr.
- CSLineEnders add: Character lf.
"separators and non-separators"
CSSeparators := CharacterSet separators.
CSNonSeparators := CSSeparators complement.!