Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Collections-ul.649.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Collections-ul.649
Author: ul
Time: 23 August 2015, 11:59:16.66 pm
UUID: 4d8f9b81-5a5c-41b3-a466-a05df4a883ff
Ancestors: Collections-ul.648
- removed migration code from CharacterSet
=============== Diff against Collections-ul.648 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: CharacterSet>>= (in category 'comparison') -----
= anObject
self species == anObject species ifFalse: [ ^false ].
- self size. "to migrate existing instances"
anObject size = tally ifFalse: [ ^false ].
^self byteArrayMap = anObject byteArrayMap!
Item was changed:
----- Method: CharacterSet>>add: (in category 'collection ops') -----
add: aCharacter
"I automatically become a WideCharacterSet if you add a wide character to myself"
| index |
(index := aCharacter asInteger + 1) <= 256 ifFalse: [
| wide |
wide := WideCharacterSet new.
wide addAll: self.
wide add: aCharacter.
self becomeForward: wide.
^aCharacter ].
+ (map at: index) = 1 ifFalse: [
+ map at: index put: 1.
+ tally := tally + 1 ].
- (map at: index) = 1 ifTrue: [ ^aCharacter ].
- self size. "to migrate existing instances."
- map at: index put: 1.
- tally := tally + 1.
Item was changed:
----- Method: CharacterSet>>do: (in category 'collection ops') -----
do: aBlock
"evaluate aBlock with each character in the set"
| index |
- self size. "to migrate existing instances"
tally >= 128 ifTrue: [ "dense"
index := 0.
[ (index := index + 1) <= 256 ] whileTrue: [
(map at: index) = 1 ifTrue: [
aBlock value: (Character value: index - 1) ] ].
^self ].
index := 0.
[ (index := map indexOf: 1 startingAt: index + 1) = 0 ] whileFalse: [
aBlock value: (Character value: index - 1) ].
Item was changed:
----- Method: CharacterSet>>remove:ifAbsent: (in category 'collection ops') -----
remove: aCharacter ifAbsent: aBlock
| index |
(index := aCharacter asciiValue + 1) <= 256 ifFalse: [ ^aBlock value ].
(map at: index) = 0 ifTrue: [ ^aBlock value ].
- self size. "to migrate existing instances."
map at: index put: 0.
tally := tally - 1.
Item was changed:
----- Method: CharacterSet>>size (in category 'collection ops') -----
+ ^tally!
- ^tally ifNil: [
- | index count |
- index := count := 0.
- [ (index := map indexOf: 1 startingAt: index + 1) = 0 ] whileFalse: [
- count := count + 1 ].
- tally := count ]!