Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-ul.237 Author: ul Time: 1 December 2009, 4:55:21 am UUID: 5632cf97-0dce-1942-8edd-2d63e55e7b10 Ancestors: Collections-ul.236 - remove CollectionRehashingUtility - clear postscript =============== Diff against Collections-ul.236 =============== Item was changed: Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>rehashAllSets (in category 'private - rehashing') ----- - rehashAllSets - - HashedCollection rehashAll! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility class>>rehashBecause: (in category 'rehashing') ----- - rehashBecause: aSymbol - - self new rehashBecause: aSymbol! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>changes (in category 'private - accessing') ----- - changes - - ^changes! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>quickRehashAllSets (in category 'private - rehashing') ----- - quickRehashAllSets - - HashedCollection withAllSubclassesDo: - [:class | - class = MethodDictionary ifFalse: - [class allInstances do: [:each | each rehash]] - ]! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility class>>new (in category 'instance creation') ----- - new - - self current notNil ifTrue: [^self current]. - self current: super new initialize. - ^self current! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>quickRehashBecause: (in category 'rehashing') ----- - quickRehashBecause: aSymbol - - (self changes includes: aSymbol) ifTrue: [^self]. - self changes add: aSymbol. - self quickRehashAllSets! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility class>>current: (in category 'private - accessing') ----- - current: anInstance - - current := anInstance! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>rehashBecause: (in category 'rehashing') ----- - rehashBecause: aSymbol - - (self changes includes: aSymbol) ifTrue: [^self]. - self changes add: aSymbol. - self rehashAllSets. - self rehashSymbolTable! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility class>>current (in category 'private - accessing') ----- - current - - ^current! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>initialize (in category 'private') ----- - initialize - - self changes: OrderedCollection new! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>rehashSymbolTable (in category 'private - rehashing') ----- - rehashSymbolTable - - Symbol rehash! Item was removed: - Object subclass: #CollectionRehashingUtility - instanceVariableNames: 'changes' - classVariableNames: '' - poolDictionaries: '' - category: 'Collections-Unordered'! - CollectionRehashingUtility class - instanceVariableNames: 'current'! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility class>>quickRehashBecause: (in category 'rehashing') ----- - quickRehashBecause: aSymbol - - self new quickRehashBecause: aSymbol! Item was removed: - ----- Method: CollectionRehashingUtility>>changes: (in category 'private - accessing') ----- - changes: aCollection - "aCollection must not be a hashed collection" - - changes := aCollection! |
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