The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

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The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-nice.527
Author: nice
Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526

Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:

=============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Base64MimeConverter class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
  FromCharTable := Array new: 256. "nils"
+ ToCharTable := ($A to: $Z) , ($a to: $z) , ($0 to: $9) , '+/'.
+ ToCharTable keysAndValuesDo: [:ind :char |
+ FromCharTable at: char asciiValue + 1 put: ind - 1].!
- ToCharTable := Array new: 64.
- ($A asciiValue to: $Z asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
- FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind-1.
- ToCharTable at: ind put: val asCharacter].
- ($a asciiValue to: $z asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
- FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind+25.
- ToCharTable at: ind+26 put: val asCharacter].
- ($0 asciiValue to: $9 asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
- FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind+25+26.
- ToCharTable at: ind+26+26 put: val asCharacter].
- FromCharTable at: $+ asciiValue + 1 put: 62.
- ToCharTable at: 63 put: $+.
- FromCharTable at: $/ asciiValue + 1 put: 63.
- ToCharTable at: 64 put: $/.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Character class>>initializeClassificationTable (in category 'class initialization') -----
  Initialize the classification table. The classification table is a
  compact encoding of upper and lower cases of characters with
  - bits 0-7: The lower case value of this character.
  - bits 8-15: The upper case value of this character.
  - bit 16: lowercase bit (e.g., isLowercase == true)
  - bit 17: uppercase bit (e.g., isUppercase == true)
  | ch1 |
  LowercaseBit := 1 bitShift: 16.
  UppercaseBit := 1 bitShift: 17.
  "Initialize the letter bits (e.g., isLetter == true)"
  LetterBits := LowercaseBit bitOr: UppercaseBit.
  ClassificationTable := Array new: 256.
  "Initialize the defaults (neither lower nor upper case)"
  0 to: 255 do:[:i|
  ClassificationTable at: i+1 put: (i bitShift: 8) + i.
  "Initialize character pairs (upper-lower case)"
  "Basic roman"
  ($A $a) ($B $b) ($C $c) ($D $d)
  ($E $e) ($F $f) ($G $g) ($H $h)
  ($I $i) ($J $j) ($K $k) ($L $l)
  ($M $m) ($N $n) ($O $o) ($P $p)
  ($Q $q) ($R $r) ($S $s) ($T $t)
  ($U $u) ($V $v) ($W $w) ($X $x)
  ($Y $y) ($Z $z)
+ ($Ä $ä) ($Å $å) ($Ç $ç) ($É $é)
+ ($Ñ $ñ) ($Ö $ö) ($Ü $ü) ($À $à)
+ ($à $ã) ($Õ $õ) ($Œ $œ) ($Æ $æ)
- ($Ä $ä) ($Å $å) ($Ç $ç) ($É $é)
- ($Ñ $ñ) ($Ö $ö) ($Ü $ü) ($À $à)
- ($à $ã) ($Õ $õ) ($Œ $œ) ($Æ $æ)
  "International - Spanish"
+ ($Á $á) ($Í $í) ($Ó $ó) ($Ú $ú)
- ($Á $á) ($Í $í) ($Ó $ó) ($Ú $ú)
  "International - PLEASE CHECK"
+ ($È $è) ($Ì $ì) ($Ò $ò) ($Ù $ù)
+ ($Ë $ë) ($Ï $ï)
+ ($Â $â) ($Ê $ê) ($Î $î) ($Ô $ô) ($Û $û)
- ($È $è) ($Ì $ì) ($Ò $ò) ($Ù $ù)
- ($Ë $ë) ($Ï $ï)
- ($Â $â) ($Ê $ê) ($Î $î) ($Ô $ô) ($Û $û)
  ) do:[:pair| | ch2 |
  ch1 := pair first asciiValue.
  ch2 := pair last asciiValue.
  ClassificationTable at: ch1+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch2 + UppercaseBit.
  ClassificationTable at: ch2+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch2 + LowercaseBit.
  "Initialize a few others for which we only have lower case versions."
+ #($ß $Ø $ø $ÿ) do:[:char|
- #($ß $Ø $ø $ÿ) do:[:char|
  ch1 := char asciiValue.
  ClassificationTable at: ch1+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch1 + LowercaseBit.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>asCharacter (in category 'converting') -----
  "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.  Idiosyncratic, provisional."
+ ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·]!
- ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Text>>printStringHtml:on: (in category 'html') -----
  printStringHtml: aString on: aStream
  | html |
  html := aString.
  html := html copyReplaceAll: '&' with: '&'.
  html := html copyReplaceAll: '>' with: '>'.
  html := html copyReplaceAll: '<' with: '&lt;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¨¦Ö' with: '&aacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬©' with: '&eacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ë' with: '&iacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ü' with: '&oacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¦š' with: '&uacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬±' with: '&ntilde;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¨¦Ö' with: '&aacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬©' with: '&eacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ë' with: '&iacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ü' with: '&oacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¦š' with: '&uacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬±' with: '&ntilde;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦±' with: '&Aacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬¢' with: '&Eacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦º' with: '&Iacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬Æ' with: '&Oacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¦©' with: '&Uacute;'.
+ html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬·' with: '&Ntilde;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦±' with: '&Aacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬¢' with: '&Eacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦º' with: '&Iacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬Æ' with: '&Oacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¦©' with: '&Uacute;'.
- html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬·' with: '&Ntilde;'.
  html := html copyReplaceAll: '
  ' with: '<br>
  html := html copyReplaceAll: ' ' with: '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
  aStream nextPutAll: html!

