Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of CollectionsTests to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: CollectionsTests-mt.300 Author: mt Time: 25 January 2019, 9:34:57.376997 am UUID: aeb1ec6d-58a9-4d42-b82f-4ff713c9a880 Ancestors: CollectionsTests-mt.299 Adds tests for try-ignore. Cleans up message categories "tests" and "testing". =============== Diff against CollectionsTests-mt.299 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>setUp (in category 'initialize-release') ----- setUp empty := Set new. nonEmpty := OrderedCollection with: #x! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsCommaString (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsCommaString (in category 'testing') ----- testAsCommaString {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | self assert: coll asCommaString = ''. coll add: 1. self assert: coll asCommaString = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. self assert: coll asCommaString = '1, 2, 3'].! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsCommaStringAnd (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsCommaStringAnd (in category 'testing') ----- testAsCommaStringAnd {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | self assert: coll asCommaStringAnd = ''. coll add: 1. self assert: coll asCommaStringAnd = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. self assert: coll asCommaStringAnd = '1, 2 and 3'].! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsStringOnDelimiter (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsStringOnDelimiter (in category 'testing') ----- testAsStringOnDelimiter | delim | delim := ', '. {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | | oneItemStream emptyStream multiItemStream | emptyStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: emptyStream delimiter: delim. self assert: emptyStream contents = ''. coll add: 1. oneItemStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: oneItemStream delimiter: delim. self assert: oneItemStream contents = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. multiItemStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: multiItemStream delimiter: ', '. self assert: multiItemStream contents = '1, 2, 3'.]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsStringOnDelimiterLast (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testAsStringOnDelimiterLast (in category 'testing') ----- testAsStringOnDelimiterLast | delim last | delim := ', '. last := ' & '. {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | | multiItemStream emptyStream oneItemStream | emptyStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: emptyStream delimiter: delim last: last. self assert: emptyStream contents = ''. coll add: 1. oneItemStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: oneItemStream delimiter: delim last: last. self assert: oneItemStream contents = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. multiItemStream := String new writeStream. coll asStringOn: multiItemStream delimiter: ', ' last: last. self assert: multiItemStream contents = '1, 2 & 3'.]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testHistogramOf (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testHistogramOf (in category 'testing') ----- testHistogramOf " could be collect:as: Bag, but histogram is what it's used for " | baseCollection collection | baseCollection := {#x -> 2 . #y -> 3 . #y -> 4. #z -> 2 }. { Array . OrderedCollection . Set } do: [:collectionClass | collection := baseCollection as: collectionClass. self assert: collection asBag equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) description: 'For ', collectionClass, ', #asBag and identity-histograms should match'. self assert: (Bag withAll: #( x y y z)) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea key]) description: 'For ', collectionClass, ', histogramming contents should work '. self assert: (Bag withAll: #( 2 3 4 2 )) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea value]) description: 'For ', collectionClass, ', histogramming contents should work']. collection := baseCollection as: KeyedSet. self assert: collection asBag equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) description: 'For KeyedSet, #asBag and identity-histograms should match'. self assert: (Bag withAll: #( x y z)) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea key]) description: 'For KeyedSet, histogramming contents should work '. self assert: (Bag withAll: #( 2 3 2 )) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea value]) description: 'For KeyedSet, histogramming contents should work'. baseCollection := {#x -> 2 . "#y -> 3 ." #y -> 4. #z -> 2 }. "No duplicate keyes" collection := baseCollection as: Dictionary. self assert: (Bag withAll: #( 2 2 4 )) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) description: 'For Dictionary, histogramming should work on values.'. self assert: (collection values histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) description: 'For Dictionary, histogramming should be the same as histogramming the values.'. self assert: collection asBag equals: (collection histogramOf: [:ea | ea]) description: 'For Dictionary, #asBag should match histogramming.'. self assert: (Bag withAll: #(x y z)) equals: (collection keys histogramOf: [:ea |ea]) description: 'For Dictionary, histogramming keys is ok to be less convenient.'. ! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintOnDelimiter (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintOnDelimiter (in category 'testing') ----- testPrintOnDelimiter | delim | delim := ', '. {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | | emptyStream oneItemStream multiItemStream | emptyStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: emptyStream delimiter: delim. self assert: emptyStream contents = ''. coll add: 1. oneItemStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: oneItemStream delimiter: delim. self assert: oneItemStream contents = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. multiItemStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: multiItemStream delimiter: ', '. self assert: multiItemStream contents = '1'', ''2'', ''3'.]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintOnDelimiterLast (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintOnDelimiterLast (in category 'testing') ----- testPrintOnDelimiterLast | delim last | delim := ', '. last := ' & '. {OrderedCollection new. Set new.} do: [ :coll | | emptyStream oneItemStream multiItemStream | emptyStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: emptyStream delimiter: delim last: last. self assert: emptyStream contents = ''. coll add: 1. oneItemStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: oneItemStream delimiter: delim last: last. self assert: oneItemStream contents = '1'. coll add: 2; add: 3. multiItemStream := String new writeStream. coll printOn: multiItemStream delimiter: ', ' last: last. self assert: multiItemStream contents = '1'', ''2'' & ''3'.]! Item was changed: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintingArrayWithMetaclass (in category 'tests') ----- - ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testPrintingArrayWithMetaclass (in category 'testing') ----- testPrintingArrayWithMetaclass self assert: {Array class} printString = '{Array class}'! Item was added: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testTryIgnore (in category 'tests') ----- + testTryIgnore + + | someObjects sum | + someObjects := #(1 3 a b 7 c 2). + sum := 0. + + someObjects + try: [:each | sum := sum + each] + ignore: NumberParserError. + + self assert: 13 equals: sum.! Item was added: + ----- Method: CollectionTest>>testTryIgnoreIfException (in category 'tests') ----- + testTryIgnoreIfException + + | someObjects exceptions | + someObjects := #(1 3 a b 7 c 2). + exceptions := OrderedCollection new. + + someObjects + try: [:each | each + each] + ignore: Error + ifException: [:ex | exceptions add: ex]. + + self assert: 3 equals: exceptions size.! |
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