The Trunk: Collections-ul.530.mcz

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The Trunk: Collections-ul.530.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Collections-ul.530
Author: ul
Time: 4 September 2013, 8:59:21.417 pm
UUID: ea12e381-2990-4d8e-9efb-d034bc676f9f
Ancestors: Collections-ul.529

Fixed/refactored #selectorsContaining:, #selectorsMatching: and #allSymbols in Symbol class.

=============== Diff against Collections-ul.529 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Symbol class>>allSymbols (in category 'access') -----
  "Answer all interned symbols"
+ ^Array
+ new: NewSymbols slowSize + SymbolTable slowSize
+ streamContents:[ :stream |
+ stream
+ nextPutAll: NewSymbols;
+ nextPutAll: SymbolTable ]
- ^Array streamContents:[:s|
- s nextPutAll: NewSymbols.
- s nextPutAll: OneCharacterSymbols.
- s nextPutAll: SymbolTable.
- ].

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Symbol class>>selectorsContaining: (in category 'access') -----
  selectorsContaining: aString
+ "Answer a list of selectors that contain aString within them. Case-insensitive. Does return symbols that begin with a capital letter."
- "Answer a list of selectors that contain aString within them. Case-insensitive.  Does return symbols that begin with a capital letter."
+ | size selectorList |
- | size selectorList ascii |
  selectorList := OrderedCollection new.
+ (size := aString size) = 0 ifTrue: [ ^selectorList ].
+ self allSymbolTablesDo: [ :each |
+ (each size >= size
+ and: [ (each includesSubstring: aString caseSensitive: false)
+ and: [ each numArgs ~= -1 ] ])
+ ifTrue: [ selectorList add: each ] ].
+ ^selectorList
- (size := aString size) = 0 ifTrue: [^selectorList].
+ "Symbol selectorsContaining: 'scon'"!
- aString size = 1 ifTrue:
- [
- ascii := aString first asciiValue.
- ascii < 128 ifTrue: [selectorList add: (OneCharacterSymbols at: ascii+1)]
- ].
- (aString first isLetter or: [aString first isDigit]) ifFalse:
- [
- aString size = 2 ifTrue:
- [Symbol hasInterned: aString ifTrue:
- [:s | selectorList add: s]].
- ^selectorList
- ].
- selectorList := selectorList copyFrom: 2 to: selectorList size.
- self allSymbolTablesDo: [:each |
- each size >= size ifTrue:
- [(each findSubstring: aString in: each startingAt: 1
- matchTable: CaseInsensitiveOrder) > 0
- ifTrue: [selectorList add: each]]].
- ^selectorList reject: [:each | "reject non-selectors, but keep ones that begin with an uppercase"
- each numArgs < 0 and: [each asString withFirstCharacterDownshifted numArgs < 0]].
- "Symbol selectorsContaining: 'scon'"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Symbol class>>selectorsMatching: (in category 'access') -----
  selectorsMatching: aStringPattern
+ "Answer a list of selectors that match aStringPattern within them. Case-insensitive. Does return symbols that begin with a capital letter."
- "Answer a list of selectors that match aStringPattern within them. Case-insensitive.
- Does return symbols that begin with a capital letter."
  | selectorList |
  selectorList := OrderedCollection new.
+ aStringPattern isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^selectorList ].
+ self allSymbolTablesDo: [ :each |
+ ((aStringPattern match: each) and: [ each numArgs ~= -1 ])
+ ifTrue: [selectorList add: each ] ].
+ ^selectorList
- aStringPattern isEmpty ifTrue: [^selectorList].
- self allSymbolTablesDo:
- [:each | (aStringPattern match: each) ifTrue: [selectorList add: each]].
- ^selectorList reject: "reject non-selectors, but keep ones that begin with an uppercase"
- [:each | each numArgs < 0 and: [each asString withFirstCharacterDownshifted numArgs < 0]]
  "Symbol selectorsMatching: 'parse:*'"!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: WeakSet>>do: (in category 'enumerating') -----
  do: aBlock
  tally = 0 ifTrue: [ ^self ].
  1 to: array size do: [ :index |
  (array at: index) ifNotNil: [ :object |
+ object == flag ifFalse: [
- object  == flag ifFalse: [
  aBlock value: object enclosedSetElement] ] ]!