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-nice.527
Author: nice
Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526

Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:

=============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Base64MimeConverter class>>initialize (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----

        FromCharTable := Array new: 256.        "nils"
+       ToCharTable := ($A to: $Z) , ($a to: $z) , ($0 to: $9) , '+/'.
+       ToCharTable keysAndValuesDo: [:ind :char |
+               FromCharTable at: char asciiValue + 1 put: ind - 1].!
-       ToCharTable := Array new: 64.
-       ($A asciiValue to: $Z asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
-               FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind-1.
-               ToCharTable at: ind put: val asCharacter].
-       ($a asciiValue to: $z asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
-               FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind+25.
-               ToCharTable at: ind+26 put: val asCharacter].
-       ($0 asciiValue to: $9 asciiValue) doWithIndex: [:val :ind |
-               FromCharTable at: val+1 put: ind+25+26.
-               ToCharTable at: ind+26+26 put: val asCharacter].
-       FromCharTable at: $+ asciiValue + 1 put: 62.
-       ToCharTable at: 63 put: $+.
-       FromCharTable at: $/ asciiValue + 1 put: 63.
-       ToCharTable at: 64 put: $/.
-       !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Character class>>initializeClassificationTable (in category 'class initialization') -----
        Initialize the classification table. The classification table is a
        compact encoding of upper and lower cases of characters with

                - bits 0-7: The lower case value of this character.
                - bits 8-15: The upper case value of this character.
                - bit 16: lowercase bit (e.g., isLowercase == true)
                - bit 17: uppercase bit (e.g., isUppercase == true)

        | ch1 |

        LowercaseBit := 1 bitShift: 16.
        UppercaseBit := 1 bitShift: 17.

        "Initialize the letter bits (e.g., isLetter == true)"
        LetterBits := LowercaseBit bitOr: UppercaseBit.

        ClassificationTable := Array new: 256.
        "Initialize the defaults (neither lower nor upper case)"
        0 to: 255 do:[:i|
                ClassificationTable at: i+1 put: (i bitShift: 8) + i.

        "Initialize character pairs (upper-lower case)"
                "Basic roman"
                ($A $a)         ($B $b)         ($C $c)         ($D $d)
                ($E $e)         ($F $f)         ($G $g)         ($H $h)
                ($I $i)                 ($J $j)                 ($K $k)         ($L $l)
                ($M $m) ($N $n) ($O $o) ($P $p)
                ($Q $q)         ($R $r)         ($S $s)         ($T $t)
                ($U $u) ($V $v) ($W $w) ($X $x)
                ($Y $y) ($Z $z)
+               ($Ä $ä) ($Å $å) ($Ç $ç) ($É $é)
+               ($Ñ $ñ) ($Ö $ö) ($Ü $ü) ($À $à)
+               ($à $ã) ($Õ $õ) ($Œ $œ) ($Æ $æ)
-               ($Ä $ä) ($Å $å) ($Ç $ç) ($É $é)
-               ($Ñ $ñ) ($Ö $ö) ($Ü $ü) ($À $à)
-               ($à $ã) ($Õ $õ) ($Œ $œ) ($Æ $æ)
                "International - Spanish"
+               ($Á $á) ($Í $í)         ($Ó $ó) ($Ú $ú)
-               ($Á $á) ($Í $í)         ($Ó $ó) ($Ú $ú)
                "International - PLEASE CHECK"
+               ($È $è) ($Ì $ì)         ($Ò $ò) ($Ù $ù)
+               ($Ë $ë) ($Ï $ï)
+               ($Â $â) ($Ê $ê) ($Î $î) ($Ô $ô) ($Û $û)
-               ($È $è) ($Ì $ì)         ($Ò $ò) ($Ù $ù)
-               ($Ë $ë) ($Ï $ï)
-               ($Â $â) ($Ê $ê) ($Î $î) ($Ô $ô) ($Û $û)
        ) do:[:pair| | ch2 |
                ch1 := pair first asciiValue.
                ch2 := pair last asciiValue.
                ClassificationTable at: ch1+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch2 + UppercaseBit.
                ClassificationTable at: ch2+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch2 + LowercaseBit.

