Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Collections-ul.331.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Collections-ul.331
Author: ul
Time: 10 March 2010, 5:44:54.677 am
UUID: 4814bc27-f6ff-f242-a2fe-d4fe0748ed79
Ancestors: Collections-ul.330
- removed the postscript
=============== Diff against Collections-ul.330 ===============
Item was changed:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'Collections') postscript: ''!
- (PackageInfo named: 'Collections') postscript: 'WeakRegistry allInstancesDo: [ :each |
- each protected: [
- | newDictionary |
- newDictionary := WeakIdentityKeyDictionary new.
- (each instVarNamed: #valueDictionary) keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
- newDictionary at: key put: value ].
- newDictionary finalizer: #finalize.
- each instVarNamed: #valueDictionary put: newDictionary ] ]'!