Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Collections to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Collections-ul.782.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Collections-ul.782 Author: ul Time: 5 February 2018, 9:00:26.138464 pm UUID: e2bb4a8b-6a0e-4342-b347-4f2226460a85 Ancestors: Collections-mt.781 - various minor tweaks =============== Diff against Collections-mt.781 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Ascii85Converter>>padOfSize: (in category 'private') ----- + padOfSize: anInteger - padOfSize: aNumber + anInteger = 1 ifTrue: [ ^#[0] ]. + anInteger = 2 ifTrue: [ ^#[0 0] ]. + anInteger = 3 ifTrue: [ ^#[0 0 0] ]. + self error: 'Should not reach'! - aNumber = 1 ifTrue: [^ #(0)]. - aNumber = 2 ifTrue: [^ #(0 0)]. - aNumber = 3 ifTrue: [^ #(0 0 0)]. - self error: 'Should not reach'.! Item was changed: ----- Method: ByteString>>asIntegerSigned: (in category 'converting') ----- asIntegerSigned: signed "Return the first decimal integer I can find or nil." | index integerValue result size negative | (size := self size) <= 16 ifFalse: [ ^super asIntegerSigned: signed ]. "Find the first character between $0 and $9." index := 0. + [ + (index := index + 1) <= size ifFalse: [ ^nil "There are no digits in this string." ]. + (integerValue := self basicAt: index) <= 47 "$0 asInteger - 1" + or: [ 58 "$9 asInteger + 1" <= integerValue ] ] whileTrue. + "Check the sign." - [ (index := index + 1) <= size and: [ - (integerValue := (self at: index) asInteger) <= 47 "$0 asInteger - 1" or: [ - 58 "$9 asInteger + 1" <= integerValue ] ] ] whileTrue. - index <= size ifFalse: [ ^nil ]. negative := signed and: [ 2 <= index and: [ (self at: index - 1) == $- ] ]. "Parse the number." result := integerValue - 48 "$0 asInteger". [ (index := index + 1) <= size + and: [ (integerValue := self basicAt: index) <= 57 "$9 asInteger" - and: [ (integerValue := (self at: index) asInteger) <= 57 "$9 asInteger" and: [ 48 "$0 asInteger" <= integerValue ] ] ] whileTrue: [ result := result * 10 + integerValue - 48 ]. negative ifTrue: [ ^result negated ]. ^result! Item was changed: ----- Method: SequenceableCollection>>copyReplaceFrom:to:with: (in category 'copying') ----- copyReplaceFrom: start to: stop with: replacementCollection "Answer a copy of the receiver satisfying the following conditions: If stop is less than start, then this is an insertion; stop should be exactly start-1, start = 1 means insert before the first character, start = size+1 means append after last character. Otherwise, this is a replacement; start and stop have to be within the receiver's bounds." | newSequenceableCollection newSize endReplacement | - newSize := self size - (stop - start + 1) + replacementCollection size. endReplacement := start - 1 + replacementCollection size. + newSize := self size + endReplacement - stop. newSequenceableCollection := self species new: newSize. start > 1 ifTrue:[ newSequenceableCollection replaceFrom: 1 to: start - 1 with: self startingAt: 1]. start <= endReplacement ifTrue:[ newSequenceableCollection replaceFrom: start to: endReplacement with: replacementCollection startingAt: 1]. endReplacement < newSize ifTrue:[ newSequenceableCollection replaceFrom: endReplacement + 1 to: newSize with: self startingAt: stop + 1]. ^newSequenceableCollection! Item was changed: ----- Method: String>>endsWith: (in category 'testing') ----- endsWith: sequence "Answer true if the receiver ends with the argument collection. The comparison is case-sensitive." | index sequenceSize offset | + sequence isString ifFalse: [ ^super endsWith: sequence ]. + (sequenceSize := sequence size) = 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ]. "old convention" + (offset := self size - sequenceSize) < 0 ifTrue: [ ^false ]. - sequence isString ifFalse: [ ^ super endsWith: sequence ]. - ((sequenceSize := sequence size) = 0 or: [ (offset := self size - sequenceSize) < 0 ]) ifTrue: [ ^false ]. index := 0. [ (index := index + 1) <= sequenceSize ] whileTrue: [ (sequence at: index) == (self at: index + offset) ifFalse: [ ^false ] ]. ^true! |
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