        "Initialize a few others for which we only have lower case versions."
+       #($ß $Ø $ø $ÿ) do:[:char|
-       #($ß $Ø $ø $ÿ) do:[:char|
                ch1 := char asciiValue.
                ClassificationTable at: ch1+1 put: (ch1 bitShift: 8) + ch1 + LowercaseBit.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: String>>asCharacter (in category 'converting') -----
        "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.  Idiosyncratic, provisional."

+       ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·]!
-       ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Text>>printStringHtml:on: (in category 'html') -----
  printStringHtml: aString on: aStream
        | html |
        html := aString.
        html := html copyReplaceAll: '&' with: '&amp;'.
        html := html copyReplaceAll: '>' with: '&gt;'.
        html := html copyReplaceAll: '<' with: '&lt;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¨¦Ö' with: '&aacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¨¬©' with: '&eacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ë' with: '&iacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¦ü' with: '&oacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¶¬ö' with: '&uacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬®¬¨¬±' with: '&ntilde;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����Ö' with: '&aacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����©' with: '&eacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����ë' with: '&iacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����ü' with: '&oacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����ö' with: '&uacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����±' with: '&ntilde;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦±' with: '&Aacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬¢' with: '&Eacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¶¦º' with: '&Iacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬Æ' with: '&Oacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¦©' with: '&Uacute;'.
+       html := html copyReplaceAll: '¬¨¬®¬¨¬é¬¨¬Ž¬¨¬·' with: '&Ntilde;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����±' with: '&Aacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����¢' with: '&Eacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����º' with: '&Iacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����Æ' with: '&Oacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����©' with: '&Uacute;'.
-       html := html copyReplaceAll: '�������鬨�����·' with: '&Ntilde;'.
        html := html copyReplaceAll: '
  ' with: '<br>
        html := html copyReplaceAll: '  ' with: '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'.
        aStream nextPutAll: html!

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Note that in-between, you can manually merge (I had no problem of encoding when merging)

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
In reply to this post by Nicolas Cellier
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old encoding like current trunk does.
Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a question of how we want to support serving older images.
Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with same encoding as mcz?

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?

- Bert -

On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old encoding like current trunk does.
Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a question of how we want to support serving older images.
Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with same encoding as mcz?

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Yes, it's a small change

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?

- Bert -

On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old encoding like current trunk does.
Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a question of how we want to support serving older images.
Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with same encoding as mcz?

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did find anything but Level Playing Field there...
The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...

2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
Yes, it's a small change

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?

- Bert -

On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old encoding like current trunk does.
Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a question of how we want to support serving older images.
Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with same encoding as mcz?

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Nicolas Cellier
Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
- 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
- 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd from
I don't know if this is a real requirement
If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't hurt.

As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a bit...



2013/8/1 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did find anything but Level Playing Field there...
The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...

2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
Yes, it's a small change

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?

- Bert -

On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old encoding like current trunk does.
Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a question of how we want to support serving older images.
Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with same encoding as mcz?

2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
A possible scenario:
For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server used the sources in .st format.
But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not utf8 aware...
In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
Makes sense?

Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?

2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.

- Bert -

On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]> wrote:

I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin member of a .mcd
I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some path...
I had to stop to get some sleep...
I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while under our hands.


2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?

Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:

"Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
Idiosyncratic, provisional."

^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]

Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.


> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>> Trunk:
>> ==================== Summary ====================
>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>> Author: nice
>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

MC_encode_utf8.1.cs (3K) Download Attachment
MC_decode_utf8.1.cs (6K) Download Attachment
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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Edgar De Cleene
Re: [squeak-dev] The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

On 8/2/13 6:26 PM, "Nicolas Cellier" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
- 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
- 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd from <>
I don't know if this is a real requirement
If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't hurt.

