Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Collections-ul.410.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-ul.410 Author: ul Time: 23 November 2010, 8:24:12.434 am UUID: a68748b5-3380-9645-8686-fc80a9710dc6 Ancestors: Collections-ul.409 - added a translation table to String for exchanging cr and lf characters - simplified and enhanced String's #withSqueakLineEndings and #withUnixLineEndings =============== Diff against Collections-ul.409 =============== Item was changed: ArrayedCollection subclass: #String instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: 'AsciiOrder CSLineEnders CSNonSeparators CSSeparators CaseInsensitiveOrder CaseSensitiveOrder CrLfExchangeTable HtmlEntities LowercasingTable Tokenish UppercasingTable' - classVariableNames: 'AsciiOrder CSLineEnders CSNonSeparators CSSeparators CaseInsensitiveOrder CaseSensitiveOrder HtmlEntities LowercasingTable Tokenish UppercasingTable' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Collections-Strings'! !String commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! A String is an indexed collection of Characters. Class String provides the abstract super class for ByteString (that represents an array of 8-bit Characters) and WideString (that represents an array of 32-bit characters). In the similar manner of LargeInteger and SmallInteger, those subclasses are chosen accordingly for a string; namely as long as the system can figure out so, the String is used to represent the given string. Strings support a vast array of useful methods, which can best be learned by browsing and trying out examples as you find them in the code. Here are a few useful methods to look at... String match: String contractTo: String also inherits many useful methods from its hierarchy, such as SequenceableCollection , SequenceableCollection copyReplaceAll:with: ! Item was added: + ----- Method: String class>>crLfExchangeTable (in category 'accessing') ----- + crLfExchangeTable + + ^CrLfExchangeTable! Item was changed: ----- Method: String class>>initialize (in category 'initialization') ----- initialize "self initialize" | order | AsciiOrder := (0 to: 255) as: ByteArray. CaseInsensitiveOrder := AsciiOrder copy. ($a to: $z) do: [:c | CaseInsensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1 put: (CaseInsensitiveOrder at: c asUppercase asciiValue +1)]. "Case-sensitive compare sorts space, digits, letters, all the rest..." CaseSensitiveOrder := ByteArray new: 256 withAll: 255. order := -1. ' 0123456789' do: "0..10" [:c | CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1)]. ($a to: $z) do: "11-64" [:c | CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asUppercase asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1). CaseSensitiveOrder at: c asciiValue + 1 put: (order := order+1)]. 1 to: CaseSensitiveOrder size do: [:i | (CaseSensitiveOrder at: i) = 255 ifTrue: [CaseSensitiveOrder at: i put: (order := order+1)]]. order = 255 ifFalse: [self error: 'order problem']. "a table for translating to lower case" LowercasingTable := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect: [:c | c asLowercase]). "a table for translating to upper case" UppercasingTable := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect: [:c | c asUppercase]). "a table for testing tokenish (for fast numArgs)" Tokenish := String withAll: (Character allByteCharacters collect: [:c | c tokenish ifTrue: [c] ifFalse: [$~]]). "CR and LF--characters that terminate a line" CSLineEnders := CharacterSet crlf. "separators and non-separators" CSSeparators := CharacterSet separators. + CSNonSeparators := CSSeparators complement. + + "a table for exchanging cr with lf and vica versa" + CrLfExchangeTable := Character allByteCharacters collect: [ :each | + each + caseOf: { + [ Character cr ] -> [ Character lf ]. + [ Character lf ] -> [ Character cr ] } + otherwise: [ each ] ]! - CSNonSeparators := CSSeparators complement.! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>withSqueakLineEndings (in category 'internet') ----- withSqueakLineEndings "Assume the string is textual, and that CR, LF, and CRLF are all valid line endings. Replace each occurence with a single CR." - | cr lf indexLF indexCR | - lf := Character linefeed. - indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: 1. - indexLF = 0 ifTrue: [^self]. - - cr := Character cr. - indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: 1. - indexCR = 0 ifTrue: [^self copy replaceAll: lf with: cr]. + (self includes: Character lf) ifFalse: [ ^self ]. + (self includes: Character cr) ifFalse: [ + ^self translateWith: String crLfExchangeTable ]. ^self withLineEndings: String cr! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>withUnixLineEndings (in category 'internet') ----- withUnixLineEndings "Assume the string is textual, and that CR, LF, and CRLF are all valid line endings. Replace each occurence with a single LF." - | cr lf indexLF indexCR | - cr := Character cr. - indexCR := self indexOf: cr startingAt: 1. - indexCR = 0 ifTrue: [^self]. - - lf := Character linefeed. - indexLF := self indexOf: lf startingAt: 1. - indexLF = 0 ifTrue: [^self copy replaceAll: cr with: lf]. + (self includes: Character cr) ifFalse: [ ^self ]. + (self includes: Character lf) ifFalse: [ + ^self translateWith: String crLfExchangeTable ]. ^self withLineEndings: String lf! |
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