As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a bit...



Like to know how you get the closures logic into 3.10.2 or 3.11, as I work in both.


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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
In reply to this post by Frank Shearar-3
On 30 July 2013 13:13, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
>> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?
> Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:
> asCharacter
> "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
> Idiosyncratic, provisional."
> ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected ->]
> Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
> the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.

So I removed the A-with-caret character and tried to proceed. I then
get an MNU in String class(Behavior)>>basicAddSelector:withMethod:
because the with withMethod: parameter is nil.

If I inspect the MethodAddition it looks malformed. The text is the
"broken" original text. I'd expected that fixing the SyntaxError would
correct the original source, or at least make later parts of the
process use the corrected source.

Tim, is this kind've like the thing you were seeing with SyntaxErrors
in load scripts?


>> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project The
>>> Trunk:
>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>>> Author: nice
>>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with Character>>to:
>>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Frank Shearar-3
In reply to this post by Nicolas Cellier
I've deleted this commit from the update stream, just so that we
unbreak the update stream.

Then we can test the change, and reapply it at a later point.


On 2 August 2013 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
> - 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
> - 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
> I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
> If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd
> from
> I don't know if this is a real requirement
> If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't
> hurt.
> As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a
> bit...
> Cheers
> Nicolas
> 2013/8/1 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>> But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
>> The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did
>> find anything but Level Playing Field there...
>> The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
>> Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...
>> 2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>> Yes, it's a small change
>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>> FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with
>>>> Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not
>>>> going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?
>>>> - Bert -
>>>> On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old
>>>> encoding like current trunk does.
>>>> Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a
>>>> question of how we want to support serving older images.
>>>> Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with
>>>> same encoding as mcz?
>>>> 2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>> A possible scenario:
>>>>> For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server
>>>>> used the sources in .st format.
>>>>> But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not
>>>>> utf8 aware...
>>>>> In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the
>>>>> .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
>>>>> Makes sense?
>>>>> Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
>>>>> I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?
>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>> If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs
>>>>>> to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.
>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>> On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin
>>>>>> member of a .mcd
>>>>>> I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used
>>>>>> vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
>>>>>> But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some
>>>>>> path...
>>>>>> I had to stop to get some sleep...
>>>>>> I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while
>>>>>> under our hands.
>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>> On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>> > Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
>>>>>>> > I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?
>>>>>>> Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:
>>>>>>> asCharacter
>>>>>>> "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
>>>>>>> Idiosyncratic, provisional."
>>>>>>> ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected
>>>>>>> ->]
>>>>>>> Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
>>>>>>> the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.
>>>>>>> frank
>>>>>>> > 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>> >> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project
>>>>>>> >> The
>>>>>>> >> Trunk:
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Name: Collections-nice.527
>>>>>>> >> Author: nice
>>>>>>> >> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>>>>>>> >> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>>>>>>> >> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with
>>>>>>> >> Character>>to:
>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>> >> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

Reply | Threaded
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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
I applied Nicolas' changes to the squeaksource server image and will temporarily un-delete the mcz for testing.

- Bert - (back from vacation now)

On 2013-08-05, at 19:48, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I've deleted this commit from the update stream, just so that we
> unbreak the update stream.
> Then we can test the change, and reapply it at a later point.
> frank
> On 2 August 2013 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
>> - 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
>> - 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
>> I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
>> If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd
>> from
>> I don't know if this is a real requirement
>> If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't
>> hurt.
>> As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a
>> bit...
>> Cheers
>> Nicolas
>> 2013/8/1 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>> But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
>>> The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did
>>> find anything but Level Playing Field there...
>>> The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
>>> Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...
>>> 2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>> Yes, it's a small change
>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>> FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with
>>>>> Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not
>>>>> going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?
>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>> On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>> To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old
>>>>> encoding like current trunk does.
>>>>> Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a
>>>>> question of how we want to support serving older images.
>>>>> Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with
>>>>> same encoding as mcz?
>>>>> 2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>>> A possible scenario:
>>>>>> For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server
>>>>>> used the sources in .st format.
>>>>>> But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not
>>>>>> utf8 aware...
>>>>>> In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the
>>>>>> .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
>>>>>> Makes sense?
>>>>>> Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
>>>>>> I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?
>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>> If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs
>>>>>>> to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.
>>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>>> On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>> I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin
>>>>>>> member of a .mcd
>>>>>>> I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used
>>>>>>> vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
>>>>>>> But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some
>>>>>>> path...
>>>>>>> I had to stop to get some sleep...
>>>>>>> I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while
>>>>>>> under our hands.
>>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>> On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
>>>>>>>>> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?
>>>>>>>> Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:
>>>>>>>> asCharacter
>>>>>>>> "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
>>>>>>>> Idiosyncratic, provisional."
>>>>>>>> ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected
>>>>>>>> ->]
>>>>>>>> Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
>>>>>>>> the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.
>>>>>>>> frank
>>>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project
>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>> Trunk:
>>>>>>>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>>>>>>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>>>>>>>>>> Author: nice
>>>>>>>>>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>>>>>>>>>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>>>>>>>>>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>>>>>>>>>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with
>>>>>>>>>> Character>>to:
>>>>>>>>>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============

- Bert -

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Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Bert Freudenberg
... and that has appeared to work fine (except for Character DNU #null).

So Collections-nice.527 is back, and the newly generated mcd works (I deleted the older mcds).

Great job, Nicolas! We're back in business.

- Bert -

On 2013-08-06, at 00:02, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I applied Nicolas' changes to the squeaksource server image and will temporarily un-delete the mcz for testing.
> - Bert - (back from vacation now)
> On 2013-08-05, at 19:48, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I've deleted this commit from the update stream, just so that we
>> unbreak the update stream.
>> Then we can test the change, and reapply it at a later point.
>> frank
>> On 2 August 2013 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
>>> - 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
>>> - 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
>>> I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
>>> If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd
>>> from
>>> I don't know if this is a real requirement
>>> If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't
>>> hurt.
>>> As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a
>>> bit...
>>> Cheers
>>> Nicolas
>>> 2013/8/1 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>> But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
>>>> The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did
>>>> find anything but Level Playing Field there...
>>>> The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
>>>> Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...
>>>> 2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>> Yes, it's a small change
>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>> FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with
>>>>>> Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not
>>>>>> going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?
>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>> On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old
>>>>>> encoding like current trunk does.
>>>>>> Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a
>>>>>> question of how we want to support serving older images.
>>>>>> Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with
>>>>>> same encoding as mcz?
>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>> A possible scenario:
>>>>>>> For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server
>>>>>>> used the sources in .st format.
>>>>>>> But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not
>>>>>>> utf8 aware...
>>>>>>> In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the
>>>>>>> .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
>>>>>>> Makes sense?
>>>>>>> Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
>>>>>>> I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?
>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>> If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs
>>>>>>>> to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.
>>>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>>>> On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin
>>>>>>>> member of a .mcd
>>>>>>>> I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used
>>>>>>>> vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
>>>>>>>> But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some
>>>>>>>> path...
>>>>>>>> I had to stop to get some sleep...
>>>>>>>> I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while
>>>>>>>> under our hands.
>>>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>> On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
>>>>>>>>>> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?
>>>>>>>>> Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:
>>>>>>>>> asCharacter
>>>>>>>>> "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
>>>>>>>>> Idiosyncratic, provisional."
>>>>>>>>> ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected
>>>>>>>>> ->]
>>>>>>>>> Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
>>>>>>>>> the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.
>>>>>>>>> frank
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>>>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project
>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>> Trunk:
>>>>>>>>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>>>>>>>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>>>>>>>>>>> Author: nice
>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>>>>>>>>>>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>>>>>>>>>>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>>>>>>>>>>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with
>>>>>>>>>>> Character>>to:
>>>>>>>>>>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============
> - Bert -

- Bert -

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Open this post in threaded view

Re: The Trunk: Collections-nice.527.mcz

Karl Ramberg
Good work


On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:
... and that has appeared to work fine (except for Character DNU #null).

So Collections-nice.527 is back, and the newly generated mcd works (I deleted the older mcds).

Great job, Nicolas! We're back in business.

- Bert -

On 2013-08-06, at 00:02, Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I applied Nicolas' changes to the squeaksource server image and will temporarily un-delete the mcz for testing.
> - Bert - (back from vacation now)
> On 2013-08-05, at 19:48, Frank Shearar <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I've deleted this commit from the update stream, just so that we
>> unbreak the update stream.
>> Then we can test the change, and reapply it at a later point.
>> frank
>> On 2 August 2013 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Bert, I prepared a patch for a 3.10.2 image in two folds:
>>> - 1) decode UTF8 from mcz sources
>>> - 2) encode mcd and mcz sources in UTF8
>>> I've rapidly tested, and the image seems OK after applying 1) or both.
>>> If only first one is applied, then old images can continue to read new Mcd
>>> from
>>> I don't know if this is a real requirement
>>> If not, then you can load 2) too. In doubt, a bit of conservatism don't
>>> hurt.
>>> As for loading that in a non official 3.11, then you'll have to test a
>>> bit...
>>> Cheers
>>> Nicolas
>>> 2013/8/1 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>> But Bert, where to find a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 ?
>>>> The 3.11 stuff on is declared obsolete, and I did
>>>> find anything but Level Playing Field there...
>>>> The updates (stream) stop at 7159 (3.10) with Monticello-edc.312
>>>> Then squeak4.1 starts at #9957 with Monticello-bp-387...
>>>> 2013/7/31 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>> Yes, it's a small change
>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>> FWIW, the server image is a Squeak 3.11alpha image #8824 with
>>>>>> Monticello-bf.356. I'm afraid simply loading a current MC version is not
>>>>>> going to work, but maybe the utf8 changes could be backported?
>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>> On 30.07.2013, at 22:26, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>> To me, the server should try and read in utf8, then fallback to old
>>>>>> encoding like current trunk does.
>>>>>> Then, whether it should continue to write with old encoding or utf8 is a
>>>>>> question of how we want to support serving older images.
>>>>>> Would it be possible to provide a hackish transition: create mcd with
>>>>>> same encoding as mcz?
>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Nicolas Cellier <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>> A possible scenario:
>>>>>>> For some reason (?) the snapshot.bin fails. In that case, the server
>>>>>>> used the sources in .st format.
>>>>>>> But newly produced sources are in utf8 and the server is probably not
>>>>>>> utf8 aware...
>>>>>>> In which case the server re-interprets bad characters for building the
>>>>>>> .mcd and put them in patch.bin stone
>>>>>>> Makes sense?
>>>>>>> Is it possible to backport the utf8 correction to the server ?
>>>>>>> I mean, is it going to cause forward compatibility problems ?
>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>> If the MCZ works and the MCD does not, then whatever fix we make needs
>>>>>>>> to be applied to our squeaksource server image, which generates the MCDs.
>>>>>>>> - Bert -
>>>>>>>> On 2013-07-30, at 14:59, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I tried to debug late at night and it seems to come from the patch.bin
>>>>>>>> member of a .mcd
>>>>>>>> I'm not an expert of MC and I do not really know when a .mcd is used
>>>>>>>> vs a .mcz, nor how this binary member is created.
>>>>>>>> But presumably, there is an extra or missing utf8 conversion in some
>>>>>>>> path...
>>>>>>>> I had to stop to get some sleep...
>>>>>>>> I suggest we keep trying a couple of days and solve the problem while
>>>>>>>> under our hands.
>>>>>>>> Nicolas
>>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 Frank Shearar <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>> On 30 July 2013 02:17, Nicolas Cellier
>>>>>>>>> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hmm it looks like some UTF8 mess
>>>>>>>>>> I did only change Base64MimeConverter... Did I break it?
>>>>>>>>> Yep, I'm afraid so. When it loads it throws a SyntaxError:
>>>>>>>>> asCharacter
>>>>>>>>> "Answer the receiver's first character, or '*' if none.
>>>>>>>>> Idiosyncratic, provisional."
>>>>>>>>> ^ self size > 0 ifTrue: [self first] ifFalse:[$·Argument expected
>>>>>>>>> ->]
>>>>>>>>> Is that supposed to be a middle dot just before "Argument" ? Note how
>>>>>>>>> the original source doesn't show the A-with-caret.
>>>>>>>>> frank
>>>>>>>>>> 2013/7/30 <[hidden email]>
>>>>>>>>>>> Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Collections to project
>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>> Trunk:
>>>>>>>>>>> ==================== Summary ====================
>>>>>>>>>>> Name: Collections-nice.527
>>>>>>>>>>> Author: nice
>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 30 July 2013, 2:13:07.506 am
>>>>>>>>>>> UUID: 17e38fb5-76dd-499b-aa6d-bfe07045c28d
>>>>>>>>>>> Ancestors: Collections-fbs.526
>>>>>>>>>>> Simplify Base64MimeConverter class initialization with
>>>>>>>>>>> Character>>to:
>>>>>>>>>>> =============== Diff against Collections-fbs.526 ===============
> - Bert -

- Bert -